Baking 101

Hey KyungSoo, You're Mine

Kyungsoo checked his attire once again, making sure that he looked presentable. It was the day of the enrollment, and the doe-eyed male was very nervous — which explained his dilemma the previous night of what clothes to wear. Just thinking about the day ahead made him really excited, but at the same time he was afraid. Kyungsoo didnt' know what exactly he was worried about, but somehow he felt as if something was bound to go wrong.

"You'll be fine hyung. Your baking skills are already restaurant material in my eyes, so you'll do great!" Baekhyun told him the previous night. The said male had been up all night with Kyungsoo, helping him with his 'clothing dilemma'. Baekhyun had a great sense of fashion, and he picked out white skinnies and a simple black button-up for Kyungsoo. 

Luhan had sent him many encouraging texts as well, saying that he could bake bread and it would taste like heaven, which Kyungsoo chuckled at, actually feeling less nervous at the thought. 

The supporting messages from his friends was all Kyungsoo needed to finally calm himself down, stepping out of his room to go to the living room, where he would wait for Key to pick him up. Key had called him the previous night, telling him some last-minute tips for the enrollment day, since the judging criteria this year had gradually became tougher, with many skilled-aspiring-cooks all having the same goal: to earn a place in the prestigious cooking academy.

"Kyungsoo hyung, I'm heading to the bakery now. Good luck!" Baekhyun said as he hugged the doe-eyed male, who said yet another 'thank you', and also flashing a thankful and appreciative smile at his brother — not only because of his encouragement, but also because the said male had agreed to help out in the bakery more, also dragging Chanyeol along, who was more than delighted to help out.

It meant more time with Baekhyun, so the tall male gladly accepted the offer.

Luhan had also agreed to help out, but the thought of being stuck with two males who always made him feel like a third-wheel whenever he was with them, made the Chinese male think twice. And the only person he could think of bringing along; other than Kyungsoo, was surprisingly Sehun.

The night at Key's party had definitely changed Luhan's view of the younger male, who proved to be very sweet yet charismatic; when Sehun had gotten a drink for him and also when he had danced so expertly in front of the older at the dance floor, where the two males had an intense and hot aura surrounding them the whole time.

Kyungsoo didn't have to think twice about Luhan's suggestion of bring in Sehun along, since the doe-eyed male felt that there wasn't anything wrong about it — not because of his own kind nature, but because Kyungsoo found the two cute together, and that they seemed to have clicked at the party.

"Soo, I think your friend's here." His mum said; cutting him of his wandering thoughts. She walked towards her son, fixing his little bow tie that Baekhyun had added to his outfit in the last minute, before smiling at him. "Show them what you've got Kyungsoo-ah. Your grandparents would be very proud of you, and I am too." Planting a kiss onto his cheek, his mum walked him to the door, before waving goodbye.

Kyungsoo waved back with a small smile, before hopping into Key's car; which was unsurprisingly coated hot pink, before they made their way to the cooking academy, where surprises and uncertainty awaited their expectant souls.


Kai sighed. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, with the bluebirds outside his window chirping a harmonious tune, and the sun shining brightly onto his family's mansion. The Kims were a very rich a successful family; with his mum being a highly-respected lawyer and his dad, owning —

What was it again? Kai thought sleepily; staying up till the clock struck midnight really didn't help his mind process things any better. He was never interested in what his parents did actually, since they never actually sat down to eat dinner with their only son; Kai had two older sisters, and just talk to him; ask him about his day, or even bother to ask him about his dancing.

Kai loved his parents with all his heart; he was a well-mannered child after all (besides his flirtatious attitude at school), but they never found time for him, ever since their careers had skyrocketed to where they were now, high-positioned jobs that required lots of time away from home.

And because of this, Kai always felt lonely.

Sure there was Sehun and Taemin, but he usually just saw them at school; since Taemin was a very busy dance-instructor, and though Sehun seemed like the type to have nothing to do on the weekends — the said male actually had just recently landed a working spot in Buffalo Bakery, where Luhan had surprisingly asked him to help out.

Kai thought of helping out as well; since it meant more time to see Kyungsoo, but the dancer figured that being there with 3 guys who looked like they could kill him, wasn't the best idea. Plus, he was already assigned with something else to do that day; something that he wasn't really looking forward to.

So the tanned male got up from his queen-sized bed, not bothering to fix it; since he was a badass teen after all, and made his way into the shower, hoping to get his mind cleared of something, actually someone, that has been invading his mind and quite possibly his heart as well, for the past few days.

Ever since the incident at Key's party, Kyungsoo had started to occupy more of his thoughts; simply because he was the most intriguing person Kai had ever come across. The doe-eyed male looked so innocent and sweet, but during tough times his other side came out; a side more brave and bold. And that combitnation just drove Kai nuts, making him really nervous.

He was never the type to take love seriously; but after meeting Kyungsoo, something had started to change within Kai.

His perception of love.


