Himchan and Youngjae

Secret Love

Aish, these two sunbaes are so immature. They disagree with everything and start an argument over a tiny little thing. I was more uncomfortable than angry since they completely forgot that I was even there right beside them. "Hyung! Can't you see that Hyo Jin's getting uncomfortable? Stop arguing with me and listen for once in your life!" Youngjae finally showed his dark side. His cute little face became distorted, like a storm. I was surprised that his face could become so threatening so fast. Himchan pouted. I guess he does know that he was too close to me all this time. He didn't really touch me inappropriately but he did try to pinch my cheeks, poke my sides and even hug me from behind. I didn't really mind since I knew sunbae was just fooling around to make me feel comfortable around him. Apart from the fact that he did to too much, he certainly made me feel normal around him; Youngjae oppa didn't know that though. Himchan sunbae even told me I could call him Himchan oppa instead of sunbae. 

Youngjae was a complete opposite of Himchan. He kept his hyung in check and tried to talk to me nicely and warmly. If Himchan was a player, then Youngjae was a gentleman. I was touched my his concern and his protection from Himchan oppa, so I treated him back as nicely as I could. From time to time, they would blush slightly. I would try my aegyo I learnt from Zelo and would either get myself a hot chocolate from Himchan or a pinch on my cheek (again!) or a blush and an awkward silence. Youngjae had a temper but it was one of those tempers that died down as soon as they had flared up. 

It was easy to keep them apart by me distracting them all the time. It was hard but the hardest part came when we had to go on the merry-go-around. Most of the seats were two seaters or single and they snapped. Not aware of the eyes from the queue, they shouted to the top of their lungs. I seriously didn't know what to do. 

"Um... Oppa dul... We don't have to go on this..." I started, wearily. They both talked at the same time. "No! We are definitely positively going on this ride!" I sighed and just crossed my arms until my temper couldn't take it anymore. I knew it was wrong but my anger clouded my judgment. I walked away, shoving other people in the queue, receiving nasty comments. People these days have no sense of what is going around them. 

"So you are going to defy your hyung? Really? And here I thought I... Wait, where's Hyo Jin?" I could still hear Himchan talking to Youngjae. They were that loud and I ducked my head from the attention I got from the people at the queue. "If you guys here ain't gonna go on the ride then go away and argue somewhere else. Looks like one of your girlfriend ran away from embarrassment." I heard one of the staff telling them off. I finally came back to reality when I heard that. I sagged. I lost my temper to the extent where I didn't think of how my action could have affected the oppas. Hot tears ran down my face as I wiped them off quickly. Running footsteps and apologies being mumbled. It must be Himchan oppa and Youngjae oppa. Out of instinct I ran as fast as I could and found a dark alley where no one were nearby. I squeezed into the little corner out of sight and cried until what it seemed like forever. 

I felt a touch on my shoulder and looked up to see Youngjae crouched next to me with a apologetic and sad expression. Himchan was also close. "Hyo Jin-ah..." All those tears I thought I was finished with flowed again as I was huge tightly by both of them. "I'm sorry oppa. I lost my temper and I ruined your image and..." 

"Shhh... It's alright Hyo Jin-ah. It's not your fault. It was al our fault in the first place... We should have looked after you. We are so sorry." Youngjae said as he gently disengaged himself from the hug. Himchan, always cheesy as ever, hugged me tighter. "Don't cry, Hyo Jin-ah! If you don't I'll start crying and we'll both have to hear Youngjae singing to us." He winked at the blushing oppa who took the hint. Youngjae, checking that no one was here, started singing softly since I was still sobbing. I still knew I made a mistake, but against my will, I began to feel so warm and fuzzy from Youngjae's gentle voice. His voice is amazing at calming someone down. 

After I had recovered, we decided it was time to go back. On the way back, Himchan tried to teach a lot of his aegyos which grossed Youngjae out. But apparently, when I tried it, it was pretty cute and it offended Himchan quite a lot. He pouted and was silent during the whole time Youngjae was giving some feedbacks with my cute voice. It was getting better thanks to these two sunbaes. I gave them both a quick hug before it was time for me to go with Jongup and Youngguk. They both smiled back in return and Zelo was curious to hear what happened. "Himchan hyung never smiles like that when a pretty girl hugs him... Wait, hyung, you didn't do anything to her right?" His eyes narrowed. All three of us looked away, embarrassed. "W-well, um, see you later Hyo Jin." They glanced at Zelo who still looked suspicious. Jongup and Youngguk cautiously came up to me. "So... You ready for another round?" Youngguk asked me with that deep voice of his. "Yep. Um, but I want to go somewhere else this time... Is that ok?" Both of them looked at each other and shrugged. "It's fine with us. We were getting bored of going on rides anyway." Youngguk smiled his gummy smile and Jongup just shyly grinned. "Ok then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" 

Thanks for reading :D im so sorry if this chapter is too weird or something... i had to update fast for my subscribers :D oooh and if anyone wants a christmas and new year special then please comment ^.^ i shall try and update more often now that its holidays :) subscribe and comment please ;)

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Hm... it's so interesting! I hope this story will be popular! >w<
jongty #3
Chapter 12: Oh..new dance choreographer....fun.. very fun indeed
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next update..
Chapter 10: I love it! but please update faster if you can. I can't wait :x
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: <333 wahh love it~~
Daehyun_Kelly #7
Chapter 7: i think I didn't update chapter 7... did anyone read it? please tell me so I can apologise... sorry I think I forgot to not hide the chapter... TT.TT
Chapter 5: I love your story!Update soon~
Daehyun_Kelly #9
I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long TT.TT I had my yearlies for maths and science :p I'll update the next chapter by this week :) thanks for reading and subscribe :D
Jinyounglovers #10
Chapter 1: hello:). nice story:). i'll wait for u to online & update the story:D. It's a great start. Keep writing & hwaiting:).