Chapter 12 - Last Attempt

This Is War


Jung Shin casually walked into his room leaving Juniel at the door. She sighed.


“YOU?!!!!” Juniel looked up to find Yong Hwa staring at her. She scratched her head and laughed nervously. “Haha, uh, hy, oppa.” Before Yong Hwa was able to say anything else, Min Hyuk’s head popped out behind him. “Oooohh, company.” He pushed Yong Hwa out of his way and stood in front of Juniel. Min Hyuk held out his hand.


“Hello, I’m”

“I know who you are, Min Hyuk Oppa.” Juniel giggled.


Jong Hyun came out of the kitchen after hearing an unfamiliar voice.


“Who’s at the door?” Juniel peeked inside.

“Annyeong!  Jong Hyun Oppa.” She smiled and waved at Jong Hyun. Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk exchanged glances, obviously impressed that this unknown girl seems to acknowledge them very well. (A/N : It’s not such a surprise really. Anyone would know these boys right? ;P)


“Wow, since you already know who we are, a little introduction wouldn’t hurt.”

“I’d love too, but-” She turned her gaze towards Jung Shin’s shopping bags which were making her having a really hard time.


“Uh, oh. Come in then. And put your uh, stuffs over there.”

Min Hyuk who was standing at the door all this time, moved away to make room for Juniel to come in. Juniel was very happy indeed. (Well, who wouldn’t? XD) *I, AM IN CNBLUE’S DORM! KYYAAAAAA!!!!* She was freaking out inside but she tried her best not to let it show. Oh no, she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of her idols. No can do. She placed Jung Shin’s bags on the table where Min Hyuk pointed at earlier. She slumped on a couch.

“Oh no, Oppa. These are not mine.”

“Whose are they then?”

“Jung Shin Oppa. I’m just helping him carry all of these cause he said his hand hurts because of a lot of guitar practicing.”

The three boys looked at each other and the back at Juniel. They suddenly burst out, laughing really hard. Juniel blinked at them. She was very confused. *Uh, did I miss something funny?* She didn’t know why they were laughing but she joined in anyway. Yong Hwa, Min Hyuk and Jong Hyun stopped for awhile when she did that. And then they started laughing again. This time, even harder. That made Juniel even more puzzled. After a few moments that seemed like hours to Juniel, they finally settled down. Juniel looked at Yong Hwa earnestly, waiting for an explanation.

“Alright, firstly, why did you agreed to be his slave willingly on the first place?”


“Yeah. He made you do a lot of things today right?” Juniel nodded.

“There you have it. You just became his slave today.” Juniel kept silent and thought for awhile.

“Eh. I don’t mind that.” She finally said and smiled. The three boys laughed at Juniel’s innocent answer.

“HAHAHAHAHA, two, why did you believe what he said?” Jong Hyun asked.

Juniel shrugged. “Geunyang. I just trust him.” once again, the boys laughed at her answer.

“Okay, okay. Hahahaha and lastly, for your information, young lady, that guy never really touches his guitar unless necessary. Cause he’s quite good. He never actually practices on his own. With us, yes, but not on his own. We practice once in awhile but it’s definitely not enough to make his hands hurt like that.” Min Hyuk couldn’t control it anymore. He laughed right after he said that. He laughed as hard as he could. Jong Hyun and Yong Hwa joined in right away. Juniel laughed awkwardly. Min Hyuk walked towards her and pinched her cheeks.

“You’re so cute. Haha. What’s your name? You didn’t get the chance to introduce yourself, did you?”

Juniel blushed at the sudden skin ship. Even though she has a huge crush on Jung Shin, she also love the rest of CNBLUE. Something small like this will definitely make her turn red.

“I-I’m Choi Jun Hee, call me Juniel.” She looked up at Yong Hwa.

“Yong Hwa Oppa already knows me.” Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk looked at Yong Hwa.

“Hyung, why didn’t you say so? You should’ve introduce her when she came.”

*Aish, this annoying girl. I knew I’m gonna meet her again.*

“Uh, why should I?”

“Cause you know her!” Min Hyuk and Jong Hyun said in unison.

“uh, no. I don’t.” Juniel was yet again, confused. She was about to ay something but decided not to when she saw how late it was. She stood up. “I better go.” “Good. Now go, go.” Yong Hwa said, delighted that she was going to leave.

“Hyung! That’s not nice!” Jong Hyun said. He turned to Juniel.

“Why don’t you stay for dinner? I think I cooked more than enough food for all five of us.”

*Dinner?? With Oppas?? KYAAAAA!!!!* Just when she was about to answer him, Jung Shin came out of his room, drying his hair with a towel.

“What are you three laughing so loud about?? I-”

He didn’t finish his sentence when he saw Juniel. He was irritated.

“Why are YOU still here??”

“Yah maknae. Be nice to our guest.” Min Hyuk said. He turned his gaze to Juniel.

“So, Junie, I can call you Junie right?”

Juniel nodded enthusiastically. Min Hyuk smiled.

“What do you say??” Jung Shin looked at them, shocked.

“Wait, what’s going on?”

Yong Hwa let out a deep sigh. “They’re inviting Juniel over for dinner.”

*She can’t stay. I don’t like her.* Jung Shin thought.

“No, I can’t. I-“ before she could say anything further, her stomach grumbled.

