
Secret Love

Hyo Jin's POV

"Miss Lee, do you not know the consequences of using your phone in your dorm? I thought I made it pretty clear when I said phones are forbidden." The director sounded annoyed. So Rin... So you actually told your dad huh? So much for the warning. I kept quiet with my head down. "Look at me when I'm speaking, Lee Hyo Jin!" I flinched and slowly lifted my head. The director gave me a 30 minute lecture and sent me back to my dorm. I sighed and took a long last look before I went back. He confiscate my phone. Great. Now how am I going to be contact with Eun Ji? I opened my maths book and tried to study, but fell asleep on the desk.

The next morning, I groomed myself for school and did my last revision before grabbing a toast from the cafeteria. I ran while chewing the toast. I just made it and sat at the corner with my mask back up. I dozed off on the bus. So much for revision. Oh well it's probably gonna be easy anyway... When I reached school, Eun Ji was waiting for me at the gate. She wore her skirt short and her blouse was perfectly ironed. I looked at myself and mentally noted that I needed to iron my clothes some time. "Hyo Jin ah!" Eun Ji linked her arms with mine and giggled happily. "I can't believe I have an idol as my friend! I must be the luckiest person in the world!" she whispered. Majority of the students at my school thinks I'm a weirdo, because I always wearing a mask and never speak a word. Eun Ji was a happy bubbly girl, a complete opposite of me. She kept talking and gradually learned my body language and more about me. She became my one and only beat friend in the world.

"Hyo Jin ah~" Eun Ji whined. "Can I please look at your book? I need to copy the homework. Pretty pleas with cherry on top?" I smiled and shook my head. "I didn't do it either so you'll just have to do it yourself." She groaned and kept chatting about commerce. She loves maths and financial stuff. I sometimes don't get her even though she's my best friend. We reached our maths classroom and got ready for our test. I was weary because I dint study, but it was only algebra, the topic I was good at. Eun Ji shot me a glance and mouthed good luck. I put my thumbs up in return. The teacher clapped and told us to start. I focused on the paper and started my test. 

"Man, that was easy!" Eun Ji cried out when the bell rang. I rolled my eyes and dragged my boastful friend out of the classroom. We asked each other questions about the test during our next class and finally, when we were alone at recess, we talked about my debut. I told her everything I knew so far; the date of the teaser release, the date of our music video release and the concept. I wanted to go for a hip-hop but the company decided we will be much better off with cute. "I don't know how to be cute though..." "Hyo Jin ah, you just have to smile. Kimchi~" I laughed at her joke and playfully pinched her cheek. "Aigo, you should be in my group you giyum dungi!" The recess went by in a blur. I had to go back to the dorm because there wasn't any more tests I had to do. I might as well go back to my dorm and practice singing my debut song. 

Daehyun's POV

I haven't seen her since the morning. She rushed out of the cafeteria before I could run to her. I guess she had to do something quick. I waited for her inside the classroom, but she didn't come when the lesson started. I was confused at first, but one of the girls told me she is probably at school. She is a very studious student apparently. So for the whole lesson, I worked with Tae Ho. It wasn't very interesting. Or it might have been because I didn't like him much. I guess it's because he's Hyo Jin's boyfriend. Wait, what?! Why would I not like him just because he's her boyfriend? What the hell are you thinking Daehyun?

After the lesson was over, I headed back to my dorm when I heard a voice. It was a girl, singing by herself. I moved towards the room and took a peek inside and my heart started beating faster. Hyo Jin? What are you doing here?

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Hm... it's so interesting! I hope this story will be popular! >w<
jongty #3
Chapter 12: dance very fun indeed
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next update..
Chapter 10: I love it! but please update faster if you can. I can't wait :x
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: <333 wahh love it~~
Daehyun_Kelly #7
Chapter 7: i think I didn't update chapter 7... did anyone read it? please tell me so I can apologise... sorry I think I forgot to not hide the chapter... TT.TT
Chapter 5: I love your story!Update soon~
Daehyun_Kelly #9
I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long TT.TT I had my yearlies for maths and science :p I'll update the next chapter by this week :) thanks for reading and subscribe :D
Jinyounglovers #10
Chapter 1: hello:). nice story:). i'll wait for u to online & update the story:D. It's a great start. Keep writing & hwaiting:).