Break the Silence

Story Factory [Oneshot Requests] - Temporarily closed

VVIP - Seungri ♪

"A week from today, the famous group Big Bang will be visiting out school," our homeroom teacher said. "Specifically, they will be participating in this class."

Right there, my heart stopped. Big Bang? No one really knew, but I love listening to Big Bang.


I`ve been counting the days. It`s been exactly a week. Big Bang`s coming today!

I sat down on my chair while reading a book, like I normally do. But don`t get me wrong, I`m extremely excited. It`s just that I tend to be calm and quiet all the time. I`m one of those shy types.

"Yunhe yah~" I heard someone call my name from behind. I turned back to see who it was. It was Minhee, the girl who`s friends with everybody.

"Annyeong, Minhee yah!" I closed my book and cheerfully greeted back.

Minhee`s mouth suddenly formed an "o" shape. "You seem unusually energetic today," she commented. 

I immediately covered my face with my hands. I really just am not like this normally. 

"Let me guess," she said. "You like Big Bang too, huh?"

I shyly nodded as I slowly took off my hands from my face.

Minhee smiled at me. "Well it`s good seeing you being expressive for once."

I felt slightly embarrassed. I scratched my head. "I guess Big Bang`s just one of my weak spots."


They were gorgeous.

TOP. G-Dragon. Daesung. Taeyang. Seungri. They all came inside our classroom in uniform. This is probably the simplest I`ve seen them, but heck, I liked them this way.

Beforehand, the teachers and staff explained to us what exactly they were going to do in the school. They were in an experimental variety show. In this case, the five of them had to live a day as high school students. All we had to do was, well, act normal. But of course, that`s always the hardest part at times like these. I mean seriously. First, there were cameras around. Second, there were y idols with us. Tsk.

As they walked in, everyone tried their best to stay in their normal positions. Our teacher instructed every single one of them to sit in a certain spot.

"Jiyong-ssi," she said. "Sit there at the back corner." She pointed at the last chair of the right-most column.

"Youbae-ssi, next to Yunmi."

"Daesung-ssi, here in front."

"TOP-Seunghyun-ssi, right there in the middle." Everyone laughed a bit at how our teacher called him. We couldn`t blame her though. There`s two Seunghyuns.

"Lastly, Seungri-Seunghyun-ssi, next to Yunhe." My eyes suddenly widened. Until now, I never really realized that the seat next to me was vacant. 

Seungri walked up to his designated seat while smirking at everyone in the class. Man, that guy really is full of himself. Once he sat down, he looked at me and reached out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Yunhe-ssi."

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you," I said awkwardly.


Forty minutes have passed in class, and they let us take our lunch break first. Unexpectedly, they also told the Big Bang members to mingle with us. At that time though, cameras were completely off, so that was a huge relief for all of us.

I`ve just transferred to this school through a scholarship. Even with that short amount of time, I was able to adjust pretty fast. My classmates were extremely welcoming. Although I`m in good terms with all my classmates, I tend to spend time by myself during breaks. I don`t really know why, but I sort of just prefer that.

I took one of my books and sat down on one of the deserted tables in the cafeteria. Almost everyone was by the table where Big Bang was sitting down. As much as I love Big Bang, I wouldn`t go through a mob of fans just to get extremely close to them. I respect their privacy.

I opened my pudding cup and set it on the table. After I took my first bite, I opened my book and started reading.

She looked at his eyes as he held her in his arms. It seemed like nothing else mattered. He loved her more than his life. He would risk anything just for her.

I was halfway through my current page, when a voice suddenly disrupted my thoughts. "Annyeong," said the familiar voice.

I gently set the book down on the table. "Annyeong," I greeted back. "S-S-Seungri-ssi?" I had to blink twice, just to see if I was seeing things correctly. The famous Lee Seunghyun of Big Bang just sat in front me without being instructed.

"Aigo," he said cutely. "We`re classmates aren`t we? Don`t act like I`m a superstar."

I chuckled a bit. "But.. you sort of are," I answered as I took my pudding cup again.

Seungri laughed to himself. "I sort of am, aren`t I?" he said arrogantly.

I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Yunhe-yah," he said. "Do you want to be my best friend?"

Again, my eyes widened at his unusual proposal. "Uhm.. why..?" I asked. "Not that it`s a bad thing, of course." I waved my hands repeatedly.

"Every student needs a best friend in class," he explained. "So..?"

I took my book again and slowly looked for my page. "Ok," I answered.


It`s been four weeks since Big Bang started to shoot in our school. They didn`t go everyday. They only visited three times a week, but hey, that`s quite a lot of time if you think about it.

Me and Seungri? He actually kept to his word. He was mostly the one who acted a best friend towards me. And it wasn`t fake, I tell you. Even when the camera`s off, he acts genuinely the same. 

To be honest, I`m gonna miss him. Not because he`s an idol who sits next to me, but because he really was a true friend to me. I have no idea why he actually pursued being close to me, but hey, he achieved his goal.

Big Bang`s last episode was set for the end of this week. That means, after this week, we`re back to.. normal.

"Yunheeee-yaaahhh~" Seungri sang my name as he sat to the seat next to me.

"Seungri-oppaaa~" I sang back. Out of everyone in the whole school, he really was the only person I was truly comfortable with. It`s sad enough that he technically isn`t a student there.

