Cookie Crumble

Hey KyungSoo, You're Mine

"Kyungsoo! I'm so, so happy for the both of us!"

The two males were currently in the blonde's car, driving out of the campus and heading towards the doe-eyed male's family-owned bakery. To say they were happy was an understatement; the two were basically on cloud nine. The moment Kai had announced that Kyungsoo had earned himself a spot in the academy, Kyungsoo could feel excitement and pure joy coursing through his body. It had even led him to hugging Kai, solely because the doe-eyed male was just so thankful.

But of course Kai enjoyed the action (which had happened too quickly for his own liking), and seeing that Kyungsoo wasn't much affected by his toned arms around the said male's petite waist, Kai sensed that something was definitely amiss. 

He didn't know that Kyungsoo hadn't actually thought much into the action.

Because right after that hug, Kyungsoo had immediately rushed to Key, before hugging the male in a much more loving way. Something that made Kai frown a little because in his opinion, he was a better hugger than that blonde-headed hyung of his.

"Key hyung, if you don't have any plans for today, you should stay at the bakery. We'll celebrate with the rest, that is right after we tell them about the good news." Kyungsoo's eyes sparkled, still not believing that his dream had finally come true.

"Sure soo, I'd love to stay and celebrate."

"Then it's settled." The two males smiled at each other; the car already reaching its destination.

It was already pretty late in the afternoon, with the sun casting an orange shade across Seoul's skies. There were still a few customers going in and out of the bakery, all of them leaving with happy smiles and crimson faces. Kyungsoo knew all too well as to why that was so. 

"Those girls look like they've just seen their favourite idols." Key said with a chuckle, as he watched a girl almost trip over her own feet, giggling to herself right after (which Key raised his eyebrows at because weird). 

"I guess you could say that."

After parking the car, the two headed for the bakery, just in time to see the last customer of the day. 

"Come back again! Thank you!" Luhan's cheery voice was the first thing Kyungsoo heard, as he stepped into the bakery.

The doe-eyed male sighed in contentment, as the delightful aroma of fresh pastries and coffee greeted him. How light and peaceful the atmosphere was at the place he grew up in; it never failed to make Kyungsoo's heart flutter. The bakery held lots of memories for the young male; both good and bad ones.

The promise he had made to his grandmother years ago, Kyungsoo had never failed to remember and uphold it. The bakery was one of her most precious treasures; a place she had built from her own hard work. She was Kyungsoo's inspiration, and he wanted to make her proud.

And getting accepted into Korea's most prestigious cooking academy; it was his opportunity.

"Kyungie! You're back!" Luhan's eyes sparkled, his smile bright and filled with happiness as he engulfed the doe-eyed male into his embrace.

"Yes Luhannie, I'm back. And I've brought Key hyung—um you can let go of me now." Kyungsoo chuckled, his eyebrows raised at his best friend's overly touchy-touchy state.

"Oh come on soo! I just missed you a lot." 

Sehun's ears perked up at the sublte confession, and he couldn't help but frown. It had only been a few hours since Luhan had seen Kyungsoo for heaven's sake! Why was he acting like such a baby. Maybe you're just jealous because Luhan misses him more than he will ever miss you, a voice in his head .

He put down the plate he was wiping just moments ago, and made his way to the crowd now formed at the entrance. Baekhyun had followed after Luhan, hugging his brother like he hadn't seen him in years. Chanyeol had pushed Baekhyun aside (which the smaller frowned at), before hugging the tiny male as well.

"What's up will all the hugging?" 

Sehun didn't mean for his statement to sound so rude, but he couldn't help it. He saw the way Luhan showered Kyungsoo with so much affection, that he couldn't stop the jealousy from building up within him. 

Everyone turned to him. There was an awkward pause, before Luhan's voice broke it. 

"Sehunnie, you should hug Kyungsoo too!"

The said male slightly frowned; but seeing Luhan's smiley face was enough for him to approach Kyungsoo and give the male a quick hug. (His hugs were only meant for Luhan)

"I guess no one sees me." Key said dramatically, a little annoyed at the fact that Kyungsoo was getting all the attention.

Everyone broke out into chuckles, with different voices saying 'oh Key hyung you're such a diva', 'such a drama queen', 'okay how about a group hug then?'.