"Welcome everyone, to Seoul Cooking Academy!"

Loud cheers from the crowd of hopeful cooks erupted, all eager for the upcoming events. Key and Kyungsoo had seated themselves pretty near the stage that had been set-up, both males looking around the place, awed by the fancy interior. 

Kyungsoo' eyes were bigger than they usually were; his excitement getting the best of him. How great would it be to learn the arts of cooking here? He thought to himself dreamily, already picturing himself wearing the beautiful uniform of the academy; which was on display on the stage at the moment.

It was very different from the usual all-white uniform; and instead it consisted of a light-gold button-up coat, with matching pants and a toque with the initials 'SCA' embedded at the bottom. It was definitely a uniform of high-class, and though it made Kyungsoo really excited, he was also fearing the amount of money he had to pay for the uniform alone.

It looked really expensive, plus if he did make it into the academy, he had to worry about the fees as well. Becoming a chef was his dream, but if there were things out of his reach, Kyungsoo knew that he had to just fulfill his dream by running the bakery, and working at the cafeteria.

"Hey Kyungie, are you okay?" Key asked with concern, noticing the doe-eyed male's sudden change of mood. The representative from the academy had already stopped talking, and everyone else was busy talking among themselves.

Kyungsoo slightly jerked his head, meeting Key's worried eyes and nodding his head. "I'm fine hyung, just a little nervous."

"Don't be. We'll go through all the tests together, and we'll get our spots in this academy. Just believe in yourself soo, I know you'll make it." Key said as he wrapped his arm around the younger, rubbing his shoulder with comfort.

Kyungsoo smiled, slightly feeling better, but his worries still lingering in the back of his mind.


"Sehun, two red-velvet cupcakes!"

"I got it hyung!"

The bakery was currently packed, having customers coming in non-stop, probably due to the fact that four very handsome teens were handling the shop. When only Kyungsoo and Baekhyun handled the bakery, a fair amount of customers came and went; but as a very tall and charming Chanyeol, a baby-faced and sweet-hearted Luhan, and a handsome and chic Sehun started to help out, they attracted more customers; girls specifically.

"Two red-velvet cupcakes for this pretty girl." Luhan said as he smiled at the customer sweetly, while receiving the pay from the blushing girl. Luhan's sweet and charming personality definitely helped in the sales of the pastries, since his kind demeanour had always made the girls come running back to buy more.

"Thank you and come again!" Chanyeol said, his deep voice further making the girl's knees go weak. The tall male smirked as he watched the girl almost trip on her own feet, satisfied with himself. He loved seeing the effects he had on other people, especially when he made their hearts beat fast. It might make him sound like a douche, playing with people's hearts; but that wasn't the case. At all.

Chanyeol had been trying to make Baekhyun get affected by his 'charm', but it was proving to be the hardest thing in the world at the moment. He had known Baekhyun ever since they were in middle school, where the two instantly clicked after meeting eyes for just a few seconds.

It might sound weird, but Chanyeol just felt that Baekhyun was the friend he had been looking for, and so their friendship started with just a simple 'hey, wanna eat lunch together?'. It was a bold move from such a young boy (Chanyeol was only 12), but it did gain him a new friend, who turned out to become his best friend.

And even his first love.

Chanyeol didn't know how his feelings for his best friend had even started. Maybe it was Baekhyun's quirky and bold personality. Maybe it was the way he smiled so brightly, till his eyes turned into crescents. Or maybe it was just simply because Baekhyun was the first person to ever accept Chanyeol for who he was.

But as Chanyeol grew up, he realized something. If you love someone, you don't need to have a reason as to why you do. So Chanyeol accepted the fact that his feelings had grown for Baekhyun, but being in a one-sided love for 4 years (he had realized his feelings for Baekhyun when he was 15), bothered him. Alot.

And the fact that Baekhyun was so dense wasn't helping as well; since the said male only thought of Chanyeol's actions and words as 'friendly', whenever the tall male was actually trying to make a move on his best friend.

Baek, when are you gonna realize that I like you? Chanyeol thought dejectedly, as he stared at his best friend, who was busy decorating the shop with Christmas decorations. Christmas was just around the corner, and Baekhyun's family absolutely loved the occassion; so every year they always made the effort to make the bakery into a Christmas wonderland.

"Yeol, can you help me with this? It's too high for me to reach." Baekhyun said with a chuckle; which immediately snapped Chanyeol out of his thoughts.

He chuckled as well, before taking the decoration — which turned out to be a mistletoe, and hanging it at the top of the front door, where a beautifully-made wreath was also hung. Chanyeol smiled, realizing that it was the one he had bought with Baekhyun the year before, when the two had decided to go 'Christmas shopping'.

"Baek, isn't this —

A pair of lips cut Chanyeol off; with Baekhyun tip-toeing, and planting a quick yet sweet kiss onto the taller's cheek. It made Chanyeol's heart beat fast, and his mind going crazy at the still lingering feeling of Baekhyun's lips on his cheek.

