Chapter Twelve

My Heart

A week has passed and the scandal news has already stopped as they have introduces her as their personal assistant. The six of them got closer each and every day and learns new things about each other. The two maknaes always love to , Jae Jin was always like a friend who loves to at times but always like to act like he is older than her. Joon Hoon was pretty quiet at times, she could feel that his eyes on her at times but she choose to ignore it. She treated him more like a brother as he always tries to help her at times when no one is around. Hong Ki, he was the only one that knows everything about her, she felt herself getting attracted by him day by day. Although she tried to control herself but his every action, every move always touches her heart. She also got to learnt each of their habits and how to wakes them up in the morning especially Hong Ki who was the most difficult one to wake him up... Seung Hyun was the only one that was busy with his musical performance was usually not around at times.

The night before Seung Hyun’s birthday and they were celebrating it for him at the pub, they booked the whole club as if was open by one of Hong Ki’s friend so they could have their own privacy. They invited a few of their artiste friends and Seung Hyun invited a few of his closed friends too. They had fun at home til late evening and they went to prepare as they get ready to go out. So Eun was the first one to prepare herself as she needs to find her clothes. She did not have much clothes that were suitable for clubbing, she finds her wardrobe and luggage and only manage to find a short black low V sleeveless dress as the rest of her clothes were very casual. She took it and went into the bathroom to change, after changing, she applied some light make up over her face and daps a layer of lip gloss on her lips. She came out of the bathroom and saw Hong Ki at the wardrobe picking his clothes but he did not notice her. She walks over to his side and taps him on his shoulder, Hong Ki Oppa, are you still choosing what to wear? He turns and saw her, his eyes widen as his jaw drops open seeing her in that dress but she did not notice it as she was busy looking in his wardrobe for his clothes. He quickly snaps back and saw her picking out his clothes for him. Oppa, you want to wear this, she asked as she took out a black shirt with red trim and a pair of black torn jeans… He closes the wardrobe door and puts his hands up locking her in between as he looks at her deep in her eyes. Do you know how much I have to suffer with you teasing me like that, he said with a low and huskily voice as he leans nearer to her inhaling her scent as he closes his eyes. She gulps as he leans in closer to her, she could feel him breathing on her ear… Oppa, she calls out softly and Hong Ki snaps off as he immediately moves away from her. Sorry, he mumbles and took the clothes from her hand as he heads into the bathroom. So Eun stood there for awhile trying to recap what has just happen and quickly went to find something to cover up but she only manage to find a piece of shawl. She opens it up and covers it over her shoulder and chest then she took her small clutch bag and puts her necessary stuffs inside. As she was about to leave the room, the bathroom door opens and Hong Ki came out with the outfit that she picks for him, he was looking gorgeous in that black outfit. She took a quick peek before closing the door behind her, Hong Ki went to his wardrobe and took a jacket before he came out.

Wow Noona, you look amazing, Seung Hyun said as they saw her coming out of the room, although the top was covered up but her dress was revealing her long slender legs. Noona, you will be catching a lot of attention later wearing like that, Min Hwan said. Should I change into something else, she asked them as she checks on her outfit which was hugging onto her curves perfectly. No, you look gorgeous like this but just make sure you are careful of your sitting posture, Joon Hoon said to her. Yes Joon Hoon Oppa, she nods her head and gave him a smile. So Eun, make sure you dance with us later alright, Jae Jin said cheekily. But I can’t really dance, she protested… Is alright, we are not very good at dancing too, but just do it for me since it is my birthday, Seung Hyun said and pouted cutely at her… Alright, since you are the birthday boy tonight, she agrees. We can go now, they heard Hong Ki saying as he came out of his room. They nod their head and went to the door taking their shoe, wearing them on. Hong Ki saw So Eun looking around for her shoe and she took out her five inch platform heels. So Eun ah, don’t wear that your ankle has just recover, he said gently. She nods her head and put it back then took out a black peep toe two inch heels and slip it on. Hong Ki went over to take out a pair of shoe which has a pretty high platform and wear it on. It was already 10pm when they headed downstairs where their van was waiting for them and their Manager Hyung was inside the van too, they greeted him cheerfully as they enter the van. The three young boys sat at the back and then Hong Ki signals for So Eun to go in first. As the van was pretty high and her dress was quite short, she slowly enters the van, he took his jacket on his hand on cover it over her legs as she moves in. All of them notice his action but they kept quiet about it as he climbs into the van with Joon Hoon behind him. She was about to remove the jacket to return him back but he places his hand on it, knowing what he meant, she nods her head and whispered a thank you.