He looked around to, what I assume, see if the cameras were rolling. They weren`t. "We have three more days," he said. "You wanna hang out on Thursday?"

"You guys don`t shoot here on Thurs-"

"Exactly," he said, immediately interrupting my sentence. "I have whole day off on Thursday, so I might as well spend it with you."

I sat there stiff after hearing what he just said. "U-u-uhmm.." I stuttered. "I`d be happy to."

Seungri grinned, making me grin too.


The day came, and I really was not sure what to expect. We agreed to meet at the nearby cafe after I got out of school.

Once I entered, someone walked up to me, handing me a cup of hot chocolate. "Here," he said. "It`s pretty cold."

"Komawo, Seungri oppa," I said as I took the cup.

"Now, shall we?" He flung his right arm over my shoulders and started walking out the cafe, taking me with him. I blushed as I felt him close to me.


Time passed by as we went around the city, looking for things to do. Let`s just say, he had no plan for that day. We ended up spending more time arguing about where to go and what to do.


It was 6:30PM and Seungri decided that we take sticker pictures together. We went in the mall and found a booth for it.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded. Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me closer to him. I looked at him in shock.

"You want your face in the picture right?" He chuckled with our faces just an inch apart.

3.. 2.. 1.. FLASH!


"Come in, I`ll show you around." Seungri took my hand and dragged me in the YG building.

"Wow," I said. The lobby itself was already so fresh and sophisticated looking. But we didn`t stay there for long. Seungri took me to a place that was labeled 'Staff Only.' We came upon a hallway. I read the signs on the doors.





I guess this is where all the magic happens, I thought.

Seungri stopped near the end of the hallway and stood in front of one of the rooms.

"Dance Studio," I read the label. Right then, I felt a smile form on my face. Other than my mom, no one really knew my love for dance. I have never taken any lessons. I just practiced on my own, so I really am no good.

He opened the door and entered the room, with me following behind him. He switched the lights on and walked to the back corner where a CD player was. "I thought I`d show you some moves."

I smiled and nodded at him. He pushed the play button and out came music. It was just a beat and melody. No words or lyrics.

Seungri walked to the middle of the floor and started freestyling to the song. His moves were smooth. The way he moved was just.. ugh. I`ve seem him dance on TV a million times before, but seeing him up close was different. There was a connection, especially with just the two of us in the room.

He suddenly stopped and turned his eyes towards me. "Dance with me?"

I shook my head, but it was too late. He took my hand yet again and pulled me to the middle.

"Just follow me, ok?" he said.

He slowly did some moves, but they just didn`t feel natural for me. Before I knew it, my body took over. I started dancing on my own.

Seungri looked at me with a surprised look, but he didn`t stop. He turned to face me and continued dancing. The music and our movements took hold of the moment. We danced together, in unity.

After for what seemed to be an eternity, the music ended. The two of us stood in front of each other, looking at each others` eyes. We breathed loudly, trying to get some oxygen back into our systems.

All of a sudden, we heard someone clap from the doorway. There was a middle aged man there. He seemed to be an employee there.

"Lee-ssi," Seungri recognized him and bowed. I just followed, although I had no idea who it was

"Who`s your friend over there?" Lee-ssi asked.

"This is Kim Yunhe," Seungri introduced me.

"Annyeong haseyo," I greeted, followed with another bow.

"Yunhe-ssi," Lee-ssi said. "You dance pretty good."

I felt my cheeks burn. No one has ever complimented my dancing before. "Kamsahamnida."

"Our company would very much be interested in you." He gave me a welcoming smile.

I smiled back, thinking of all the possibilities.

Me and Seungri? That wasn`t the last week we saw each other.


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE VEEEEEERRRYYYYY LATE UPDATE. For a whole month, I was busy working on my JYP/SM audition. I really didn`t have time to write. OTL Well now that`s done, I`m back. :DD Also, I`m on summer break, so yeah. :3

Like I said, I haven`t written anything in so long, so I got pretty rusty. I don`t think I did this story much justice. :| I hope you still like it though. >< You can imagine whatever happened in the little date. XD

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mangasanji12 #1
Chapter 1: umm... could you do a joomi? MBLAQ?
<3 thanks <3
Oh gosh. I applied for a oneshot then realised you are on hiatus. Sorry about that. You can do it when you're free again (: Thanks.
belladory #3
Kyah! THANK YOU! Saya and Kazu :3 It was so cute!
It's not a problem, we understand you :)
B1andB2 #5
<br />
Nice I loved how it started and ended with cotton candy. I'm looking foward to reading the next oneshot.(I'm Jpop biased xD)
It was a bit sad, but I enjoyed reading it.
Oh, and also sorry for such a late comment. TT__TT<br />
My computer's been broken so I've been without Internet for a week or so.
Lol, okay. Paparazzi would have probably resulted in a pretty creepy one shot, agreed. XD<br />
But this song is good too, even better actually. >D /biased<br />
The way you write is awesome and it, along with the plot and the feel of the one shot go greatly along with the song itself. <br />
<br />
I can't exactly remember what it was that I requested for but I remember it being somewhat different even though most of it were included. I'm not usually a big fan of sad one shots, even thoughs the ones I write are always sad, even if it has a happy ending. It just makes my mood go down, you know. But yet, I still enjoyed reading this, and I'm not just saying this because it was my request. :D<br />
<br />
So yeah. Thank you. :D <3