"Damn it, it is Siwon," Karen whispered

The marriage demand

"Damn it, it is Siwon," Karen whispered, hearing him banging on the door. "Karen, I know you are there, open up now," Siwon shouted.  Karen knew that Siwon wasn't too happy after she walked out on their marriage 24 hours into it.  

"You have to hide me," Karen continued to whispered.  Her older sister Clare didn't like the idea that she had walked out on her marriage.  "Okay I'll hide you, but you owe it to me," Clare said and then takes her to her room and hides her in the wardrobe.  And then she heads to the door and opens it.  "Hi Siwon so glad that you," Clare cheerfully said, pretending that Karen wasn't in the house.  

"Don't play games Clare, I know you have my wife; now where is my wife," Siwon demanded not waiting for Clare to answer him, he knew that his wife was in Clare's room.  "Now let me guess, where my wife be," he pretended to think, knowingly that Karen was hiding in her sister's wardrobe.  Just then Siwon opens the door and sees Karen.

"So glad to see you," Siwon said grabbing her arms and standing her up.  "I think it is time that you and I head home and re-start our honeymoon.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," She angrily said standing her ground.  "You are coming with me and that is final," he smoothly said and then turned to Clare to speak to her.  "Clare, could you please get my wife her bags," he said and then get Karen out of the room and they head to the front door.

"Don't ever pull that stunt again, the last I needed right now," Siwon said and then he takes his phone out to call everyone to tell them that he had found Karen.  bag

"I don't want to go with you," she muttered under her breath hopping that Siwon won't here her.  

"You are going with me and that is final, I am still tired from looking for you," he said walking over to collect Karen's bags  and then they head out and get back to their honeymoon.

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