Siwon looked over to his wife.

The marriage demand

Siwon looked over to his wife and then continued to drive back, he couldn't understand why he had to agree to marry to Karen.  He couldn't understand why Karen had refused to get married or when her father had be mentions she hadn't cared for once.  When he turned back he sees Karen still staring out at the window.  

"So it it looks like your still aren't talking me," he said as he soon turned into the drive way.  "I don't want to talk," she said and the she opens the car door and then heads back inside and heads straight to her room.  

"So are you going to keep being a baby," Siwon said he enters the room with her bags.  "Grrr,  I hate~

"I hate you,"Siwon interupted "Yeah I heard it all before," he said and then headed to the waredrobe and gets change.

"I'm going to have a shower," she said and headed to the bathroom and she turns on the shower and let the water soak her skin.  She hadn't told him why she hated her father so much and why she didn't want tell Siwon why she want to have a marriage with him.  

"I hate you dad," she whispered through tears, she hated him for walking away from her mum, Clare and her and for what he had done to her when she a child.  Finally when she was done, she heads and then walks into the lounge where Siwon had dinner.  

"I was wondering when you were coming," Siwon said as he finished plating the food.  "I'm not that hungry." she said

"You are going to have dinner and that is final," He said, not caring if she was hungry or not.  "Karen, I am not in the mood, I had to spend most of the day trying find you," he said and then he sat down and began to eat his dinner.  

"So, how did you find me," Karen asked, not that she cared how Siwon found.

"I remember your sister Clare used to date Donghae, well I had to go and ask him what her address and that is how I found you," he said with a smile on his face.

Karen had remember Donghae onced dated Clare, but in the end they both realised that it wasn't going to work, so they ended.  

"I'm done, I'm going to bed," Karen said and then she heads to bed and then she falls asleep, hopping that all this nightmare was a dream.

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