
Pictures Of You [COMPLETED]

Song: Eternally by Utada Hikaru [Amazing voice]


[Third Person POV]

Your backside hit the ground and you winced in pain.

“Aigoo! Who on earth?” you complained as rubbed your head.

Your eyes widened in shock as you recognised the two eyes looking down at you.

“Jin Ae ah?”

“Come with me”

Jin Ae grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Jae Joong’s car as Vick waddled along after you. She stopped under a big tree nearby as you caught your breath.

“Omo, Jin Ae ah. What?”


She covered your mouth and pointed off into the distance. You followed her extended finger and gasped when you saw the hoards of photographers that now swarmed Jae Joong’s car black car.

“How did they” you began.

“Crazy Cassiopeians can do anything”

“But then where is Jae Joong oppa?” you asked worried.

“Yoochun sshi already pulled him away, that’s why you couldn’t see him” she said with a huge grin as soon as she mentioned Yoochun’s name.

A wave of relief washed over you as you started to imagine all the bad things that could have happened if her was still there right now. Frustrated you squat down on the ground and buried your face in your hands.
*Why did it have to be today?*
You were on the verge of screaming when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up and saw Jin Ae giving you a tight smile.

“Is this the way it has to be?” you asked.

“I don’t know, I’ve never dated a big star before” she said squatting down next to you.

You cupped your face in your hands as you watched the journalists, photographers and Cassiopeians scatter around trying to find Jae Joong.

“But the good news is they had no idea you were with him” Jin Ae said with a hand on your back.

You sighed and continued to watch the crazy fans and their posters move about. You suddenly felt something wet on your hand. Then it hit you.

“Vick, where is your appa?”

Vick whimpered a little and laid down with his head on his paws.

“~~~~ ah, just take him home. I doubt Jae Joong sshi will come back now” Jin Ae suggested.

“You don’t think he’ll come back to see if I’m okay?” you asked sadly.

“Well, it’s the crowds keeping him away” she said.

You pouted and looked at Vick.

“Come on, grab the dog, let’s go”

“How?” you asked staring at Vick’s furry heap on the path.

“Just pull him”

You took hold of Vick’s collar and tugged a bit, he moved an inch.

“Come on Vick” you begged.

You pulled harder only to be jerked back down onto the ground. You collapsed down in a heap, grazing your hand along the cement. Vick was refusing to budge,

“~~~~ ah!”

Before you could even look up to see who it was two hands grabbed your wrists and helped you up. You looked up to see a person with a black beanie, black shades and a beard looking at you.

“Thank you ajushi” you said bowing slightly.

“Ajushi?” he grinned at you creepily and you shuffled back, scared.

“Who.. Who are you?” you stuttered.

“~~~~ ah, don’t be scared”

You let out another yelp as you heard his voice say your name.
*How does he know my name?*

“Ya! You e! Get away!” Jin Ae defended, puling you behind her back.

“Aish! I’m not a e!” the old man defended.

Vick sat up and began barking as the creepy old guy pulled your foreman.

“Ya! Let go!”

“I don’t think so mister!” Jin Ae yelled.

Jin Ae began hitting the old man violently with her handbag. Then Vick joined in too, biting at the old man’s heels.

“Ya! Vick! You’re such a ist dog!” the old man complained as he tried dodging Jin Ae’s wide blows.

“Omo! Jin Ae ah stop!”

The phrase was all too familiar as you moved closer to the tall lean figure, that couldn’t have belonged to an old man. You reached up and pulled off the man’s sunglasses. You looked into the deep blue eyes and immediately felt lost and weak.

“J…Jae Joong oppa” you whispered.

“Eh?!” Jin Ae exclaimed.

“Sshh” Jae Joong hushed.

Jin Ae mouth sorry and smiled.

“Omo, oppa, are you okay?” you asked touching his red arms.

“I’m fine, nothing a little tiger balm can’t fix” he said with a small smile.

Curious you reached up and touched his beard. At first Jae Joong was surprised but laughed when you pulled your hand away suddenly.

“It feels gross” you explained wiping your hands on Jae Joong’s shirt.

“I didn’t mean to suddenly disappear, Yoochun came out of nowhere” he explained looking at you.

“It’s okay. I understand” you smiled.

“Give me your hand”

You gave him your hand and he blew softly on the dry blood. He dug his hands into his pocket and pulled out a small band aid with pictures of Mickey mouse on it. You smiled as you watched him carefully put it on in one quick movement.

