Chapter 9

S.I.S (Super Idol School)

We stepped into the girls dorm building and looked for dorm 303.

“Sica~!” I found it!” Krystal shouted from the opposite end of the hall.

I ran over and put the key in the lock.

“Stop!” Krystal pushed my hand away from the door.

“What?” I mouthed.

“There are two people in there talking about something serious. Let’s not go in yet.” Krystal whispered.

“Are you serious?”

Krystal nodded.

I rolled my eyes, *I just want to unpack and sleep.*

I unlocked the door and saw two people talking to each other, actually more like arguing.

“I saw you with another girl Luhan, don’t make up excuses. You even kissed her on the cheek!”

“Fany, this is all just a misunderstanding. Please let me explain.”

“Why? So you can come up with more excuses?”

I cleared my throat. “Sorry to interrupt but my sister and I are new here and this is our new dorm.”

The girl looked at me then Krystal, “This is my dorm too, welcome!” She smiled warmly. “I’m Tiffany Hwang. Some people call me Fany.”

I smiled, “I’m Jessica Jung and that’s my younger sister Krystal.” Krystal waved, “Nice to meet you.”

“Aren’t you going to introduce me?” The boy asked Tiffany.

She stared at him coldly, “Do it yourself.”

He rolled his eyes and smiled at us, “Hi. I’m Luhan.”

I waved, “Hi.”

“So, you guys can leave your stuff here and unpack later. Let’s go have lunch~!” Tiffany chimed.

“Let’s go Sica, I’m really hungry.” Krystal whined.

I nodded, “Where’s the cafeteria?”

We walked past the boys dorm building and another big building until we got to the cafeteria and it was worth the walk. The food looked delicious. I could feel my mouth watering; I hadn’t eaten anything since we landed in Seoul.

Tiffany laughed, “You guys look hungry.”

We nodded.

“Fany~ Honey~ I’m going to sit with EXO today since you’re still angry at me. Please believe me, I’m not lying.” Luhan spoke before he walked over to a group of boys on the other side of the cafeteria.

Tiffany ignored him, “You guys just grab anything you want okay? It’s all free~”

Krystal and I looked at each other, *Free?!*

I grabbed a cheeseburger with chips and a peach flavoured ice tea, while Krystal grabbed coconut bread and banana flavoured milk (her ex-boyfriend Taemin made her fall in love with that drink).

“Where are we going to sit?” I asked Krystal. No answer. I turned around, “Krystal…?”

“I’m sorry Sica!” She shouted as she was being dragged towards the table Luhan had walked over to.

I sighed, *Where am I going to sit?* I looked around the cafeteria but there were no empty tables. *I have to probably sit next to some nerd now…”

“Don’t know where to sit?”

I spun around, “Bacon? Oh, sorry. I mean Baekhyun.”

He chuckled, “Does my name really sound like Bacon?”

I shrugged, “It kinda does.”

“Would you like to sit with me?”

I stepped back, “Is this some romantic gesture?”

He smiled, “I’m the headmistress’ son. I have to be welcoming to everyone.”

My cheeks reddened, “Oh. Well then, I would love to sit with you.”

He led me to a table full of boys and it was the same table that Krystal was sitting at.

“Sica! What are you doing here?”

“I’m sitting down, why? Scared I might steal all the boys?”

She rolled her eyes.

“Who’s this?” A boy with a cute face asked.

“Her name’s Jessica Jung.” Baekhyun answered.

“Jung? You two are sisters?”

I nodded.

“Well, I’m Xiumin. People call me Baozi but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Sit down here.” Baekhyun gestured to the seat next to him.

“Who have you met so far?” Baekhyun asked.

I looked around the table, “Well, I’ve met Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O, Suho, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, that really tall guy sitting next to Krystal and Kai…”

“Did someone say my name?” Kai said as he walked over to the table. As soon as he saw me he stopped, “What is she doing here? Why is she sitting with us?”

“She’s my friend.” Baekhyun answered.

“Friend?” He stared coldly at me, “Okay then, well I’m going to go sit somewhere else.”

“Hey Chen, Tao! Let’s sit at this table.” Kai shouted at his two friends walking back from the counter.

I sighed. *Did I hurt him that much?*

Baekhyun looked at me, “Are you okay? Do you two know each other?”

I spoke softly, “Barely.”

I mainly wrote this chapter to try and introduce Tiffany and the rest of EXO.
So, yeah. Not much happened in it.
The next one will probably have more drama...
Thank you for commenting ~ I like getting feedback and your reactions of what's happening in the story. : )
So, keep commenting~! ^^


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[S.I.S] Currently working on Chapter 18 and a special Christmas chapter. :)


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mandy8888 #1
Chapter 18: Please update soon
AznCutie8418 #2
Please continue updating :D
icybyung #3
Please update ^^
icybyung #4
Chapter 18: Please update soon =)
Chapter 18: why i feel like krystal doesnt exist in this story.. T.T
icybyung #6
Please update
icybyung #7
I am still waiting for the update please update
Chapter 18: Oh My Gee~ You really have to update this story ASAP~
This is totally awesome~!!! ^_^ I'm really looking forward to who is her brother in Beast... FIGHTING~!!!
SoYou__Angel #9
Chapter 18: Annyeong! I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! I think it's the best! Good idea. Hope you will put the next chapter! I'm already looking forward to reading the next chapter! Kyya, but question pls : what exactly the power of Jessica ? Can she transform ? And please, can you write more good action with Kai and Jesica ? I hope that it'll end with a KAISICA! Love this couple so much! Poor Kai... I don't to see him suffer like that >w< Tss, that Victoria XD Update soon ^^
Take care and FIGHTING~