Chapter 8 - Detention

This Is War


Yong Hwa’s POV:


I’m in detention. With my crush. Alone. Well, not exactly, Mr Lee the discipline teacher was sitting at the teacher’s desk, doing crossword puzzles or something. I know I’m supposed to be happy because of being with her, but right now, I am NOT pleased. I’ve never been to detention before. Ever. She sat in front of me. This is, spell it with me. B O R I N G. and we’re going to sit here for two whole hours! And the worse thing is the fact that we cannot do anything within the 2 hours!! All Mr. Lee gave us was a pencil and a piece of paper. Well, at least I get to see her shiny black hair for two hours.




30 minutes passed by so we only have an hour and a half to go. That’s gonna be a loooonnnngggg wait. I took the pencil and tapped it on the desk. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.


Mr. Lee looked up from his newspaper. “Mr. Jung…”

“Ummm… sorry..” I whispered.

Oh, by the time I get out of here I’m gonna be super bored. To death! I stared at Seohyun. An evil plan came creeping in to my mind. Why don’t I disturb and annoy her? That’ll make her hate me more but as long as I’m not bored anymore. I took the pencil and wrote something on the paper. And then I crumpled it and threw it to her. The crumpled paper hit her head.


“Ow!” she rubbed her head, turned around and glared at me.


“Anything you want to share with me Miss Seo??” Mr. Lee eyed us.

Seohyun shook her head.

“Good. Now, behave yourself. Arachi?”

She nodded and flashed him a fake smile.

She turned to glare at me again, I pointed to the paper on the floor. She grumbled and picked it up. Then she opened and read it. After a few minutes, she threw it back directly to my face. I half-smiled and read the paper.


Hey how you doin? Ooh, I love your hair. Can I touch em?

                                                                                  ert Jerk.

Shut up ert jerk! And no, you cannot.


I chuckled and wrote her another one. We kept tossing papers back and forth. Alright! Now THIS is fun!


I knew you’d call me that. What’s your name again?

Shut up!

Alright, I should call you something. :)

Shut up!

What should I call you?

Shut up!

Come on; give me something to call you.

Shut up!

Please? :3

Shut up!

I know what to call you..

Shut up! And don’t you even dare… >:(

I’m gonna call you BIG MOUTH.

Shut up!

Cause you’ve been telling me to shut up when you can’t even shut your own BIG MOUTH. Hahahaahaha. :PP


I was too busy laughing my off, I didn’t realize Mr. Lee was already beside me, reading our notes.


“Uh-hum.” I froze. Uh-oh. I am in SO much trouble. He held out his hands, urging me to hand over the paper. I refused to give it at first but he insisted. The paper ended up with him.




Seohyun’s POV:


 I’m really trying hard to not burst into flames right now. I ended up here because of that STUPID ERT JERK! Cool it, Seohyun, you’ll just be more irritated if you’re like this. Mr. Lee caught him passing me those ANNOYING notes! And what’s unfair is  that he’s punishing me too!



I was really happy when Mr. Lee gave him the punishment. I stood up and pointed at the ert.

“Hah! In your face!!! Hahahahahahahah”

I was laughing hysterically, feeling satisfied but then Mr. Lee turned to me.

“Hoho, don’t be too happy, young lady. Cause you’re also doing it with him.’

I stopped laughing and looked at Yong Hwa who was smiling at me. This time HE looked satisfied.

“But sir-“

“No buts. Go. Now!”

The jerk walked to me and offered his hand, “Shall we?”

I pushed his hand away and stomped out. I could hear his laughter behind me.

#End Of Flashback#


Guess what the punishment is? Pushups? No. We were asked to stand under the sun? That’s kindergarten!

Alright the punishment is that we have to empty all the trash cans in the WHOLE school. Why is that such a big deal? Okay, a) the school is ENORMOUS! There’s gotta be a lot of trash cans to empty. b) We have janitors to do this thing and c) it’s super EMBARASSING!!!!!! Right now, he has three trash bags on his hand while I’m holding one. Okay, blocks 1, 2 and 3 all done. *Sigh 7 blocks to go. This is gonna take all day. I hate it when everybody stares and I’m starving. I didn’t eat lunch today because of detention. We arrived in front of music class. Jung Shin was in there. He waved at me so I waved back. Suddenly my head started pounding and the world started spinning around me.. And then it all went black. To top it off, I slipped on a banana peel on the floor. Funny thing is, my mind could even think: ‘who the hell eats bananas nowadays? It’s the 21st century.  We have fast food!’. I was waiting for the pain to come. But it never came. Maybe I didn’t feel it because of my headache? I opened my heavy eyes slowly. But my vision was blurry.


What do you think happened?

This chappie’s shorter than the other ones.

Think i'm gonna update till chapter 10. just maybee..

Haha. Comment and subscribe! :D

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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D