"There was a mistletoe yeol." Was Baekhyun's reason for simply planting that kiss, but there was only one thing on Chanyeol's mind.

It was the first time Baekhyun had kissed him.


"That was great everyone, give yourselves a big round of applause!"

Everyone was tired ater cooking non-stop for an hour, but still clapped and cheered enthusiastically; all happy and proud of their food. The first round was a mystery box challenge, where everyone had to make something out the single ingredient which was under the box.

It was a container of strawberries.

Kyungsoo immediately knew what to make using the red fruit, since he had been exposed to the fruit ever since he was young, and he had used it before in one of his own-created desserts; which was a bestseller in the bakery.

And so Kyungsoo took the ingredients he needed from the pantry, and got to work. He used his time wisely, measured the ingredients carefully, and eventually finished his dessert, garnishing it with chocolate-dipped strawberries at the top.

His final product turned out perfect; which was a delicious strawberry brownie split.

It consisted of layers of brownie cake, self-made vanilla cream and freshly-sliced strawberries coated with self-made strawberry sauce, and garnished with chocolate-dipped strawberries with swirls of white chocolate.

It was a beautifully-done creation, and Kyungsoo was very proud and contented with his effort. He looked over to Key, who had made a delicious-looking classic strawberry cheesecake, and Kyungsoo smiled at him, giving him thumbs-up. The other male smiled, and flipped his non-existent long hair proudly, making both males laugh.

"And now, please welcome the judges that will be tasting your dishes."

Everyone looked in front expectantly, all nervous yet anticipating the appearance of the judges of the high-class academy. The doors opened; the sound of firm footsteps sounding throughout the room.

Kyungsoo's eyes scanned the first judge to enter; a man who looked like he was in his late-twenties, wearing a formal suit, and his eyes determined. The second judge was a lady in her late-thirties, wearing a beautiful black dress till her knees, her face covered in a light-shade of makeup.

And lastly the last judge. Everyone, including Kyungsoo was expecting the founder of the academy, Mr Kim to show up; since it was the first enrollment in the year. They waited, but no one showed up. Kyungsoo was very confused, and was about to turn to Key when the sound of footsteps sounded yet again, and Kyungsoo looked to the front.

I guess he likes to come in 'fashionably late'?  Kyungsoo thought as he looked; where a very young man showed up, wearing an expensive-looking suit and looking very smart and handsome.

Everyone's eyes were glued to the young man, all awed by his charismatic aura. His eyes were sharp, observing everyone in the room like a hawk. Kyungsoo was also at awe, looking at the said male's outift before scanning his face.

And that's when it hit him.

The last judge, was none other than Kim Jongin.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry again for the long wait but I hope this slightly long chapter makes up for it?

Somewhat a cliffhanger at the end, and I was dying to finally reveal who the founder's son was haha.

I wrote more about chanbaek's relationship, and in the next chapter I'll probably focus more on hunhan's

blossoming relationship (as friends) as well.

So this sudden revealation will cause more things to happen, and they're very exciting I tell you.

more kaisoo like duh.

Also, I've started this short-chaptered christmas fic based on kaisoo as well, which you can check out here:

I'll be very thankful if you guys would read it, and maybe comment as well?

Thanks for reading again, and do comment, subscribe if you're new and you like my story, and upvoting would be

gladly appreciated as well :)



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lovefanfics1609 #1
Chapter 18: This fic is so well-written..I absolutely love it. I hope that you haven't dropped this fic yet bcs it's really good and I'm looking forward to update..I hope it's not too late
Chapter 18: I've read this story over twenty times and still love it. Will you update?
I hope so. Have a nice day!
K0r3aL0va #3
Chapter 18: Yes! I can feel some Kaisoo coming~~ hahaha
I can't wait to see how Kai is going to seduce our innocent baby niahahaha
A lovesick Kai would be so cute~ I want to see him fall deeply and completely in love with Kyungsoo! (If he hasn't already :p)
I pity Sehun though, I hope Lulu will be serious about him! ><
Good job dongsaengie~ I'm glad you updated! Fighting for the next chappie, I'm looking forward to it! :DD love you~ <3
Chapter 18: OMG
uhm im already imagening ...kaisoo...chocolate..chantilly...OMG
(sorry im half normal, half delusional) ^_-





Chapter 18: hmmmm and now I'm being selfish here~
I feel like I won't Luhan like sehun.. I want luhan keep liking kyungsoo haha
and jongin will get kyungsoo
OMG I'm such a bad person /awkward laugh/
yehet! i found this. the story seems like fun and cute. omg. will read all chapters in a day!^^
Chapter 18: ah~ too short /hides/ ekekekekke
hahahaha jealous jongin~
fighting for the next chapter :D
Chapter 18: I knew he would do it

so cute jongin jealous..

even thought it was short loved it

hope you update more soon and longer