At Kyungsoo's suggestion, everyone huddled up together, a big group of males embracing one another tightly as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Everyone pulled back shortly after, after Luhan had suggested to make a little cheer of their own; since they were all getting really close to one another (including Key of course). They decided with shouting 'let's love', which had been Chanyeol's suggestion.

"So how did the audition go? Did you guys pass?" Baekhyun asked with hope and anticipation dripping from his words. 

He knew very well, that both Kyungsoo and Key were great cooks; possessing better-than-avearge cooking skills. But so were many other people. Seoul cooking academy had crazy high expectations; to say that it was easy to land a spot there was a huge understatement.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the two auditonees, with the cheery atmosphere long gone. They were dead serious, all wanting to hear good news. 

They needed to hear good news.

"In my opinion, the audition went well." Key said, his expression serious.

The others waited, still unsure of where this was going.

"But, the judging was very tough." Kyungsoo continued.

Chanyeol looked like he wanted to cry. He wanted the best for his soo, and if the male hadn't made it, Chanyeol swore he would—

"But," Key and Kyungsoo exchanged mischievous smiles, "WE MADE IT!

The two jumped in happiness, still so overjoyed about their great achievement. The others looked at them in disbelief, but it soon turned into happiness and excitement, as the four males jumped along with them.

Exchanges of congratulatory messages and 'thank yous' were thrown across the atmosphere grew more lively and bright. Kyungsoo was tightly locked in Luhan's embrace (to which Sehun frowned at yet again), Key was giggling like a teenage girl with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, while Sehun merely flashed a small smile at Kyungsoo when they had made eye contact.

Seeing that Sehun must have felt out of place with all the intimacy and closeness happening around him, Kyungsoo pulled away from Luhan; to which the chinese male frowned at but shrugged anyways, and walked towards Sehun.

"Hey Sehun." Kyungsoo plopped himself down onto a small, cozy sofa, inviting the other male to do the same.

Sehun sat down beside Kyungsoo, not seating himself too closely to the older; mainly because he felt that it was the right thing to do, since they weren't exactly at the close stage of their friendship yet. 

Kyungsoo had never actually seen Sehun before, back when he had attended ExoPlanet High. He wasn't much of a sociable person; shyness was his ultimate weakness. Kyungsoo would talk to most of his classmates, but never too in-depth to somehow lead him into a close-knitted friendship.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were his lunch-buddies; mainly because Baekhyun was his brother after all, and that Chanyeol was just so talkative that it had lead to Kyungsoo growing much, much closer to the giant.

But looking at how things had turned out; Kyungsoo was pleased with his life. He graduated with not-too-bad grades, made close bonds with some people, became a cafeteria helper at school, and most importantly earning a spot in the most prestigious cooking academies in Korea.

And casting a quick glance at the brown-haired male beside him, Kyungsoo happiness grew yet again. 

Because Sehun was proving to be the missing puzzle in Luhan's heart.

Kyungsoo had to admit; the first time he had seen Sehun, he thought that the male seemed over-confident and cocky. In shorter terms, someone that wasn't exactly boyfriend material. (Yes, Kyungsoo actually found Sehun attractive)

But hearing how Luhan had often told him about his weird encounters with Sehun, Kyungsoo had pieced everything out. It was so, so obvious; but his best friend was proving to be so dense.

"Sehun, thanks again for helping out today. I was a little hesitant to ask you at first, but when you immediately agreed, I knew that you would be of very good help."

There was more to those simple words; and Sehun would be dumb if he didn't catch the hidden meaning.

"It's no problem, really. I'd be happy to help out anytime." 

Secret smiles were exchanged between the two, as the ever-so-oblivious Luhan stared at the two in interest.

He didn't have a clue of what they were smiling about, but all he knew was that his heart was in a very, very complicated state at the moment. Luhan knew he was being selfish, and that pure feelings were at stake, but he couldn't stop himself. Not when his feelings for Kyungsoo were still evident and alive, and that Sehun was slowly, ever so slowly crawling his way into Luhan's mind, and possibly his heart as well.

Honestly, Luhan didn't even know if his best friend actually thought of him as more than a friend. From the past years of his one-sided love story, the doe-eyed male hadn't even once showed any, just any sign of attraction towards him. Luhan would tell himself over and over again, that maybe Kyungsoo's just too shy to show any possible signs, but his theory had proven to be wrong.

