Chapter 9 - Hospitalized

This Is War


Seohyun’s POV:


I finally saw him. He broke my fall, holding my waist. He looks kinda… cute.


Aish! What the heck am I thinking right now?? My eyes must be mistaken me. My conscience keeps telling me that he is cute. But hyunnie! That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a damn ert. Harhh… He’s TOUCHING me!!


“I already told.. you.. not. t-to..touch. m-mee…” Errr.. That came out as a croak instead of a yell.

“Gwaenchana???” I could see worry and care in the ert’s eyes. I meant to say ‘yes’ but I felt too weak to do anything, so I just nodded instead.


Peeps started coming out of the classrooms, asking if I was okay. Heh, can’t believe they care. I felt him lifted and carried me bridal style. And then it all went black. That was all I could remember.


Yong Hwa’s POV:


I paced back and forth, back and forth. I pulled my hair. Arghh! This is MY fault. MY entire fault. I did this to her. If only I didn’t touch her today, if only we didn’t argue, if only..  aish! What’s the point? This is still my fault. I wish I can turn time back and stop myself from talking to her. That way we wouldn’t have argued, that way, we wouldn’t have gone to detention, that way-argh, this is useless!! 


Instead of bringing her to the college’s nurse, I rushed all the way to the hospital, carrying her. I didn’t even get the chance to get my car. I was too afraid of losing her. I don’t want anything to happen to her. Luckily, there was a hospital nearby. Like - umm.. 7 blocks away.


The doctor finally came out of her ward. I rushed to him.

“Is she alright?” he chuckled.

“She’ll be perfectly fine. And who are you, young man?”

Oh yeah, who AM I to her anyway? A stranger? A friend? An enemy? A frenemy? I have no idea.

“I’m her………. BOYFRIEND.” WHY IN HELL DID I SAY THAT?!!! When she wakes up and find out, I am sooo dead.

Hmmm, but how I wish I AM her boyfriend. That’d be great!

“Did she eat anything today?” Hey, come to think of it…

“No.” I don’t think I see her eat today. We’ve been together all day, going all around the college. We didn’t even eat at lunch cause we were in detention.

“Is something wrong doctor?” He smiled.

“She’s just too tired. The fact that she have not eaten yet, worsen her condition. She has very weak antibody so it’s a good thing you brought her here as soon as you can. She’ll be okay by tomorrow.” He patted my back.

“Don’t worry, son. Just take really good care of her okay? I just gave her a dose of anesthetic so she won’t wake up in the nearest time. She needs a lot of rest.”  I smiled and nodded as he went off.


I looked at her ward’s entrance. Should I go in? Or should I not? But I want to check if she’s okay. What if she’s not?

I walked in and walked slowly towards her. She was laying on the bed, eyes closed. Her face and lips were pale. I took her cold hands. She looks beautiful even when sleeping. She sleeps like an angel.


“Oppa… kajima.. I beg you..” she mumbled in her sleep.

Oppa? Who is she talking about? If she’s talking to me I would DEFINITELY hear the words ‘ert Jerk’ right now.

“Kajima… jebal….” She held my hand with a tight grip. *Sighhh.. She must be having a bad dream. I her hands, trying to calm her down.


The door flung open. Sunny suddenly came storming in with two other girls whom I don’t know. But I’ve seen them somewhere.


“What happened to our dongsaeng? Is she okay??” they said, clearly worried. I quickly let go of her hand to avoid misunderstanding, even though my heart constantly told me not to. Dongsaeng? Those two girls must be from SNSD too. I don’t really know much about SNSD, except for Seohyun of course.

“She’s alright. She just needs a little rest.” They pushed me aside and rushed to her.

