Chapter 2 - College

This Is War

Min Hyuk’s POV:

Yong Hwa hyung ordered burgers and pizzas for dinner. We usually take turns to do chores around the dorm, and it was my turn to cook and that’s DEFINITELY a problem. The thing is, I can’t cook. Forget that, I DON’T cook. I tried once and everybody who tasted it got a horrible case of stomachache. And don’t you even try to ask me what I cooked cause it’ll definitely turn your stomach around. So every time it’s my turn to cook, Yong Hwa and Jong Hyun hyung always know to order food or eat outside. Anyways, we were in the living room chatting about our first upcoming major album when…


“Ding dong” “Food’s here!!!” I jumped out of my seat leaving the others who were still chatting away. I rushed to the door and saw the delivery boy. “Pizza delivery!” “oh, Kamsahamnida.” I paid the boy and closed the door as quickly as I can. I’m starving! Before I could get back to my seat, I took a piece of pizza and gobbled it down. I sat down and took another piece.


“We’re going to college tomorrow.” Yong Hwa hyung said.

Did I just hear college? I choked. “Mwoh??!!! Thollege?!!”


A chunk of food came flying out of my mouth. Guess where it landed? INSIDE Jong Hyun hyung’s mouth. I tried my best not to laugh. That was too damn funny! He coughed and choked for awhile, so I slapped him hard on the back. This time the little thing flew onto Jung Shin’s cheek. “Yuck!” he screamed in disgust whilst flicking the thing off of his face.


“ *cough *cough Yah Kang Min Hyuk! How many times do I have to tell you to finish your food before you say anything!! *cough *cough” I bowed down, feeling guilty. “Arassoyo hyung..” “ooh, and one more thing, if you don’t like the food, just say it. Don’t come around and spit it out on someone else’s face” I took a cushion and threw it at Jung Shin.

 “Shut it, Maknae!”  with lightning fast reflexes, he dodged my shot and stuck out his tongue. I ignored him and turned to Yong Hwa hyung.


“What were you saying hyung? We’re going to college? But why?!!”

“Our manager said we should learn more about music before we could kick it off for the Japan tour.”

“We’re CNBLUE!! We don’t need to learn anything!!”

“Actually, I’d like to know how it feels like to be in a REAL college with REAL and ordinary peeps.”

Jung Shin and I looked at each other. We are TOTALLY against each other but there’s this one thing that we both agreed on, we HATE studying.


“But hyung,”


 “What if we-“

“Not gonna happen”

“Well can we-“

 “No, no AND no!”


Jung shin and I looked at each other again, turned to Yong Hwa hyung and yelled “You guys know we HATE studyinggg!!!” Jong Hyun hyung and Yong Hwa hung smirked.

“That’s why..” Jong Hyun hyung pointed to Jung Shin, then me, “We’re gonna make the both of you like it.”

What?!! That’s the last thing that I want to happen. I was about to open my mouth to protest but Yong Hwa hyung beat me to it. “We’ll start first thing tomorrow. And no buts, no what-ifs. Arachi??”

“Hyung!!!!!” Jung Shin and I shrieked in unison.

“Especially you, Min Hyuk” he winked.

“But-“ Yong Hwa hyung and Jung Shin hyung shook their head, told us to finish our food and sleep early.

“Besides its just for 3 months.”

I hope this goes well. And they better have lots of delicious food over there.

Yong Hwa’s POV:

I can hear the sound of rain, dripping above me. Drip. Drip. I opened my eyes slowly.


I stood up in bed, stretching my arms. Whoa, I’m still tired. We planned on sleeping early last night but we got too preoccupied in band practice until we didn’t realize that it was getting late. We were used to not having a curfew all this years, so yeah. I took a glance at my clock on my bedside table. 9 am.


9AM??!!! What the hell! Sh!t. We need to get to the college by half past nine. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Why did they not wake me up? I rushed out of my room only to find out that my dongsaengs were still snoring in bed. Figures! I went to wake Jong Hyun.


