Exploring Part 3

A Very Fluffy Tale In A Fluffy Dimension

Onew and Minho's POV


"I'm still not forgiving you for the chicken incident." Onew said.


"Oh come on, that was like weeks ago." Minho said.


"But I never forget any of the chicken incidents." said Onew crossing his arms.


Then dog fell again now landing on Onew's head.


"Damn it! It took me hours to do my hair this morning."


"Nobody cares! It's not like there are any girls to hit on."


"You have a point."


Then Katdaug20387 and Snowy1364 popped out of nowhere AGAIN.


"Oppa! I wanna hug you." said Snowy1364.


"What the ?! Where did did you guys come from?"said Onew


"From the computer." we said.


Then Siwon popped out of nowhere and said, "You now have over 9,000 sins. You must repent immediately."


"Siwon hyung, when did you get here?"asked Onew.


"Cause you just said . Oh sausage balls, now I have to repent too."


Then Siwon teleported back.


Snowy1364 continued to hug Onew.


Katdaug20387 rolled her eyes.


(Hehe Onew's my least favorite member in Shinee. No offense to MVPs but thats just me.)


"Oppa! I love you so much." said Snowy.


"Kay now you hugged him. Now lets go back to writing the story. And by the way, heres a map that shows you where to find food." Katdaug tossed the map to Minho.


"And Minho?" Katdaug asked. "Why are you so quiet?"


"Cause you made me like this! I barely get any fanfiction time."


"What do you mean? You get a lot of fanfiction time in my fanfic." explained Katdaug.


"Oh yeah, then what is it called?"


"It's called You and Him." (Cross-promo! :D Everybody check it out!)


"Oh okay."


"Kay, we gotta go! Cardiac attack! Shupow!"


And Onew got a heart attck.


"Thats what you get for the chicken incident. Oh don't worry, It'll just last an hour." said Minho.


"Fine! I'm sorry!" yelled Onew.


They opened the map and looked at it.




"Uh hyung? Let's just get steak." Minho said.


"Fine." Onew muttered still wanting juicey chicken sausage balls.....


"Okay, well the steaks are in EXO-K's house," Minho said, pointing at the location on the map.


"Ok then. Let's go!"


They walked for about 54 miles until they reached the house.


They rang the doorbell.


A guy with fox ears and tail opened the door. "Hi!"


Onew and Minho immediately recognized who that was.


"Kai?! What are you doing here?"


"Umm well, some hag by the name of Jessica transported us here," Kai explained.


"Thats happened to us too! Except we got here with the Suju sunbaes," Onew said.


"Really?! When you see them again tell them I said hi. Anyway hyungs you want steak right? Be right back!" Kai said and closed the door.


He came back later again with 13 steaks.


"Here you go!" Kai said, shoving it in Minho's arms.


"That be $99.99 dollars."


Onew gave him money.


"See you later hyungs!" And Kai closed the door again.


"Ugh! They're so heavy!" Onew exclaimed, trying to carry all of them.


"Hyung, you're so weak," Minho said carrying all the pieces of meat.


"Shut up Keroro."


Minho then proceeded to try to hit his hyung with all the steaks, to which he suceeded.


"Ow! That hurt!"


"Well now we don't have to tenderize them. Your head was enough."






Sorry we haven;'t updated in a while. We've been busy lately so here's the reward to those who have been patiently waiting for an update. This is all for now1 See you later!

-Katdaug20387 and Snowy1364

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susumiya08 #2
Chapter 16: LOL story out of nowhere hahahahaha wanted more jongkey!!!
Chapter 16: me = ROFLing on the floor while my mom is statring at me like I'm insane