“Hyunnie..” tears began welling up Sunny’s eyes. Okay I understand her. If something happens to any of my dongsaengs I’d be worried as hell too. Like that time when Min Hyuk went home late without telling any of us. I swear I almost cried of worry cause I thought he was kidnapped or something. (I’m an overprotective hyung. I know.) But then he finally came home. Turned out he accidentally slept at the library. I almost wasted my manly tears that day! Grrrrr…


“I came as soon as I heard.”

Out of nowhere, Jung Shin came in snapping me out from my flashback. I automatically looked away, not wanting to look at his PIGGY face.

“Yuri, Yoona how is she??” so those are their names. Heh. I seriously don’t know them.

I took a glimpse at the bouquet of flowers he was holding. Tch. That irritates me a lot. He placed the flowers on the bedside table. And then he GAZED at her. In front of ME. Calm down, Yong. Sunny looked at me.

“Is she staying overnight??” I nodded. Her face crinkled.

“Who’s going to look after her? I can’t stay.”

“So do us.” Yuri and Yoona said.

Their gaze turned to Jung Shin. He didn’t say anything and just shook his head.


“I’ll stay.”I said. Everybody instantly looked at me. Hey, what did I do wrong? It’s not like I am going to kill her.

I turned to Jung Shin.

“Don’t’ wait up. Tell Min Hyuk and Jong Hyun too”

He was speechless. Infact,everyone was. Oookayyy….. This is weird AND awkward.

I ignored their stupefied faces and walked out of the room to buy some food, leaving all of them flabbergasted.




I took a glance at my watch. It’s already 2 AM. I was getting very sleepy but I forced myself not to sleep and keep my eyes open. Well, in case she wakes up in the middle of the night, needing something. What if I was asleep?  There’d be no one there to help her. I don’t want that to happen. No,no,NO. I gazed at her angelic face and her hair. I held her hands and rested my head on the bed. My eyes slowly shut close. Don’t sleep yet, Yong Hwa. Don’t sleep- well I guess I pushed myself to the limit cause – Zzzzzzzzzz……



Seohyun’s POV:


My eyes slowly flutter open. *Groaann.. Where am I? Is this a dream? And who’s this beside me? Do I know him? Ugh, my head feels very heavy. My vision slowly fades and everything went black.



Yong Hwa’s POV:



I woke up to the sight of her – still sleeping greeting me. I smiled and her hair. Hyun wake up. Please. I stood up and stretched my arms.

“Groooowwwwlllll…” my stomach moaned. Yeah, I better get something for breakfast. I took my jacket and pulled the hood over my head. I walked towards the door but stopped. I turned around and took a glance at her, not wanting to leave her. But I went against my will. I opened the door and finally slowly left.



Seohyun’s POV:


I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around me. Where the hell am I? I tried to get up but failed.

“You’ll be okay in a few more hours, Miss Seo.”

I looked beside me to see an ahjussi wearing all white. Am I dead? Why is my guardian angel so old??

“Who are you?” I moaned

“I’m Doctor Park.” Okay, that explains his white outfit.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital. You fainted yesterday because you were too tired. Do you remember?”

It all slowly comes back to me. Yeah, I do remember my vision becoming black, that’s all.

“How did I get here??”

“Your boyfriend took you here.” Eh?


“He’s been staying up all night looking after you. He’s probably out to buy something.”

Did the incident yesterday made me suffer amnesia? Or do I have Alzheimer? Cause I don’t remember having a boyfriend. My last one was…..

 Never mind, forget that. I don’t want to remember ANYTHING about HIM.


The door opened.

“Oh, here he comes now.”

“Yo, g’morning doc!” Hey, I know that voice from somewhere..

“How is she?? Is she okay?” Doctor Park chuckled.

“Ahh.. Good morning, Mr. Jung. She is. In fact, she’s already awake right this moment.”

Mr. Jung?  Wait,wait,wait.. The only person I know with the family name ‘Jung’ is….


Oh no! ert Jerk!


I lifted my head a little and there he was stupidly smiling widely at me. He was holding a plastic bag.

“I’ll be leaving now. Remember to take good care of her.”