“Yah! Wake up dummy! We’re gonna be late!”

“For what?!”

“Helloo.. college?”


That did the job. He finally stood up. Walked to his dresser, took his so-called perfume and sprayed it all over him. He took out his favorite jumper. I was flabbergasted. I looked at him. “You’re not gonna take a shower?” I was somehow disgusted. Jong Hyun just shrugged and rolled his eyes. He went to wake Min Hyuk while I went to Jung Shin’s room. I shook his body with all my might but all he did was groan. God! In the end, Min Hyuk, Jong Hyun and I had to PRACTICALLY drag him out of bed. We even had to carry him to the car! Well, not really.

We finally arrived at the college about an hour later. We were all taking the same courses in the same classes. I heard the professor say something about harmony as we went close. I took a peek inside the classroom. And the professor saw me. She SAW ME. I tried to hide, but this girl walked by and blew my cover.

“Aren’t you Jung Yong Hwa from CNBLUE??? OH. MY. GOD. I’m a big fan of yours, can I-”

I put my forefinger up to my lips, indicating her to shut up. So much for my plan to hide and sneak in.

“Aaahh… Yong Hwa-ssi… You’re ‘EARLY’. Come in, come in and introduce yourselves.”

I hesitated for a moment. And then we went in, one by one. We stood in front of the classroom, bowed down and introduced ourselves.

“Annyonhaseyo. CNBLUE imnida”

“Hi! I’m Jung Yong Hwa.”

“Lee Jung Shin Imnida.”

“I’m Lee Jong Hyun”

“Kang Min Hyuk Imnida”

Everybody squealed and awed at every single thing that we said.

“Its our first day here, so.. please give us your guidance.” I said.

The four of us bowed.“Kamsahamnida…”

Every single person in the class was totally AMAZED by us. They looked like they couldn’t believe what they’re seeing. Their eyes looked like they were about to come out of the sockets any second. I swear that I even saw one of the girls pinch herself. We took our seat at the back of the class, with all eyes still on us. And the class started….


I never thought class would be such. a. BORE. Honestly, I dislike studying too. I had to say I like studying in front of my dongsaengs cause I have to set an example for them. Well, I’m their hyung, right? I can’t go around saying I hate studying. I hate to admit it but I care about them too much to do that. This was my WORST decision. EVER. I could’ve disagreed with our manager but noooo… I agreed to it, thinking that it would be a great experience for us.


 I wasn’t really paying attention in class. I was looking outside, daydreaming when I was suppose to listen to the prof. And then… this cute and gorgeous girl walked by. I was mesmerized by her beauty. It was love at first sight. Wow, she’s SOOOO beautiful. I can feel myself floating as I look at her, talking to her friends.


A/N: Imagine seeing her outside of the window of your classroom, walking by. c:

“Hyung, let’s go.”

“Huh?” I looked up and saw Jung Shin standing in front of me, ready to go out. “Where to?”

He glared at me. I was sure his mind was saying, “Are you kidding me?”

“To get some food, of course. Hyung, look” he showed me his watch. Half past twelve. “Its lunch time, let’s go,”

I took a look around the room. No one else was here except us. I looked out again, expecting to see the girl but she was nowhere to be found. Where did she go? I stretched my neck to get a better view. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

 Oh yeah, Jung Shin. I TOTALLY forgot about him.

“Hyung, what are you looking for? Is there something interesting happening outside?”

“Neh? Aniya.. It’s nothing. Let’s go.” I stood up and pulled him away. I put my arm on his shoulder as we both walked out. Who is that girl? I gotta find out who she is. And preferably, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!

Double update!!!

The girls will start appearing in the next chapter,

Oh, and the fangirl isn’t just somebody,

She’ll be appearing again.. but not on the next chapter. :)

Stay tuned!! :D



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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D