Chapter 6 - Misunderstanding

This Is War

Seohyun’s POV:


Jung Shin stood up. I like him. He’s hilarious. He’s not such a jerk after all. Hehe.


“Goodbye, my lady. Meet you again soon?” I giggled.

“Arasso.” He bid me farewell and I watched him go. I looked at my watch. Lunch is almost over.

“Eonni, kaja. We’ll be late for class if we hang around any longer.”

Sunny eonni was still gossiping with her friend. I pulled her hand.

“Why don’t you go first? I’ll come later.” *Sigh*

“Alright eonni. Jalja..” I waved goodbye and went on my way.




I think I had too much goguma milkshake earlier cause I’m dying! (A/N: That means sweet potato and its Seohyun’s favorite! :D) Don’t break yet Hyunnie.. You can control your bladder. Just hold it in. You can do this! I rushed to the restroom, but when I got there, a GUY was standing inside.


“Kyaaaaaa!!!!!! Joseonghamnida, joseonghamnida…”

I bowed down as I went out. Aish! How could I make that STUPID mistake?! I quickly went out. Something caught my eye and stopped me on my tracks. I walked back and looked at the restroom door’s sign. Guess what it says?





What the heck was that guy doing there?!! Don’t tell me he’s a….. Oh no! I gotta stop him! I stepped back in and took a broom along the way. Well, in case he tries to….. You know. I stopped at the entrance and yelled angrily. “ert Jerk!”

I looked at his face. Hey.. Isn’t he Jung Yong Hwa?? I walked towards him. He was surprised to see me. Duh! Of course he is! I caught him off guard! He backed off but I walked closer to him until he hit the wall. Alright, DERP! TAKE THIS!!

I started hitting him with the broom, repeatedly yelling ‘ert jerk.” He tried to get away but I didn’t let him. I kept hitting him but somehow he managed to run away. I chased him at first, but finally decided not to. Well, cause he ran like a CHEETAH! Besides, today, I’m wearing my 5-inches stilettos, so chasing him, might not be a good choice. At least I prevented something bad which is bound to happen today and I’m glad about that. Hehe. But.. is Jung Yong Hwa really a ert? Oh well, I guess so. I saw it with my own eyes. Hoho, wait till Sunny eonni hears about this. I have got to tell her. Get ready for THE BOMB, ERT JERK!!!




“Eonni wait up!” I yelled. Sunny eonni kept walking, acting deaf. I ran up to her. “Eonni! I told you to wait up!”

She rolled her eyes and turned to me.


“What is it this time? Is it about that Jung Shin again? Come on, Hyunnie.. You’ve been talking about him ALL DAY!”

Oh! I did not! She’s so unbelievable!!


“Oh shut up eonni.” I gave her a sarcastic smile.

“ I’m sorry, I was about to tell you something about  Jung Yong Hwa. Aww, too bad you you don’t want to listen.” I purposely emphasised the name “Jung Yong Hwa”.  I turned around and started walking away.

Okay.. One… Two…


“Wait!” Alright! That ALWAYS works on her.

“Yes my eonni?”

“Did you just say Jung Yong Hwa?” I nodded.

“Yong Hwa of CNBLUE?” Eonni is really stubborn!

I held her shoulders and lift my left eyebrow. “Ooh yeah…”

“Alright, shoot. I’m listening.”

“Oh… so NOW you’re interested, eonni…”

I opened my palm and held it out to her. She heaved a sigh.

“Alright, what do you want?” Woohoo!! Score 1 for Seo Joo Hyun! Yeah! Hmm… what DO I want, eh? Ahah!

“YOU have to grant me 3 wishes. Not now, but whenever I need them.” Brilliant request, Hyunnie! Aha. Eonni’s mouth flung open. I ALMOST cracked up seeing her PRICELESS expression.

“That’s Just. Too. Much!”

“Alright, If you say so, eonni.. Anyong!” She grabbed a hold of my wrist.

She hesitated for a moment. “Okay.”

Whoa, my strategy really did work! “Chinjayo Eonni??”

She nodded, unwillingly. “Anything you want.”

I automatically hugged her. “Gomawo! You’re the BEST eonni!”

