
Secret Love

Daehyun's POV

The girl who spilled my coffee was now staring at me from the back of the classroom. She wore a mask like me and her eyes were wide with shock. Back at the hallway, I wasn't able to see her clearly so I looked closely at her. Her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen and I nearly fell for her at first sight. Although her face was covered with a mask, I could see she was pretty. I had no idea why she wore a mask to hide her pretty face, but it wasn't my business so I stopped staring. She must have noticed because she caught my stare and looked away, embarrassed. 

I looked at my other members to start speaking. As usual, Young Guk started talking roughly; "So you people are the newbies huh? Well, I suppose I should introduce ourselves. We are-" he's sentence was interrupted by the annoying snob. "B.A.P!!" So Rin shouted. At the corner of my eyes, I saw the girl in the mask rolling her eyes and looking bored. Young Guk nearly lost his temper but took a deep breath and said "Yes, we are B.A.P and due to your teacher's-" So Rin cut in again. "Youngguk-sunbae can I call you oppa? Please?" Youngguk glared at So Rin and ignored her. " As I was saying, your teacher is on holiday so we are going to teach you for the next few weeks. Sounds fun, right?" Youngguk sounded so awkward that we all groaned softly, but the girls obviously thought it was cute because they started cheering and screaming like crazy. The guys looked disappointed. They probably wanted Secret to be their teacher, but they are busy doing their own things.

I glanced towards the mask girl again and saw her frozen on the spot, with her eyes like a deer's, twinkling with excitement. She wasn't cheering like the other girls, but I knew she was ecstatic. I got a feeling that she wasn't happy because we were celebrities or idols but like she wanted to really learn from us. She looked so eager that I had a flashback from my past. I was also very eager to learn and sing.  While these things were playing in my head, Him Chan said, "Ok, we have to test you first so our very first lesson will be: testing!" Him Chan said it with so much aegyo that the whole atmosphere changed cheesy. Young Jae came to the rescue. "So first off we will..." He explained everything perfectly that we could finally see the class motivated. I sighed in relief and was itching to sing as always. "So who would like to sing first?" I nearly said I would but So Rin's hand shot up. "Me! Please sunbae-nim!" B.A.P looked at each other and stared at me as if I had to make the choice. I nodded because I didn't really mind getting So Rin to go first. I nodded at her as well and she started singing. I didn't know how she got into this but I thought her singing was horrible. She must have gotten in because of her father. I gave her a stare and she must have thought I was looking at her in amazement because she started blushing. I looked at my members and mentally told them '0 out of 10' Even they must have known she had no talent. We just mumbled a praise saying how brave she was to go first and stuff. We moved on to the rest of the class and most of them couldn't sing. Even Him Chan and Jong Up could have sung better.

When it was the masked girl's turn, she hesitated for a minute before pulling her mask down. The guys were staring and the girls were glaring. I was staring too, at the goddess before my eyes. I could feel the eyes of B.A.P on her as well and when I finally looked away from her, B.A.P's jaws were hitting the floor. She looked awkward and embarrassed. She closed her eyes and breathed in. She started to sing and my breath was taken away. She had the most amazing voice and I had the urge to sing with her. I sang softly, so others won't hear me and when she finished B.A.P started clapping and cheering. I clapped too and smile in her direction. She looked happy with herself and sat down with the mask on again. The guys were awestruck and the girls- well they were green with jealousy. The thing that worried me the most was the look So Rin gave to her. I think now I know the reason why she wears a mask...

Hyo Jin's POV

(sorry I suddenly changed it to 2nd person... Its easier for me to write like this so I'm sorry if this sudden change is weird...)

As soon as I finished singing, B.A.P started clapping and cheering. I was happy that I was acknowledged by them. Daehyun smiled his beautiful eye-smile behind his mask and I quickly put my mask on before I started to blush. I dared a glance towards So Rin's direction and got a death glare from her as always. I looked down and waited for B.A.P to speak. When they did they gave me a shock of my life. "Ok, we think we know who can do what. I'll take the role and give you your groups. Each group will have two of us. Young Guk hyung and Zelo will be teaching the rapping group, Him Chan hyung and Jong Up will be teaching the average singing group and Daehyun and I will be in charge of the good singers. Young Guk hyung, can you do the role?" Young Guk called out the role with his deep voice.

When it was my turn, I silently put my hand up to say I was here, but Young Guk didn't look up. "Hyo Jin? Is Hyo Jin here?" I was going to slip my mask down for a second to say here, but Daehyun came to my rescue. He said to Young Guk, "She's here." Young Guk finally saw me still with my hand up and nodded.  "Ok then class. I will give you your groups...." I silently listened for my name when "Hyo Jin was it? You're with us. And... What was your name again? Tae Ho?" Tae Ho was the best singer from the guys. His friends whistled and cheered. No one cheered for me. Instead, I got some looks from the girls. Most likely have a crush on Tae Ho. He was good looking, I must admit but I didn't have any feelings for him. He was always a shy one. Young Jae oppa finished talking. So Rin didn't look so pleased when she was placed in the average. "But Daehyun oppa, I was good wasn't I?" Daehyun gave her a look that said 'are you for real?' So Rin glared at me again when she said "How can Hyo Jin be in the top when I'm better than her?" At that, all of B.A.P flared and just walked away to find their groups. Luckily, Jong Up sunbae had a lot of patience so he should be able to take care of her. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Tae Ho standing next to me. "So I guess we are in the same group huh?" I decided to give him a small smile because he was one of the nice guys who didn't try to ask me out every time I talk. He also grinned and sat down next to me. Young Jae and Daehyun came over and looked at each other and at us. Young Jae said cautiously, "Um... So... Who wants to be with me today?" Tae Ho and I looked at each other in silence. Tae Ho said, "Young Jae hyung, I'll be with you." I felt my face go hot. Does that mean Daehyun will be personally teaching me? Just the two of us? Young Jae shrugged and whispered something to Daehyun and dragged Tae Ho into a sound proof room. Daehyun and I stood awkwardly, waiting for each other to speak. I took a deep breath and asked, "So, um, what are we doing today?" Daehyun looked kind of startled at my voice. He soon regained his composure and motioned me to follow him. In puzzlement I followed, feeling butterflies fluttering in my stomach. My heart beat faster as I walked close behind him. What is this feeling? Why am I acting like this?


Thank you for reading ^.^ I'll try and update as much as possible :) I hope you like the story <3

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Hm... it's so interesting! I hope this story will be popular! >w<
jongty #3
Chapter 12: dance very fun indeed
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next update..
Chapter 10: I love it! but please update faster if you can. I can't wait :x
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: <333 wahh love it~~
Daehyun_Kelly #7
Chapter 7: i think I didn't update chapter 7... did anyone read it? please tell me so I can apologise... sorry I think I forgot to not hide the chapter... TT.TT
Chapter 5: I love your story!Update soon~
Daehyun_Kelly #9
I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long TT.TT I had my yearlies for maths and science :p I'll update the next chapter by this week :) thanks for reading and subscribe :D
Jinyounglovers #10
Chapter 1: hello:). nice story:). i'll wait for u to online & update the story:D. It's a great start. Keep writing & hwaiting:).