“Thanks oppa”

For a moment you both just stared at each other. You were intrigued by Jae Joong’s outrageous disguise and gentle ways. Jae Joong however was intrigued by your understanding and smile.

“Ahem!” Jin Ae coughed loudly.

You smiled at her apologetically and you looked at Jae Joong again, making her roll her eyes ever so slightly.



“What do we do now?”

Jae Joong looked down at you and comfortingly placed a hand on your shoulder. Jin Ae suddenly jumped. You looked at her with a puzzled expression. She shot you and smile and then tapped Jae Joong on the shoulder. You watched as Jin Ae whispered something to Jae Joong. As Jin Ae spoke the small smiled that played on his lips grew wider and wider.

“Jin Ae sshi! You’re a genius! How am I ever going to repay you?” Jae Joong asked, he was clearly pleased with whatever plan Jin Ae had devised.

“Oppa, what are we doing?”

“~~~~ ah, just follow my lead okay?”

You nodded, still a little bit confused but you trusted Jae Joong. You gave him a tight smile as he beckoned you to follow him.

“Ajushi! What about your dog?” Jin Ae yelled after Jae Joong.

“Someone will pick him up soon”

“Ajushi?” you repeated looking at Jae Joong.

He winked at you before he put his sunglasses on and then linked your arm through his. As you both walked past the swarm of photographers Jae Joong suddenly coughed and then cleared his throat.

“So, what would my little daughter like to eat today?” he said a bi too loudly.

You looked up at Jae Joong with your eyebrows furrowed. He cleared his throat again and mouthed ‘appa’ to you.

“I don’t know appa, what do you feel like” you said a bit awkwardly.

You really had no acting skills and Jae Joong quickly towed you away from the curious eyes.

“So that’s the plan?” you asked as you both began strolling slowly along the path that lead to the beach.

“~~~~ ah, sorry” Jae Joong said in a sad tone.

“Oppa, it’s not your fault” you replied as you swung your hands gently by your side.

Jae Joong was silent as his arms slowly mimicked the movement of your arms. Suddenly Jae Joong’s phone began ringing, he gave you a tight smile and answered it.

“Yoochun ah, what’s up? You know I’m busy what do you want?” he said in a playful tone.

Yoochun said something on the other line, Jae Joong’s expression completely changed and he looked at you before walking away a little further to continue talking. You sat down on the ground and played with a tuft of grass sticking up on the side. After about ten minutes you heard footsteps coming towards you. You looked up and saw Jae Joong coming towards you. He sat down next to you and sighed, staying completely silent.

“Oppa is something wrong?” you asked as you noticed his silence and change of mood.

“Yoochun just told me some bad news”

“Oh” you answered, not really sure what else to say.

“When Yoochun called he sounded upset, then he told me that because of our contracts, SM no longer wants to have anything to do with us. Yunho and Changmin have both taken sides with SM we‘re moving out tomorrow”

You stopped and looked at Jae Joong, his face had become sad. The look on his face made him look a lot older than he really was and it hurt you slightly when you looked at him. You placed a hand comfortingly on his shoulder and rubbed it.

“I don’t know what to do” it was more a statement than an answer as he continued to stare out to sea.

“Oppa, sorry”

“Don’t apologise, come on. You must be hungry, let’s go grab a bite to eat” Jae Joong suggested, he tried to sound happy and cheerful but you knew that it was all just an act.

“Oppa, if you’re not hungry I could just go home”

“No, I really want to be with you right now” you heart began beating faster as the words began replaying themselves in your mind.

Jae Joong stood up and offered you his hand, you took it and he pulled you up with what felt like little or no effort at all. As you got to the tree you had been standing under before, you were relieved to see that all the press had gone. Jae Joong seemed unaffected as he unlocked the car door for you, he then got in and started the engine. The drive was silent, except for a few small words, there wasn’t much to say. After a while of driving Jae Joong stopped outside an apartment building, puzzled you turned to look at him, only to see him give you a small smile.

