Chapter 11 - Bullying Her..

This Is War

A/n:  This chapter is a little bit longer than the other ones. Hehehe. So I’m just gonna update one chappie today.


They finally arrived. Jung Shin went to the passenger’s seat and pulled her out, who looked confused.


“Shopping mall??” she said.


Jung Shin flashed her yet another fake smile. “Yeah.”


He pulled her, forcing her to walk with him. She halted.


“But…. Wae???” She said, still confused by Jung Shin’s actions.


“We’re going shopping.” Her face lightened up. “Chinjayo, oppa???”


Jung Shin nodded mischievously. She squealed and pulled Jung Shin excitedly. They slowly disappear into the mall. What she didn’t realize was Jung Shin’s cynical smile behind her.


The girl’s POV:


 Hehe. Jung Shin oppa is taking me shoppinggg!!! Kyaaaaa!!!! This is AMAZING!!! I feel as light as a feather. He’s right beside me, and he’s totally giving me butterflies!! Wee hee!!! I feel myself floating around!!! Wee!!!!!!


“Let’s go buy shoes.”

Ooohhh…. Shoess!! My favorite thing in an outfit. What should I buy today? Stilettos? Sandals? Flat shoes??? Kyaa!! So many choices to choose from. But I think I’ll let oppa choose. Hee..


“Oppa, the shop’s that way.” I giggled when oppa turned the wrong way.

“Of course I’m in the right way.”

“But those are all men’s shoes.” He walked closer to me.

“What do you expect me to buy? Do I look like a girl to you??”


Oooookkkaaaayyyyy…. I’m confused. What exactly is oppa talking about??


“I thought we were shopping.”

“Well, we are.”

“Aren’t we going to buy my shoes??”


His eyes went large. And then, out of nowhere, he started to laugh uncontrollably. Everybody near us was looking. I gave him a light punch.


“Oppa…” I whispered. He stopped laughing and glared at me.

“Don’t. Touch. Me.” He said. I pulled my hand away, raised it and shook my head.

“Let’s go.” He jogged pass me. I pulled on his shirt.

“You said we were going shopping.”


Okay fine, I still don’t get it. Nan pabo.


“Well of course we are, duh! Shopping for my stuffs! Who said we were going shopping for you, somebody-I-don’t-know?”

“Then why am I here??!!!” he chuckled.

“You said you’d do anything for me, right?”


Eh? Still don’t get it. I nodded.


“I’m thinking of buying a lot of new things.”


Still. Don’t. Get. It.


“And so??” he started stretching his arms.


“I’m already tired because of a lot of guitar practicing.”




“You’re going to carry all my stuffs for me.”


Okay, now I get it. I smiled. “Yes sir!” I saluted. That’s not such a big deal, right???




Okay, I take back my words. It IS such a big deal. You know why?? For a boy, he sure shops like a girl! And he’s making me carry all of his stuffs for him while he leisurely walks in front of me, without carrying a single thing. Alright girl, you asked for this right? And you also promised him, right?? Promises can’t be broken remember that, gal!!! Hwaitingg!!!


Jung Shin’s POV:


Kkekekekekeke.. This is fun! Just like what I expected. Heh. We’ve been to 3 shoe shops, 5 clothes shops and 6 accessory shops!! And I’ve bought a whole lot of things. What makes it so much fun is that someone is here carrying those heavy bags for me! Best shopping time evaa!! Woo hoo!!!


Pffftttttt… Look at her. Hahahahah. She is really having a hard time carrying all of my stuffs. Should I help her??


Nahhh… she’s fine. Wahahahahahaha !!!


“Hey, somebody-I-don’t-know,”

“Stop calling me that!! I have a name!”

“And what is that?” she looked happy by my question.


“Alright, JUNKniel-”

“It’s JUNIEL.”

“Whatever, I don’t care.”


I asked her, no,no, I mean I ORDERED her to buy me a cappuccino with milk in less than 3 minutes. You think I’m being too easy on her? Think again. Heh. Oh yeah, she has to carry all of my 20 plus bags with her, not leaving any sigle one behind. *evil laugh* this is getting better…


Juniel’s POV:



“Here… you… go… oppa..” I handed him the cup of cappuccino he wanted.

“You’re late by 0.2 seconds, and you bought the WRONG one. I wanted coffee with sugar. And this is NOT coffee.”

WHAT?!!! I clearly remember him saying cappuccino, not coffee. Now why is he saying this??


“But oppa, you-“

“No buts, just go. Remember to bring all of my bags with you. DO NOT leave them anywhere. If you lost any of them, you are going to pay.”

*Sighhh….* okay so I ran all the way back to the vending machine and bought coffee with sugar. But when I got back… guess what he said??


“You bought the wrong one again, JUNKniel, I said I wanted TEA.”


Huhh??? I’m REALLY sure he said coffee, right?


Hey you. Yeah, you. Yeah, the one reading this. He said COFFEE, right? RIGHT?!!! ARGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Jung Shin’s POV:


Kkekekekekeke… She’s been going around the mall, bringing me the ‘wrong’ drink. Haha. Every time she wanted to give up, I would say, “You said you’d do anything for me. I can’t believe my fan is a liar.” And then, she’d INSTANTLY do what I say. BUT, I’m getting bored with this. There’s no fun to it anymore. I think I’m going to settle with cappuccino. The drink I wanted from the beginning. Muahahahahahaha…




[In the car:]


She keeps massaging her hands and shoulders. Awww, poor Junkniel. Hmm, she MUST be starving. Poor little thing.


“Hey, Junkniel.”

“Neh, oppa??” she sounded VERY tired.

“Do you know any nearby restaurants which have good and decent food??”

She jerked up from her seat with her happy face.

