
Secret Love
Daehyun's POV A knock on the door made us all jump. Everything went quiet while Hyo Jin nervously inched towards the door. She was scared. I also stood up to stand behind her as she opened the door. I quickly pulled up my mask, realising that I forgot to put them on after Hyo Jin's test. There was something about her that makes me want to take my mask off... Hyo Jin's sharp intake of breath brought me back to reality. There she was, standing there all smug for a second with all her other members behind her, then all of that washed off and was replaced by horror when she saw me. I gave her a cold stare. What the hell is she doing here, barging into Hyo Jin's house like this? Hyo Jin's POV I opened the door and saw So Rin's standing there, all smug, with my other members. But only for a second. In horror I realised I left my mask on the other table when I sang in front of Daehyun-sunbae. I quickly put on my poker face that usually ticks them off. Not this time. The expression she gave me was a complete surprise. She looked scared, almost frightened in surprise. "Daehyun-oppa... What-what are you doing here in this bit-her house?" she pointed at me. I spun around to notice Daehyun-sunbae with his mask back on and giving a cold stare to someone. I turned, with my heart beating frantically in terror. It was as if someone put a bucket of cold water on me. His empty, dark eyes stared back at me in my brain. I shivered and looked at So Rin instead. Her face was pale. I felt a tiny glimpse of thrill of seeing her like a cornered dog made me feel tingly. "Hyo-Hyo Jin-ah, we have to g-go and g-get ourselves organised f-for the r-recording." So Rin said in a shaky voice. I almost felt pity for her, but swallowed it up when I nodded with my emotionless face still on. The rest of the B.A.P members followed quietly as if the atmosphere around us were dangerous to even make a tiniest squeak. It was awkward but that all ended when we reached the recording room. We were greeted by Secret, who were taking a break from their own recording. The composer of the song was there as well as the editor. "Anneong? (안녕?) You guys are the new girl group right? Looking forward to working with you!" Said Jieun unnie (지은언니). We muttered a greeting and introduced ourselves. The mood shifted and we were soon chatting away. The editor of the song called us in and asked which one of us want to go first. So Rin volunteered and it was over as soon as it began since she only had like 3 lines. The rest of my members, Sae Eun, Yae Eun, Ha Nul, Soo Hyun and Da Hae, went one after the other, getting feedbacks from the composer and editor. When it was my turn, I took longer than usual because I was so nervous. Usually I can be calm my nerves easily, but my shaky voice didn't help. Daehyun watched everyone and I was no exception. I knew he's expectation was high. The thought made me even more nervous and they finally called in a break. I sighed, frantically wishing that I had my mask with me. I stated at the floor, cursing myself with every swear words I could think of. I didn't notice someone was hovering in front of me before he tapped me on the shoulder. Me eyes were locked on his for a second. I went back to staring at the floor before he could notice the despair in my eyes. Daehyun-sunbae sat down quietly next to me. I could feel everyone's eyes on both of us and I sneaked a peak through my hair to see if they were mad. Everyone, except my group's members, looked understanding. "Hyo Jin-ah... It's ok to be nervous you know." Daehyun started, in his gentle voice. "We l struggled too. You'll get over it eventually. But the time is short today. Is there anything we can do to help you?" I thought for a moment and shook my head. If Daehyun and others could do it then so can I. I just need to be confident.
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Hm... it's so interesting! I hope this story will be popular! >w<
jongty #3
Chapter 12: dance very fun indeed
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next update..
Chapter 10: I love it! but please update faster if you can. I can't wait :x
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: <333 wahh love it~~
Daehyun_Kelly #7
Chapter 7: i think I didn't update chapter 7... did anyone read it? please tell me so I can apologise... sorry I think I forgot to not hide the chapter... TT.TT
Chapter 5: I love your story!Update soon~
Daehyun_Kelly #9
I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long TT.TT I had my yearlies for maths and science :p I'll update the next chapter by this week :) thanks for reading and subscribe :D
Jinyounglovers #10
Chapter 1: hello:). nice story:). i'll wait for u to online & update the story:D. It's a great start. Keep writing & hwaiting:).