And Luhan knew it the minute Kai stepped his flirtatious into Kyungsoo's life.

Kyungsoo was like an open book. He wore his heart on his sleeve; he was the easiest person to read. And the fact that Luhan had known the male for practically most of his life made things much easier.

Luhan wasn't much of a love expert, but he wasn't dumb. 

He could tell when one was in love, or possibly falling in love. He had been there and done that, and what he felt for Kyungsoo was so strong and built-up that Luhan had practically memorised everything about his best friend. It sounded creepy as hell, but love makes you do crazy things. And Luhan knew all too well about that.

"Kyungsoo, your eyes are so big and pretty!"

"Your skin is so soft and smooth!"

"Wow your lips are really pink and plump!"

"You're the most handsome to me!"

Luhan wasn't the type to lie. From the years of knowing Kyungsoo, he has complimented the male so much. But the sad reality was that Kyungsoo took them as friendly compliments. He never saw the hidden meanings behind his best friend's heartfelt words.

And that never fails to break Luhan's heart.

Luhan never asks for anything in return. He doesn't believe in give-and-take, especially when it comes to the love of his life (as cheesy as that sounds). He gives so much to Kyungsoo; from showering him with love and care, to actually showering with him whenever the two had sleepovers. Luhan respected Kyungsoo too much to indulge in his hidden desires, so don't think anything happened (he believes he has the best self-control).

But honestly, he's getting tired. Not of his best friend, but of his own stupidity.

And for the first time in his life, he wants something in return.

It's my turn to be selfish.

His steps were heavy, his eyes filled with determination, as he walked towards Kyungsoo and Sehun; both oblivious to the chinese male's sly smirk. 

"Hey Sehun." 

Both males turned, making Luhan chuckle inwardly.

I wasn't talking to you, Kyungsoo hyung.

"Luhan." Sehun's eyes widened in both surprise and happiness, because Luhan had never initiated a conversation with him. It had always been him, mustering up his courage to talk to his crush; so imagine his delight when the other makes the move first.

"Luhannie, we were just—"

"Would you like to go out with me, Sehunnie?"

Luhan ignored the guilty feeling in him for cutting off Kyungsoo like that, and smiled brightly at Sehun. 

The said male's eyes were wide, and his heartbeat quickened as he let Luhan's words sink in. His long-time crush had just asked him out. That's a little hard to take in; but Sehun was quick enough to reply.

"Sure, Luhan hyung." He didn't want to look too happy, because he would be too obvious then. Stay cool and collected Sehun, don't make yourself look like a love-sick fool.

Kyungsoo watched the two males in front of him, and suddenly he didn't feel like his presence was important. Luhan didn't even spare him a glance, moreover cutting him off. Luhan had never cut him off like that, and Kyungsoo could feel a pang in his heart. He was hurt, but at the same time confused.

"So.. um congrats guys. I'll just go and talk to Baekhyun. Have fun on your date." Kyungsoo's smile was forced; both he and Luhan knew that.

Luhan's mouth opened slightly, but he stopped himself. The words that had almost slipped out of his mouth; they could everything up. 

I'm sorry, Kyungsoo hyung. But this time, I'll be selfish for once.


"Jongin-ah, could you come into my office for a while? I have some things I need to discuss with you." 

Kai looked up from his laptop screen, taking off his earphones in the process. His father had seated himself across from him, the businessman looking neat and clean as ever, with a serious expression etched onto his face.

His father rarely came home early, moreover having time to talk to his only son. This fact made Kai happy, but at the same time he couldn't help but fidget nervously in his seat. With the serious look his father had, he didn't know what to expect.

Maybe his father had finally found out about his worseing reputation in school; with his cocky attitude fianlly reaching its breaking point.

It was just a thought though. Mr Kim never really had the time to check up on Kai's life in school.

With a nod, Kai followed his father into the man's office, which was located just beside the spacious living room in their house. Mr Kim spent most of his time in his office, as if being out of the house wasn't enough. He lacked time to spend with his children; something that Kai had accepted from a very young age.

Which was why he was choosing to treasure this rare moment of talking man-to-man with his father.

They seated themselves across each other, with Mr Kim on his desk chair and Kai on the desk chair in front of the glass study table.