*Aishh… Why are you doing this now???*

Min Hyuk smiled. “You’re hungry, right?”

“No.” Her stomach growled again. Jong Hyun chuckled.

“Seems like your stomach is thinking otherwise. Well, have you eaten yet?”

She opened to say something but Jung Shin pulled her back.

“You DID eat today.”

“Uh, no?”

“Well you did.”

“When, Oppa?? All I remembered was YOU eating.” Jung Shin glared at her.

“You ate that strand of noodle. Now, go.”

Juniel looked at him. ‘You’re kidding me right?’ was written all over her face.

“That doesn’t count.”

“Yes, it does. Just go. Go!”

Jung Shin tried to push her but she wouldn’t budge.

“Um, excuse me. But what exactly are you two doing over there??” Jong Hyun asked.

“Neh hyung? Ah, we were just leaving.” He tried pushing again but she still wasn’t moving.

“Isn’t that right, Juniel??” He said with gritted teeth.

Juniel smiled when Jung Shin finally said her name right. She moved away and when she did that, Jung Shin almost fell face first because he was still pushing her. Juniel bowed.

“Thank you for the offer Oppa. I appreciate it but I have to go. I’m r-”

Jung Shin took her hand and pulled her out. Jong Hyun, Yong Hwa and Min Hyuk stood at the door, tilting their heads while watching the two go downstairs. “Thank you Oppaaa~” Juniel’s scream slowly fade.

“What’s with them?” Min Hyuk asked.

Jong Hyun and Yong Hwa shook their heads.




When they arrived at the building’s entrance, Jung Shin finally let her hand go. “Ow.” She said, holding her wrist.

“Alright go, Junkie.” Juniel frowned when Jung Shin started calling her junk again.

“Aren’t you going to take me home?”


Juniel’s mouth gaped open.

“How am I going to go home? My house is nowhere near here.”

“Not my problem.”

“OPPA! You brought me here. So YOU should take me home.”

“Yeah? What if I don’t want to?”

“Figure out a way for me to get home.”

“Uh, go take a bus.”

“Alright, walk me there.”


“Or else…”

“Or  else what?”

“I’m going to go back and eat dinner with oppas.”

“Go ahead then, I don’t care.”

“And I’ll come to you every day. I’m going to annoy the hell out of you!!”

This one, Jung Shin just doesn’t want it to happen. He just couldn’t stand the girl.

“Alright. I’ll do it. Just stop bothering me.”

*Yes!!!* A big smile formed on Juniel’s lips.

“Kaja, oppa!!” She said. Jung shin heaved a deep and long sigh.


Juniel’s POV :


We’re walking together. The cool night breeze blowing. Just like in the movies!!! This is so romantic!!! Today is the greatest day of my life. Besides getting to spend time with Jung Shin oppa, I also get to meet the other members!! Woo hoo!! And they know my name. YEEESSSSS!!!!!


Author’s POV :


But it wasn’t over.


They were nearing the bus stop when Jung Shin saw a signboard which shows a schedule of the buses that are going to arrive for the day. There was a notice saying that today, they will be less bus rides. They didn’t tell why though. Jung shin scanned through the board and saw that the last bus for today will arrive at 7. Juniel was too busy talking. She didn’t saw the board and didn’t realize Jung Shin was reading it. Jung Shin glanced at his watch. 6.50 PM. *I just need to stall for 10 minutes* he smiled evilly. *MY LAST PRANK OF THE DAY. Kkkkkkkk.* He ran to Juniel.

“Hey Junkie. Let’s take pictures.”

Juniel was obviously happy. They both took out their phones. After about 3 minutes of taking pictures, Juniel was tired. “Oppa, enough pictures already. Let’s go.” Jung Shin panicked. He grabbed Juniel’s wrist.

“No, not yet. Let’s enjoy the scenery for a moment. Take some fresh air.”

“Oppaaa… let’s go.” Juniel whined.

“You said you’d do-“

“OPPA!! I’m sick of that! ALRIGHT! We’ll stay for awhile.




*Alright kkkkkk… 3,2,1. YES! Mission accomplished!* Juniel didn’t even last 30 seconds watching the scenery. So he took her to a ddukboki stall and let her eat instead. She didn’t get to finish her food though.

“Let’s go.” Jung Shin said.

“Oppa I’m-” He glared at her.

“LET’S. GO.”

She sighed and stood up, leaving her half eaten plate of ddukboki.

*I’m still hungry. Annyeong, ddukboki. *Sobs*  TT.TT*

They were just 2 minutes away from so it was just a short walk. Juniel sat at the bus stop.

“You’re here.” Jung Shin laughed.

“Well, have a nice WALK. HAHAHAHA.” He smirked, turned around and did an evil laugh. *Walk?* She thought. “OPPA! Did you mean a nice trip?” By the time she said that, Jung Shin had already disappeared out of her sight. *What does he mean?* She sat there and waited for the bus. She waited.. and waited. She waited for two hours but the bus never came. In the end, she had to walk home. *Oh well, this is still the best day of my life!* Never once did she blame Jung Shin for this. She didn’t even thought of it. She kept smiling as she strolled through the streets. When she arrived home her mother scolded her for coming home late, worrying her. Juniel ignored her and walked straight in to her bedroom. She slumped on her bed. *Oppa, thank you for today. You made my day.* She smiled and slowly closed her eyes drifting off in to dreamland.

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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D