Zelo's training

Secret Love

Daehyun's POV

'I wonder how Hyo Jin's doing...' I thought as I sipped my coffee in my practice room, waiting for the others to arrive. If they did something silly to her....

Hyo Jin's POV

I uncomfortably shifted and fidgeted in Zelo's arms. There were people staring at Zelo, no doubt, and I didn't like the glares I got from the BABYs. Zelo was just grinning happily, enjoying the freedom he got after 4 comebacks. He happily dragged me to the scariest ride. I gasped and looked up. As if on queue the roller-coaster turned 360 degrees right in front my eyes, with people screaming on top of their lungs. I gulped. I was usually good with rides, but at that height...

"Come on noona! Let's line up!" He looked so excited like a kid who got a fairy floss for free. He's just too cute, I thought, but the question is: can I survive that ride? I just let myself be dragged by Zelo. He got in the middle cart and I sighed in relief. I would have no chance of coming out of this ride alive if I was at the front. Zelo, just plainly excited, quickly did his seatbelt and did mine as I struggled to put them on and calm myself down at the same time. My hands were shaking and Zelo took one of them in my hand.

"Now, noona you have to act as girly as possible throughout the ride. If not, then you are going on this again." He grinned evilly. I looked at my hands twined together with his big, warm hands. I took a deep breath and smiled at Zelo.  "I'll do my best!" The ride started and I squeezed my eyes shut.


"What is it noona?"

"Is it ok if... If I scream?" Zelo laughed.

"Of course! Noona you don't have to be so worried!" 

"Well, the thing is I am actua-AAAAH!" The roller-coaster sped down the tracks. "AHHHH! Zelo-ah! Help! Umma yah!!" Although it was hard to tell from my screaming and the whooshing of the wind, I could swear I heard Zelo laughing.

After the ride, I was stunned: like a zombie. Zelo just talked on and on a about how cool it was and I just half listened in a shock state. "Noona? Are you alright?" Zelo took a sneaky peek at my face. His face was close to mine for a second and I could clearly see his worry on his face. I smiled weakly and said "I'm fine Zelo. Sorry, I was blank for a moment there. What were you talking about?"  "Oh, um, I was saying that we should now get on with your training." He smiled brightly and continued. "I want you to do everything you can to make me buy you a fairy floss over there." He pointed to the shop that was colourfully decorated with pink and blue.

I hesitated. "Um... How?" Zelo raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "I don't know. I like girls who doesn't whine, but cute at the same time. I'm not a girl so I don't know how they do it but... Noona, you're a girl so I figured you knew..." I clapped my forehead and groaned. "But that's the problem,Zelo. I have no idea what to do!" Zelo looked real serious for a moment and he started doing his aegyo. "Noona~" He was clinging on to me and did his best puppy eyes. I was half shocked and half embarrassed. Zelo was just too cute, but he had the tendency to surprise people every now and then.  He stopped immediately and said, "Noona. Do exactly what I did to me."  "Do I have to?" I whined. Zelo glared. "What did I say about whiny girls?" I gulped. Ok, I can do this, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and imagined Zelo was my dad and I am a little 5 year old. "Ap-I mean, Oppa~ Hyo Jinnie wants a fairy floss~~" I smiled as wide as possible, looking excited. Zelo's eyes also widened and he blushed a little.

"Noona, you're pretty good but your voice wasn't very satisfying." He glanced at me to see if I was angry. I wasn't because I knew I had to work a bit more on my voice. "What do I do Zelo?" Zelo was thoughtful for a while and just walked slowly. "Well, since you weren't up to my standard, you don't get a fairy floss." He said with a sneaky smile. I punched him lightly on the shoulder while he laughed. "I think we should go back. Hyungs will be waiting and our time is up." He showed me his expensive and sparkling watch which was pointing to 11:00am, exactly 30 minutes after we got separated.

"Cheer up noona! We still have another person who is very good at aegyo. I think you know who I'm talking about..." He looked at me slyly as we approached the other sunbaes.  "Yah, Choi JunHong! You are so dead when we get back. We are going to tell Daehyun all about it!" Youngjae shouted. Youngguk just boxed him on the ears and Zelo whined like a little child. I laughed to myself. Zelo doesn't like girls whining but it's ok for him?

Himchan and Youngjae were at my side by the time Youngguk and Jongup took Zelo away. "Sweetie, let's go! I'm itching to go on a date with such a pretty little girl." It was Himchan, being flirty as usual. Youngjae just glared at him briefly and said, "I'm tagging along as well. No way I'm going to let Himchan-hyung go alone with you. You don't know what will happen with this guy." I smiled. "I don't mind. Let's get this training started!" I really hope this works because I really don't want to be humiliated especially in front of my teacher, Daehyun-sunbae.

Sorry for the real late update TT.TT It took me a while to write it all and to edit later on the laptop... My phone just -.-;; anyways thank for reading, comment and subscribe :D I will update sooner next time!

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Hm... it's so interesting! I hope this story will be popular! >w<
jongty #3
Chapter 12: Oh..new dance choreographer....fun.. very fun indeed
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next update..
Chapter 10: I love it! but please update faster if you can. I can't wait :x
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: <333 wahh love it~~
Daehyun_Kelly #7
Chapter 7: i think I didn't update chapter 7... did anyone read it? please tell me so I can apologise... sorry I think I forgot to not hide the chapter... TT.TT
Chapter 5: I love your story!Update soon~
Daehyun_Kelly #9
I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long TT.TT I had my yearlies for maths and science :p I'll update the next chapter by this week :) thanks for reading and subscribe :D
Jinyounglovers #10
Chapter 1: hello:). nice story:). i'll wait for u to online & update the story:D. It's a great start. Keep writing & hwaiting:).