The next morning

The marriage demand

The next morning Karen wakes up,not wanting to get out of bed because of the comfort of husband next, she knew that if she didn't want to get up she would never have a quite house before the rest would get up.   Slowly she gets up and then she gets her arts supply she quietly  heads into the lounge and she has some breakfast before she begins on her next art work.  

Some time late Karen had realized the time until she heard the rest getting up.  

"Looks good," she heard Donghae say to her.  "Thanks," Karen sigh not knowing what it was going to be.  

"Look Karen I know why you really married Siwon," Donghae said and then he sat down at the table right next to her.  "Let me guess, you talked to Clare," she answered, she had knew that Donghae and Clare had still spoken to each other.

"Yeah I did; to be honest I am not too happy about what your father did to your cousin," Donghae angrily said.  Karen didn't blame Donghae one bit, not after what that so called human being did to her cousin. 

"You're going to have to tell Siwon," Donghae said eating his breakfast.  "Tell me what?" Siwon happily said, walking into the room and giving Karen a kiss.  

"Ummm.....Siwon.....there is something I needed to tell you," she managed to say, not looking at him.  "What is it?" Siwon demanded, he clearly did not like where Karen was going.  " You know when we got married and my father left me that money," Karen nervously said praying deep inside that he would understand.  When Karen turned around to look at Donghae, he gave her the nod to go on and tell Siwon.  

"Karen, what is going on?" Siwon demanded, running his hands up and down his face.

"Siwon, that money that my late father gave me, well I don't have it, my cousin has it," Karen said, glad that it was already over.

"What do you mean gave your money to your cousin?" Siwon asked praying that Karen a good answer. 

Karen took a deep breath and then she tells Siwon everything.

"I can't believe he would do that to her," Siwon angrily said.  "You see that is why I don't want the money, she deserves it more then I do," she said through tears.

"You are very kind person," Siwon said. Moving closer and giving her a kiss. "So you are not mad at me?" Karen asked with such a worry look on her face.  "Mad, why would I be, I think it is a great idea that you did to her; now you better get ready, because I have a long day," he said and then Karen 

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