Chapter 10 - Jung Shin And ????

This Is War


A/n: Jung Shin hasn’t been showing up in my ff lately, so this chapter and the next one will all be about Jung Shin ^^.


Jung Shin’s POV:


I can’t stand the fact that Yong Hwa hyung’s alone. With MY seohyun. Just thinking about it makes my heart ache. SO MUCH. I looked impatiently at the clock on the classroom’s wall. Class will end in five minutes. I’ll go straight to the hospital to pick her up.


I waited…


And waited…….


And waited……………..


“Ding dong ding dong.” Oh, finally!! That was the longest five minutes in my life!!

“Alright class, I will see you tomorrow. Remember, your assignment is due next week.”

I quickly packed my things and stood up.


“Mr. Lee???”

Jong Hyun hyung and I both turned to look at Prof Sun.

“Neh??” kkeke. We both have the same family names so it’s easy to get confused at times.

She smiled. “I’m sorry, I mean Mr. Lee Jung Shin.”

Jong Hyun hyung rolled his eyes and walked out. Okay, what does she want with me?

“What is it seonsaengnim?” she asked me to come to her.

Right now, I desperately want to shout out loud, “Get on with it and hurry up old lady!!” but I decided not to. I DO NOT want to get into trouble because of my temper. I quickly went towards her.


“Where is Mr. Jung? I haven’t seen him all day.”

And now she’s asking about that dickhead??! Great, just when I am really PISSED at him. This is just making me flaming with anger. I took a deep breath to keep myself from exploding.

“He’s at the hospital.” She was shocked.

“What happened?”

“He’s okay.”

“Then what is he doing at the hospital? Is he sick?”

Why does she have so many questions?!! I’m in a hurry and am on the verge of breaking down. I took another breath.

“He’s just looking after a friend. And she’s fine.”

“His girlfriend?” I really want to scream on the old lady’s face right now.

“No, just a friend.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you and you can go now.” I went out of the classroom.


“AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I YELLED. Just couldn’t stand it anymore.


Everyone looked at me. Even the birds that were enjoying their bath flew away. Professor Sun rushed out.

“What is the matter, Mr. Lee??” I gave her a fake smile.

“Aniya, seonsaengnim. I’ll be going now. Anyonghaegeseyo…” I bowed down.

I turned and stomped away, leaving her bewildered.




I went to the locker room to put my books in my locker. But when I got there, a girl was leaving something, assumedly for me. I sneaked behind her. She was talking to herself, smiling like a wacko. I slammed my hand on the locker beside mine. She was surprised by my sudden action. I gritted my teeth and glared at her.


“Yah! What EXACTLY are YOU doing at my locker??”


She’s a fan. No stranger would ever call me oppa unless they’re a fan. I moved my face closer to hers. Is she shivering?



“I-I just want to.. u-umm.. g-give you th-this.”


She closed her eyes and handed me a box of chocolate. Ugh, I hate chocolate. And I’m totally not in mood.

I ignored her and unlocked my locker. I left my books inside, closed the locker and started walking away.


“Oppa, please just take it.” She yelled.

I flashed her an unwilling smile and took the chocolate without saying a thing so that she would shut up.


I dumped the chocolate in the trash can. In front of her. And then I continued stomping off.


“Opppaaa!!!!” she yelled, but I ignored her. She kept calling me as I went off.

“Oppa. Why did you throw it away??”

Okay, this is getting annoying.


I turned around. “WHATTT?!!” she ran to me, gasping.

“Why.. did..-”

“I hate chocolate.” She stood up.

“Oh, sorry. Where are you going in such a hurry, oppa??”

“None of your business!”

“Can I come?” Who is she to come with me? I don’t even know her.




I walked towards the school gate to get my car with her following me. She kept begging to come. I held her wrist and glared at her.


“For the last time, NO.”


