Chapter 10

S.I.S (Super Idol School)

Krystal saw the look on my face and changed subjects, “You guys all have powers right? What are your powers? I can read minds.” She said mischievously.

Chanyeol froze, “Read minds…?” *What if she heard what I was thinking before? Crap. Oh wait. She might be reading my mind right now. Stop thinking Park Chanyeol. Stop thinking.

“Yeah. Here, I’ll prove it to you. Think of something, anything and I’ll guess what it is.”

Chanyeol looked Krystal in the eyes.

“Are you thinking of something?” She asked.

He nodded. *You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met Krystal Jung and I would love to watch a movie with you sometime.*

She tilted her head, “A movie? Sure.”

Chanyeol grinned. *Yes.* But Sehun and Kris weren’t as happy about Krystal going to watch a movie with Chanyeol.

“Can I come?” Kris asked.

Krystal looked at him surprised and smiled, “Why not? The more the merrier.”

“That means I can come right?” Sehun asked gazing into her eyes.

She nodded, “Of course.”

Lay cleared his throat, “Mind reading’s pretty cool but healing’s cooler.”

“No way, you can heal?! That’s so cool!” Krystal exclaimed.

“You think healing’s cool? No. Fire bending is cool.” Chanyeol said as he lit a napkin on fire.

Suho quickly moved his hand and extinguished the fire, “Chanyeol! Don’t set napkins on fire just to impress girls. You’re lucky I can water bend. I saved the day.” Suho flashed a smile.

D.O smiled sheepishly. “Well, I would show case my amazing earth bending but we’re inside and I would probably get in trouble by the headmistress.”

“You can only earth bend a couple of pebbles… Yes, very amazing earth bending.” Kris teased.

“Well, let’s see you demonstrate your flying abilities.”

“Maybe next time.” Kris answered.

“Aw, Kris! You’re no fun.” Krystal complained.

He smiled and shook his head.

“Well, I’ve got the coolest power. I can move things with my mind.” Luhan winked. He stared at the fork on the table and it slowly started to levitate in the air.”

I gasped, “Daebak…”

“Well, I can create light.” Baekhyun said as he shone light on you. “It looks like you’re an angel.”

I smiled, “Really?”

He nodded.

That’s when I transformed into a bear and scared everyone.

“Do I still look like an angel?” I asked Baekhyun.

He smiled, “You look like an even prettier angel than before.”

The whole table erupted into laughter.

“Ya! Are you saying I was ugly before?”

Baekhyun shook his head, “You were beautiful before, but bears are my favourite animal and I think they are prettier than any human.”

I looked at him. “Bear lover? Would have never guessed.”

“What’s your power Sehun?” Krystal asked.

He twirled his hand and a small hurricane formed on the table.

“Woah…” Krystal gasped.

“Now, it’s my time to shine. Well, not literally…” Xiumin touched his bottle of water and it froze.

“At lease I know who to come to on a hot day.” I joked.

“Oh and the three over there,” Baekhyun pointed towards Kai’s table, “Have the coolest powers. Kai can teleport, Tao can use time control and Chen can make lightning.”

“Wow! So cool!” Krystal said in awe.

“Not as cool as our powers right?!” Chanyeol pouted.

Krystal giggled, “Your powers are daebak.”

Chanyeol grinned, satisfied with her answer.

Baekhyun leaned in towards me, “Seriously though, why doesn’t Kai like you?”

I looked Baekhyun in the eyes, “He told me that he liked me in front of Victoria and I told him some pretty harsh things afterward.”

“Do you want me to go talk to him?” Baekhyun offered.

“No. I need to stay away from him or else Victoria will just… She’ll eat me alive.”

“You can transform into a bear. I think you’re the one who’ll eat her.”

I smiled. “That’s so true.”

Kai stared at Baekhyun and you laughing and smiling together. *She’s moved on quickly.* Kai thought bitterly. *I don’t understand what I did wrong. I saved her from Victoria’s wrath… Maybe I should’ve just let Victoria teach her a lesson, maybe then she would be laughing and smiling with me right now.*

I lied. This chapter doesn't have that much drama.
Just introduction of powers...
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[S.I.S] Currently working on Chapter 18 and a special Christmas chapter. :)


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mandy8888 #1
Chapter 18: Please update soon
AznCutie8418 #2
Please continue updating :D
icybyung #3
Please update ^^
icybyung #4
Chapter 18: Please update soon =)
Chapter 18: why i feel like krystal doesnt exist in this story.. T.T
icybyung #6
Please update
icybyung #7
I am still waiting for the update please update
Chapter 18: Oh My Gee~ You really have to update this story ASAP~
This is totally awesome~!!! ^_^ I'm really looking forward to who is her brother in Beast... FIGHTING~!!!
SoYou__Angel #9
Chapter 18: Annyeong! I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! I think it's the best! Good idea. Hope you will put the next chapter! I'm already looking forward to reading the next chapter! Kyya, but question pls : what exactly the power of Jessica ? Can she transform ? And please, can you write more good action with Kai and Jesica ? I hope that it'll end with a KAISICA! Love this couple so much! Poor Kai... I don't to see him suffer like that >w< Tss, that Victoria XD Update soon ^^
Take care and FIGHTING~