Yong Hwa bowed. “Kamsahamnida….”

Doctor Park finally left. I tried to get up again but just couldn’t. He walked to me.

“Don’t.” he said. I looked at him questioningly. He stupidly smiled again.

“Goood morning Big Mouth.” Somehow I managed to throw a pillow at him.

“ert Jerk.” He kept smiling and slowly took out something from the plastic bag he was holding before.

“I bought you some porridge, Big Mouth.” He said playfully.

I turned away from him. “I don’t want to eat.”

“You need to, Big Mouth.” I still didn’t want to look at him. hmph!

“I don’t want to.” He took my chin and turned my face, facing him.

“Listen. Just eat, Joo Hyun. Please.” This time he looks very serious.

Geez, relax! No need to be so serious! I don’t know why but my hands started moving on its own and took the bowl of porridge away from him. He stared at me as I eat.


“Quit staring, ert Jerk!”

He ignored me and kept staring. His chin was rested on his hand. After a while I finally finished my porridge. Boy, am I starving!! I finished the food faster than usual. He quickly took the bowl away from me.


“Was it delicious, Big Mouth??” he’s being playful again. I nodded, smiling unknowingly at him. After that, we started chatting away. Actually I did most of the talk. He just listens. After 2 whole hours of talking, he handed me a glass of water and some pills.


“What’s this?”

“You’re still sick, remember? You need to eat your medicine, Big Mouth.”

“Shiro!” I turned away from him. AGAIN.

“Please?” I didn’t answer him. I suddenly felt his hand touching mine.

“Joo Hyun, I don’t want you in here anymore. So please just eat them okay? Jebal.”

He sounded very worried. I groaned.

“Alright Jerk.”

He smiled and pinched my cheeks. I froze for a few seconds, god knows why.

“Don’t touch me, ert Jerk.” I finally said.

He kept that stupid smile on his face and started to stand up.


“Where are you going??” he ignored me and kept walking. How dare him!

“Yah, I asked you a question and your job is to answer it.” He finally turned to look at me.

“You’re going home today. I’m going out to pay for your hospital fee.”


“WAIT!!!” that was no use. Cause he already went out.

I suddenly have this funny feeling that tells me I hate the sight of his back slowly leaving me. It just reminds me of HIM.




“Remember to eat your medicine and don’t tire yourself too much, okay??” Doctor Park said. I laughed.

“Aigaesso, Doc.”  Yong Hwa came in and took my bag.


“Kaja.” He went out.


Doctor Park laughed.

“Great boyfriend you have there. You are very lucky.” He walked towards the door.

“He’s not my-….” And the door closed.

“…boyfriend.” Oh boy, this is gonna be a loooongg day.




“I’ll take you home.” He said. I didn’t want to at first, but he kept on insisting. So, what choice do I have? I’d rather get in the car than hear him nagging annoyingly.


It was awkward in the car.

“Hey.” I said, filling in the silence.


“You called me Joo Hyun before. How did you know my full name? I never told the class the other day.”

He smiled, yet again. This guy really does smile a lot!

“You know sources.”

“Who?” he turned to me and asked me to come closer.

“SECRET.” He whispered. I crossed my arms and pouted. He just laughed gleefully beside me. After that convo, it went back to silence till we finally arrive. He opened the car door for me and even escorted me to the front door of my dorm. I was about to come in, but I turned around to face him.

“Anyong.” I held out my palm and waved. He waved back and started walking away.

I twisted our door knob but stopped again.

“Yah, ert Jerk!” I yelled.

He looked back.

“Gomawo.” He chuckled.

“Cheonma, Big Mouth.” I watched him go until I couldn’t see him anymore. Without me noticing, a smile formed on my lips as he walked away.


Who do you think the mystery guy is???

I’m not actually sure who he should be.

Comment and subscribe!

Stay tuned for the last chappie of my 4-chapter update! :)










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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D