I went in my car and started the engine. Just when I was about to drive out of the place, she came in and slammed the door. This girl is really getting more and more annoying!!!!!!


“What THE HELL are you doing??? GET OUT??!!!”

“Not until you tell me where you’re going.”


Who does she think she is?? My mother??!!


“I’m going to the hospital to pick up Seohyun! There! I told you, now GET OUT!”

She looked at me with opened.

“And leave you alone with Seohyun eonni?! No, I’m coming!”

And now she’s being jealous?! I just met her today and she’s acting like my girlfriend? I look at my watch. Damn! I’m gonna be late. I glared at her.


“I said, get out, NOW.” I told her to get out and guess what she did?? Nothing. She just sat there, ignoring me.



“I’m coming, oppa. And that’s final.”


Alright, I don’t care anymore. I gave her a fake smile.


“Geurae, suit yourself. Do what you want.”


I slammed on the accelerator, zooming out to the road.


“Fasten your seatbelt.”

“O-oppa? What are you doing??”


I went speeding ahead any car that was in front. I took a glance at her. Her face was pale and pure white. Hahahahah. Serves you right!! I slammed harder on the accelerator. And then she started screaming.


“Oppa!!!! Stop!! OPPPAAAAA!!!!!!”


She kept screaming while I was silently laughing beside her. I gave her a ‘reassuring’ smile.


“This is fun, eh??  We should do this again sometime, somebody-I-don’t-know.”


She kept screaming all the time on our way to the hospital which was just 5 minutes away.






 We’re here!!! I took off my seatbelt. She quickly squirmed out of her seat and puked. I walked slowly to her and patted her back.


“Awww…. Are you sick?? We’re at the hospital, right? Why don’t YOU go for a checkup and LEAVE ME ALONE.”


I started leaving her and then she said,




Without turning around, I could tell she was puking again. Suddenly I felt a hand resting on my shoulder.




She touched me. With her icky fingers!!


“Get off of me! Yuck!”


I slapped her hand away. I hear her faint footsteps as she followed me. Okay, Jung Shin.. Imagine she’s not there. Ignore her and you’ll be fine. Just be patient, calm down… I walked into the elevator and pressed the floor Seohyun was on. That crazy girl is still following me and I am NOT pleased.




The elevator flew open and I walked to Seohyun’s ward. I opened the door, expecting Seohyun was still there.



The room was empty and the bed was made.


I wanted to storm out of the room but that ANNOYING girl was in the way.

“Get out of my way.” I pushed her aside. I walked to the front reception and asked where the hell Seohyun was.


“Oh, Miss Seo just admitted out 15 minutes ago.”


That is EXACTLY the time I wasted on that old lady and this stupid girl. I’m seriously FURIOUSLY FURIOUS right now. I missed Seohyun because of them! I turned and bumped into her who was standing close to me. TOO CLOSE. I DO NOT want to see her. I walked to the elevator, pushed the button and wait for it to come.


You know what? She’s still with me. Just seeing her face is really irritating me. Urghhhh… How long do I have to wait for this elevator? Argh!!!


I decided to take the stairs than to waste any more of my precious time. That girl is still following me.


“STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!” I yelled in annoyance and disgust. She took my arm.

“Oppa, I just want to spend time with you, I’m a BIG fan of yours. I love you so much. I’ll do anything for you.”


Why does every girl I meet say that they’re a big fan of mine?? It’s always the same thing!


“Anything?” I said. She nodded, confidently. She’s been annoying me all day. ‘Torturing’ her will be a whole lot of fun.

“Alright, kaja.” I harshly gripped her wrist and pulled her to the parking lot.

“Oppa, where are we going??” I flashed her an evil smile.

“You’ll see…”


This is what you get for annoying Lee Jung Shin!!


Jung Shin has something on his sleeve.

How will he ‘torture’ her?

And what is going to happen?

End of my 4-chapter update!!

Hehe. Comment and subscribe!!! :D



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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D