The van remains silent and their Manager decides to break the silent as he was not used to it. So Eun sshi, you look great in that dress, I bet the boys were be all looking at you later, he said jokingly. Manager Ma, you can just call me So Eun, erm… I actually do not have any party outfit except for this dress, she said feeling shy. Trust me, you look good, if I have seen you for the first time at the dorm and I immediately thought you were a model but the boys said you were not. That is a pity, you have the quality to become one, he continue saying. Manager Hyung, she can be our next model in our upcoming music video for our new song, Jae Jin said loudly from the back. Hmmm, that is a good idea but I already announce her as your personal assistant, but things can change I guess… Anyway the scandal storm has went down so I guess is a pretty good idea. What do you think So Eun, he asked her. I can give it a try if you guys don’t mind but I can continue my job as their personal assistant, if not I will be lodging and eating for free which I don’t want to. Erm, is up to you if you want to, their manager said… Thank you so much Manager Ma, So Eun said happily. They continue talking a bit here and there before reaching their destination. Hong Ki held onto So Eun’s hand as he helps her down from the van and she returns him his jacket gratefully.

When they enter the club, it was already filled with people and loud music, a huge party popper was popped when Seung Hyun steps into the club. They all split up and went to talk to their friends leaving So Eun not knowing where to go to. Suddenly she felt a hand holding hers and she turns back seeing Hong Ki looking at her. Follow me wherever I go, don’t get lost, he said and drags her away to the second level. A group of guys were sitting there as Hong Ki brought her over, he introduced them to her and she found out that they were from Super Junior. Yo, Hong Ki ah, since when you have such a beautiful chick, why didn’t you told us before, one of them asked… Yah, was she the one they caught you with at the hotel? Yah, it is not like that alright and don’t you all dare to lay your hands on her, he said jokingly. What chick are you guys talking about, a voice came from behind. Oh Keun Suk Hyung, you are here, Hong Ki jumps up immediate and hugs the guy. So Eun looks at the guy and observe him and she recalls that he was the one in the photo. So Eun ah, meet Keun Suk Hyung, the one I showed you in the photo, she stood up and shakes hand with him. So you are the beautiful chick that Hong Ki got scandal with, he said and laughs. So Eun blushes as Hong Ki smacks his Hyung on the arms and the Super Junior members laugh. Suddenly a girl appears and greeted them, she recognize her too. Hong Ki introduces them to each other, So Eun this is Shin Hye, Shin Hye this is So Eun. They shake hand as they greeted each other then she saw Keun Suk holding onto Shin Hye’s hand. They are actually a couple in real life but the both of them are idols so they only do this in front of us, Hong Ki whispered to her. They really look like a couple so loving together, she thought to herself as she sips onto her glass.


Thank you to all my dearies subscribers and readers... Enjoy and please comments... Loves you all lots!

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Chapter 17: Miss your story for a long time my dear, and don't stop !!!!! Okay, the story is getting exciting. I guess So Eun is going to have a scandal with Jun Hyun and the little girl....

Ke ke ke... Love yah.... Mwahhh...
HongStarAngel #2
Chapter 16: Yay~ finally updated!!!LOVE YOU!!
Thanks for this sweet~sweet chapter chingu ya~
Update quickly~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 16: Awww!!! Sooo sweet, finally you updated chingu yah, thanks for the updatr....and update morrrrrrrrre.....LOLXD
HongStarAngel #4
Chapter 15: lol at silly Hongki and his fail confession to sㅋㅋ
Awee they just so sweet together.
I hope nothing bad will happen to this couple~
Update soon okie pwetty~pweese~ ♥.♥
HongStarAngel #5
Wow this story is awesome~
Ahhh~ I am so late to know this>.<~
this is sweet... update soon ^^
Chapter 15: Wahh... they're together now.... but poor Hunnie, come to me Hunie I'm available LOLX..thanks for the updat chingu...:D
Chapter 14: Waah.. So Eun and Hongki have the same habit, sleeping (o_o) ke ke...thank for the upadte chingu, welcome back. update soon....mwaahhh..
miss_hana #9
Chapter 14: welcome back, dear!!!))) long time no update) waiting for another)
miss_hana #10
Chapter 13: geunshin moment again)!!! I'm officially dead now) thank youuuuuuu:-)!!!!