“I feel like cooking”

Jae Joong got out and opened the door for you…

[Jae Joong POV]

~~~~ was quiet as she walked next to me, I didn’t know if she didn’t know what to say or if it was about SM. I felt bad for lying to her, telling her I took her to an apartment to cook for her. Truth was, it was Yoochun’s apartment block and both him and Junsu were waiting for me. There was a lot we needed to talk about, but what kind of a person would I be if I didn’t keep my girlfriend company. The talk would have to wait. I took off my wig which was starting to annoy me and the fake beard Yoochun had forced on me earlier. I shook my hair and tidied it up a bit before turning to look at ~~~~.

“~~~~ ah, you don’t mind if Yoochun and Junsu are with us do you?” I asked as we reached Yoochun’s front door, I slapped myself mentally for not saying it earlier.

“Umm… course not” she said half heartedly.

It was an obvious lie, but if it makes everything feel better then I was willing to believe her. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. After a few minutes the door swung open and I saw Junsu’s face.

“Hyung…” Junsu’s eyes then met ~~~~’s and he gave her a small smile.

“~~~~ sshi”

“Come in”

Junsu opened the door wider and both ~~~~ and I walked in.

“Alright! Tonight I’m making dinner, ~~~~ ah, you just sit and relax okay? Yoochun ah you have to cook with me and Junsu ah you have to keep ~~~~ company”

My fake happy tone was almost believable, I watch as ~~~~ gave me a stunning smile. Her smile lifted me and felt a lot lighter than I had been for the last half hour.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Yoochun agreed pushing me away.

“Come on! Let’s go!” Junsu shrieked in his English accent that I found hard to understand.

I heard ~~~~ giggle, and that was enough to make me smile for the rest of the night. It took about half an hour for me to prepare dinner and Yoochun and I didn’t have much to say without Junsu. After Yoochun set the table I brought out the steaming hot spaghetti. I didn’t have the heart to cook a three course meal tonight so spaghetti was the only option. I watched ~~~~’s eyes light up as I sat down next to her and Yoochun on the other side, leaving Junsu by himself.

“Why do I have to be the one sitting by myself?” he whined with a pout.

“I’ll come sit with you” ~~~~ offered as she began getting up.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down as she stared at me.

“Ya! Junsu ah! Do you want me to punch you? ~~~~ ah’s my girlfriend, she has to sit next to me. Ya. Yoochun ah, go sit next to the cry baby” I said.

“I’m no cry baby! Yoochun ah’s the one that is the cry baby!” Junsu defended.

“Ya! Shut up” Yoochun said as he moved over to the other side.

Junsu began eating and so did Yoochun. I watched as ~~~~ also took a bite.

“How is it?” I whispered, watching her reaction.

“It’s delicious” she said with a smile.

I reached out and wiped away a small bit of sauce that was the edge of her lips as watched her cheeks turn a rosy shade of red.

“Ya! You have an audience, so don’t carried away” Junsu said.

I glared at him and he continued to eat with a small smile on his lips.

[Your POV]

After dinner that night Jae Joong dropped me off home. It was silent most of the car trip because I was still feeling shy and unsure whether or not he was feeling happy enough to talk. Once in a while I would catch him looking at me and he would clear his throat and pretend like nothing had happened. It was very sweet and I found myself blushing quite often. As he pulled up at the kerb Jae Joong got out and came around to open my door. I smiled at him gratefully and got out.

“Did you like dinner?”

“Yes, it was nice. Thanks oppa” I smiled.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Jae Joong asked.

I stopped and turned to face him.

“Mmm… I think I have work. I’m not sure, why?”

Jae Joong nodded and let out a small sigh.

“The boys and I are having dinner, I just thought you might want to join us”

“Dinner should be okay, but I have a request”

“Go on then” Jae Joong cooed.

I blushed slightly and then answered him.

“Can Jin Ae come too?” Jae Joong let out a chuckle and smiled.

“Yoochun is going to kill me… but if that’s what it takes for you to come, then anything is possible” he smiled.

“Thanks oppa, you’re the best” I said with a grin.

“Course I am” he replied with a small smirk.

His mood had lifted tremendously and I smiled as I watched him look at me with his dark blue eyes.

“Well, I have to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow” I turned away and was about to leave when I felt Jae Joong pull me back.

“Hold up, you haven’t given me your number and you don’t even know where we’re going to meet, you can’t run away like that” he said.

“Oops” I honestly had forgotten, today seemed like such a rush and I never had a chance to do things properly.

“Hand me your phone” Jae Joong instructed.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and handed it to him. I watched him punch the numbers in and hand it back to me, with no trouble at all.

“I’ll call you” he said.

I nodded and waved.

“Bye” I turned and was about to open the door when I felt him pull me back again gently.

“Oppa, what’s wrong?” you asked amused, this was the second time he had pulled you back.

“Nothing, I just wanted to tell you… that… I… I hope you sleep well tonight” he said finally.

“I will. Good night oppa” I said with a wave.

AN: Long update, sorry about the wait guys, I really had a huge writers block while writing this so I have no idea if it’s any good or not. Sorry. Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. COMMENTS?

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