Siwon had been glad that he was finally home.

The marriage demand

Siwon had been glad that he was finally home, after being away overseas, he knew that he couldn't wait until he walked inside and kiss his wife, couldn't wait until he touch her and tell her how much he love her.

Love, he never thought that when he first married her.  He thought maybe after 6 weeks of marriage they would be getting a divorce, but instead he was looking forward to walking in and giving her a kiss and cuddling up to her.  When he finally walked up to the front door, he unlock it and knew where Karen would be, in the art room.  Slowly he walked in and then gives her a kiss.

"So, my lovely wife, did you miss me?" Siwon said, placing a kiss on her neck.  "No, I didn't, I hated you so much that I was so glad that you went away," Karen jokingly said.  "You evil woman," Siwon teased and turns her around and gives her a kiss on the lips.  

"How was it while I was away?" Siwon asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.  "It was good, been busy doing my art work," she said.  

"I can see that you have been busy," he said looking around to see the art work that she had been doing.  "Yeah, with you gone, I had to keep myself busy," Karen said moving her arms up around Siwon's neck.  

"Well how about this, since I only have a few days off before I have to be back on the road, so how about this, you come on the road with," Siwon said hopping that he could be able to spend some time with Karen.  "You know it may not be a bad idea,  I feel like I do need a break," Karen admitted "Good, because the others wanted to see you," Siwon said, picking up her up and then taking her to the room where they would just cuddle in bed.  "I love you," Siwon said staring lovingly into Karen's eyes "I love you too," she replied and lift her head off the pillow and then she gives him a kiss and then continues to cuddle up to him.

"To be honest Siwon, I never thought in a million years that I could say , but I am so happy that I am married to you,"  Karen said as she continued to cuddle up with Siwon.  "Yeah same with me,  however I did think that you were a bit of a brat," Siwon admitted.

"What? me no I wasn't," Karen remarked, she had to admit that she did acted like a spoil little brat when Siwon and her first started getting married.  She didn't know how Siwon could have coped at the start and she was glad that not only him, but her, herself managed to make this marriage work.   

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