She pushed me away and stared at me. “Alright, spill it.”

“Oh yeah, sorry. I smirked. She crossed her arms, impatiently tapping her foot.

“I’m waitinggg…”

“Whoa, chill it eonni! Okay, earlier today, I….”

So I told her about the whole ‘Restroom’ incident.

“So, I’m saying that he’s TOTALLY a ert. Eonni looked at me doubtfully.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course!” She raised her eyebrows.


I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “Hell yeah! Think logically eonni. What other possible reasons would he be there, hmm?”  She thought for a while and beamed a few moments later. Eonni can be a bit slow at times.

“I gotta spread this HOT story to everybody! Oh, gotta go!” and then she ran.

“Eonni!” itried to catch up but just couldn’t. “I’ll see you later, arasso, hyunnie?? Jalja!” She raised her hand, bidding me farewell while her other hand was texting crazily. I giggled to myself. Watch out everyone! Make way for the Gossip Queen, cause here she comes! Haha.


Somebody tapped my shoulder. “You’re already going BONKERS because of missing me so much, huh?”

I know that voice….. I turned around to face him. “Jung Shin-ssi!” He smiled at me.

“It has been…” He looked at his watch. “..less than 2 hours and you’re already crazily missing me.” He walked closer to me and rested his hand on the wall behind me. Our faces were just inches apart. I laughed and pushed him aside.

“Heh. You wish.” I heard him chuckle and then went in front of me.

“May I you to Le Classroom my lady?” I bowed politely.

“Of course you may, my lord.” I played along. I walked over and took his arm. We both laughed as we went along.




Yong Hwa’s POV:


Everybody was whispering every time I walked past them. What’s going on? This is definitely NOT good. They weren’t like this yesterday. I looked at my fangirls who were constantly with me every day. I spotted a familiar face within the crowd and motioned for her to come to me. She looked at her friends beside her and then looked back at me. “Me?” she mouthed. I nodded with a friendly smile on my face. She looked very nervous when I did that. She took a few quick breaths before walking over to me.


“Neh, oppa?” She was shocked when I pulled her close. Everybody was gasping at that moment.

“W-what i-is it o-op-oppa??” She stuttered. I then gave her a reassuring smile. I went closer to her ear.

“Why is everybody whispering?” I whispered and then pulled away from her slowly.

“Oh, that.. ummm… oppa??” I waited for her to say something.

“There’s a gossip going around saying that you’re.. that you’re..” God! She’s so slow!

“I’m WHAT?!” I half-yelled. She swallowed hard.

“That you’re a.. a..” This time she leaned in to whisper.

“A ert.”

“WHAT?!!” I yelled. Where did they get THAT from? What the HELL is happening?

“Who told you that?!”

“The Gossip Queen texted everybody yesterday.”

“Who the HECK is the GOSSIP QUEEN?!”

“Sunny eonni.”

Alright, this girl is REALLY messing with me. I stomped and started to walk out to find the STUPID girl. I stopped.

I don’t know this girl, so how the HELL am I going to find her?! I turned back around.


“You.” I pointed at the girl earlier.

“What’s your name?” She lightened up and walked quickly towards me.

“I’m Choi Jun Hee, oppa. People call me Juniel.” A big smile was pasted on her face.

“Lead me to this… Sunny girl..”

 “Yes sir!” she saluted me and then giggled. She walked in front of me while I followed close behind.

“Say, have we met before?” I looked at her questioningly. She instantly turned to me and was ‘O’ shaped.

“Oppa! You finally remembered!!


“I was the first girl who met and talked to you the first day you guys came here.”

I thought for a while. The first girl I met and talked to that day is…… Ooohh no! But I have to make sure first.

“Was that you, the one who greeted us in front of Prof Sun’s music class?”

She nodded. “You got it!”

I stopped walking. She was the one who destroyed my plan to sneak in that day. GREAT! Just GREAT!

“Oppa? What are you doing? Kaja.”

She came and pulled me by the hands. Awesome, Yong Hwa! Why did you pick her?! I have a feeling this won’t be the last time of me seeing her. *Sighhhhh…*


Juniel’s here. Hehe.

She was the fangirl CNBLUE met, remember?

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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D