"Look who finally arrived,"

The marriage demand

"Look who finally arrived," Kyuhyun joked, he had been glad that Karen was going to be joining them for the first time since after she had gotten married to Siwon.  "How are Kyuhyun?" Karen asked giving a hug, "Doing well, the most important thing, is how are you?" he said pulling her away from Siwon "I'm doing great," Karen said glad that she was able to join the rest on the road.  "You better give me back my wife," Siwon jokingly said to Kyuhyun.  "Not going to happen, she is mind for the time being," Kyuhyun joke and then he gets up and gets things set up.  Moments later the rest arrived all glad that got to see Karen for the first time in weeks.  

"What is going on between you and my sister?" Karen question Donghae as she gave him a hug.  "Nothing is going on between Clare and me, you know we will always be good friends," Donghae answer her back and then heads to his room and unpack his things.  While the rest unpack their things, Karen decided that she would cook dinner for them.

"Are you cooking dinner babe," Siwon said as he enter the kitchen, giving her a kitchen.  "Yeah I am, since you were all busy, I thought that maybe I should cook dinner," Karen says and when she had been done with the dinner, she plated everything and then they all gathered around and have dinner.

"Since I did cook you all dinner; you all can fight it over and see who can do the dishes," Karen said sitting down and having dinner.  "Like hell I am helping out with the dishes," Kyhyun remarked.  " Yes you are, we are going to try to pitch in," Ryeowook said, they all knew that Karen had did a nice thing for them and it was the only way could return the favour.  After dinner, Karen decided that she would have a shower, while the rest would help out.  

While Karen, was having a shower, her phone rang and Siwon picked it, "Hello?.... No I'm her husband," Just then Siwon froze it was new that neither Karen or him needed.  "Yes I can tell her," he finished and placed the phone down. "Is everything alright?" Donghae asked.  "That was the police. They say that Clare was killed in a car accident," Siwon sadly said, he knew that Karen was't going to like.  "Oh god," Siwon heard Donghae say as he sat down.  Just then he had to break the news to his wife.  

"Okay I'm done with my shower," Karen cheerfully said, just as she enter the room she notice that everyone had sad looks on their faces.  "What is wrong?" Karen said hopping that everything would be okay.  "Your phone just rang a few minutes ago and that was the police, they said Clare was killed in a car accident," Siwon sadly said.  

"NO, NO," Karen screamed not wanting to hear the news. "It's alright,"Siwon said rushing over to her and giving her a hug.  "Why?" Karen cried.  "We don't know," He calmly said not wanting to show Karen that he was upset.  As Karen continued to cry, Siwon, he turned his head around and looked at Donghae who was as upset as Karen was, yeah he knew that Donghae was still in love with Clare, any fool could see that Donghae was still in love with Clare.  

Gently Siwon picks Karen up and takes her to there room.  A few hours later after Karen had finally fallen asleep, it had been a long day and the last thing Siwon wanted to do was to sleep.  Soon there was a knock and Shindong and Leeteuk let themselves him.

"How is she?" Shindong asked looking over at the bed to see Karen asleep.  "She managed to fall sleep on 15 minutes ago," Siwon just managed to say.  "Most impotantly how are doing?" Leeteuk asked sitting down next to Siwon "You know I have to be strong for her; I don't want to her see me upset. So is Donghae," Siwon said changing the subject, this wasn't about his wife who had just lost her is sister, but Donghae as well.  "He is still upset," Shingdong answered back.  "We all talked about it, and we all agreed that we should cancelled all our schedule for a while you help Karen grieve the lost," Leeteuk said standin up and heading towards the door.  "Thanks guys I needed that," Siwon managed to say and then getting up and heading to bed.

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