“Yes, I do! And it’s just around the corner. Oh, oppa. I am really hungry.”

You get ready Junkniel. *Smirk*




 [At the restaurant:]


We both sat down at an empty table. She sure has super great taste. This restaurant is the best I’ve ever seen. Never seen anything like it before.


“Any dish you want to recommend to me??”

“Oppa, every food is delicious here. But you HAVE GOT to try their black-bean noodles. It tastes different compared to other restaurants.”

“Alright, one jjajangmyun, please.”

“Me too,” she said. Oh no, you don’t. I held her hand. Her confused face was super funny. Hahahaha.

“Just one, please.”

A smile formed on her lips.

“Are we going to share, oppa?? Hehe.” Hah, you wish. I didn’t answer her and smiled instead.


[A few minutes later…..]


“One jjajangmyun, served.”

“Oh, and I also want orange juice please.”

“One orange juice, comin right up.”


After a while, my orders finally arrived. I started slowly eating in front of her.


“Mmmmm… yummmyy….”

“Oppa, aahhh..” she opened asking me to feed her. In your dreams, Junkniel!

“Who says YOU are going to eat?”

She looked really puzzled.

“YOU, Junkniel are just going to watch me eat.” I put another mouthful of noodles.


I saw the disappointment in her eyes. Poor her. But I don’t care. Muahahahahahaha…

I took a sip of my delicious orange juice. She just stared at me with her not-so-cute puppy dog eyes. She is so pitiful. Haha. The whole time I was eating, she kept staring at me, and sometimes she even her lips. Heheehe.


 Hmmm.. I’m curious, is she so hungry that she is rubbing her stomach right now?? Hahah. That will definitely be funny. I purposely dropped my car keys on the floor, to see what she was doing.  When I got down, she WAS rubbing her stomach. Hahaha. I almost fell down the chair cause that was damn hilarious! Hahahahahah…


But- where’s her other hand?? Oh nooo… I quickly got back up to see what she was up to. What the hell?! She was dipping her hands in my jjajangmyun. She took a strand of noodles and put it in . EWWW!!!!! I slapped her hand away.


“Okay, that is disgusting. I do not want to eat that jjajangmyun. NO WAY.”

Hey, in my defense I’m a hygienic person, and what she did was just- YUCK!

She brightened up. “Can I eat it then, oppa??”

“NO. we’re going home.” She pouted. I just rolled my eyes. I took her hand and pulled her with me.

“Take me home.”

“No, YOU are going to carry all of my stuffs up to our dorm. Besides, I have no idea where you live.”

“Carry em yourself.”

“My hands are still a little bit sore.”

“But they’re not broken right?”

“No, but you said you’d do anything for me. I can’t believe –“ she cut me off.

“your fan is a liar. Yeah, yeah, I know. Just shut up.”

I smiled to myself. I am really satisfied. Haha. I’ve been laughing inside all day today. Kkekeke.




[At parking lot:]


She finally got all my stuffs out of the car. Our dorm is on a building which has an elevator. But I am not letting her take it. Hahahah. We walked into the lobby.


“Listen, Junkniel, the elevator is broken, so I think you need to take the stairs. I need to take something from the car, so you go ahead first. I’ll catch up with you later. Our dorm is on the 3rd floor, no 273.”


flung open when she heard me say ‘3rd floor’. Hahaha.

“But it looks perfectly fine to me. There’s not even a single sign saying its broken oppa.”

“The manager personally told us the elevator’s broken. He is really friendly.”

I can’t believe she bought that. She is so gullible.


“Now go.” I said. She walked a few steps, turn back to look at me, hesitating.

“Go on. Go.”


I waited until she was out of my sight. And then, I ran to the elevator and pressed third floor button. Kkekkekekeke.

I went in front of our dorm and waited for her to come.


What’s taking her so long??

After 10 minutes, I finally saw her figure, slowly walking towards me.


“Oppa?? How did YOU get here so fast???” I smirked.

“After I went to the car, I was too tired. So I checked out the elevator. Turns out it was fixed and works marvelous.

“Oh.” She said. She believed me?!! She’s totally oblivious to the situation. Hhahahah.

I reached in my pocket to look for my dorm’s key – except it wasn’t there! Where the hell is it? After a lot of frantic searches, I finally remembered. I left it in my room today. Sh!t!


I rang the doorbell. Why isn’t anyone answering?


“Oppa, I can’t carry these anymore, they’re too heavy.” I rang the bell some more.

“Oppa..” I ignored her and started knocking hard.

The door flew open.


-by Dickhead.


“Who-“ he stopped when he saw me. And then we both looked away from each other – like usual.

I came in and Junkniel followed close behind.




End of my long chappie… :3

Wish I have more subscribers. :(

Thanks to all the viewers and subbies! :D

Saranghae! <3


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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 12: Lol
Juniel happiest day is jungshin bullied her gagaga
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! Innocent girl got bully! -__- That's not cool, Jungshin! XD

Update soon! :D
sweetgurl #3
poor junnie~
bad jungshin chingoo~!

authornim can you make the cool side for yongseo
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 11: Lol

Pity junkniel ;___; xD
Chapter 11: Okay, so I pasted the chapter 2 times. Haha. Sorry guys.
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL!! 'Hey you. Yeah you. The one who reading.'
And I was like, X3

Update soon! :D
BoiceKings #7
Chapter 10: Already end chapter?.-. I an waiting now lol
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 10: Lol xD
So much fun xD
Jungshin lose his temper xD
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 7: Juniel had a crush to Shin? XD
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 10: Oh oh oh! It's Juniel!!! Yeah!!
Aw~ YongSeo!! They already become close! Seohyun also seem already forgive him! hehehe.

Update soon! :D