"Jongin, I'm leaving Korea for 2 months. El Dorado has offered a business partnership with SCA. It's good news for us, but I have to fly to China for the meantime to settle lots of things."

Kai listened attentively to his father's words, choosing to stop himself from making any comments, because from the looks of it his father wasn't done; he had much more to say, and Kai was afraid that he was going to be involved in something. And the serious atmosphere wasn't making things easier for him.

"Because I'll be gone for 2 months, I can't handle the academy. I've thought of passing my work to Mr Choi in the meantime, but though he's my best employee, I don't trust him enough."

Kai chuckled, more to himself because his father was still the same. He didn't trust anyone but his very own family, which sounded very heartfelt actually.

"So I've decided to pass my work to you, Jongin-ah."

The younger boy looked up in surprise, his eyes wide and filled with shock. He hadn't seen that coming.

"B-but, I have school and—"

"I've already settled everything Jongin. You'll stop attending school for the meantime, but you can still attend Taemin's dance classes," to which Kai sighed in relief, "and you'll only have to do minor work, while Mr Choi will handle most of it. Your job is to supervise the new batch of students. The first thing you have to do, is to get all their personal details and get all the paperwork done."

All the hesitancy was gone the minute his father had mentioned the new batch of students. Kai didn't really bother about all of them. He was only looking forward to one, and only one person. 

So he took a notebook, jotted down all the work he had to do; his lips curved up into a smirk the entire time.

"After that, you'll have to supervise their classes, and don't be afraid to give them tips along the way. You haven't forgotten what I've thought you, right?"

"Of course not, appa."

He had been thought about the mechanics of cooking when he was younger, and though he didn't really make use of it before, Kai was hesistant to do so now. He wanted to show off a good image to the new students, especially Kyungsoo.

"That's about it actually. You'll do that every weekday, and the weekend is yours to do whatever you like. Just don't do anything to make me disappointed in you."

Kai nodded at his father's words, taking them to heart.

"I trust you a lot, son. So make me proud, and do your best." Mr Kim stood up to give his son an friendly handshake, as a sign of their agreement, and Kai's commitment.

"I won't disappoint you, appa."

Author's Note:

It isn't the weekend yet but I was dying to update so here you go! 

I apologize again to those few of you who saw this update before it was even finished, because stupid and dumb me forgot to check the 'hide chapter' box (I was drunk or something idk).

This chapter's a little over 3000 words, so I hope it's long enough(?) i will stab you if you say it's too short

Thank you again for all your support, because as of now this fanfic has reached 250 subscribers and over 10 000 views like wow I don't deserve this *cries*

I love everyone of my readers so much, and if I could give all of you guys a hug I would okei.

Comment, subscribe, and upvoting would make me happy!















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lovefanfics1609 #1
Chapter 18: This fic is so well-written..I absolutely love it. I hope that you haven't dropped this fic yet bcs it's really good and I'm looking forward to update..I hope it's not too late
Chapter 18: I've read this story over twenty times and still love it. Will you update?
I hope so. Have a nice day!
K0r3aL0va #3
Chapter 18: Yes! I can feel some Kaisoo coming~~ hahaha
I can't wait to see how Kai is going to seduce our innocent baby niahahaha
A lovesick Kai would be so cute~ I want to see him fall deeply and completely in love with Kyungsoo! (If he hasn't already :p)
I pity Sehun though, I hope Lulu will be serious about him! ><
Good job dongsaengie~ I'm glad you updated! Fighting for the next chappie, I'm looking forward to it! :DD love you~ <3
Chapter 18: OMG
uhm im already imagening ...kaisoo...chocolate..chantilly...OMG
(sorry im half normal, half delusional) ^_-





Chapter 18: hmmmm and now I'm being selfish here~
I feel like I won't Luhan like sehun.. I want luhan keep liking kyungsoo haha
and jongin will get kyungsoo
OMG I'm such a bad person /awkward laugh/
yehet! i found this. the story seems like fun and cute. omg. will read all chapters in a day!^^
Chapter 18: ah~ too short /hides/ ekekekekke
hahahaha jealous jongin~
fighting for the next chapter :D
Chapter 18: I knew he would do it

so cute jongin jealous..

even thought it was short loved it

hope you update more soon and longer