Welcome Home

This was Us

Myungsoo’s POV

We reach the apartment complex that I use to call home and I’d live there with Chin Sun, but now it’s just a hurtful memory of what was.

Sungjong takes Star up to the complex with her bag in her lap.

Sunggyu looks at me and asks, “Do you remember the songs Nothing’s Over and Paradise?”

“Of course I do I’ve been singing them a lot in my head,” I mumble the last part.

I think he heard me but being the person not to step on a wounded animal he simply leaves it be, “Good we’re performing those for Chin Sun. I mean she did help write them when we were gone for a while and you two felt hurt because of it.”

“What song will be first?”

“Well we’re going to be singing Can You Smile and She’s Back first then the last two will be Nothing’s Over and Paradise. Oh before that Hoya and Dongwoo will be singing one of their songs I think they said it’d be Special Girl. Before Nothing’s Over I’m going to sing two of my songs. I think I’ll sing 60 Seconds and I Need You. I was thinking of adding Cover Girl before Hoya and Dongwoo sing. What do you think?”

I smile at him and answer, “I think this will be a great welcome home party, but will she last through the last few songs.”

“I hope she will cause I asked Mai to sing that song that you wrote a while back to sing with Chin Sun last to bring more happiness back.”

I nod my head and smile calmly making sure I don’t hit Sunggyu cause he’s like an old man. Not cause he’s fragile cause a lot of old man can be scary if you piss them off.

I follow the guys up to the entrance to see that Sungjong had stopped with Star to wait for us also cause she’s trying to talk him into letting her walk. I laugh slightly remembering the one time she had to use a wheel chair she’d try everything to bribe me into letting her walk, but I didn’t’ cave until she did aegyo. She’s the only person in the world that can use aegyo on me and have it work.

I smile and look at Sungjong and whisper, “She’s going to try aegyo in 5, 4, 3, 2,1.”

Your POV

I was going to make Sungjong cave into letting me walk but Myungsoo interrupted my aegyo attempt to get what I want.

“Chin Sun no matter what you’ll do you’re going to do you’re staying in that wheelchair,” he tells me I simply pout at him and he shrugs.

Still I see that he’s trying hard not to cave in. As we take the elevator to my, no what was Myungsoo and my, apartment.

As we reach the way I hear them messaging people.

I smile to myself at how I think they’re probably holding a welcome home party for me.

I almost jump when we open the door to the apartment to see people jump out and scream surprise for me. I watch as guys push me in and run up to a home made stage for them to see at. Right away, they start singing.

Myungsoo’s POV

1.         She’s back

2.         Come Back Again

3.         Cover Girl

4.         Special Girl

5.           Victorious Way

6.         60 Seconds

7.         I need You

8.         눈물만 (Of tears)

9.        Can you Smile

10.      Paradise

11.      Nothing’s Over

12.      Love You Like You

I see the order of the songs we’ll be singing today and I smile as throughout the party I see people giving Star hugs and introducing themselves telling her where she knows them from. A lot of people from the coffee shop are here to see her.

It’s odd that no one from her school is here, but I heard that they’re the reason that Star was hurt.

I think I’m going to head to school for the first time since the accident.

Since I had no point into going to her school, but these rumors are just reaching me from some of Star’s coworkers.

I shrug off the idea and watch as Mai sets up a camera hooked up to a recorder next to our make shift stage. She gives us the thumbs up and we start singing.

I watch her as she dances in the wheelchair and keeps watching us sing, but once we reach the sad songs she looks like she’s about to cry hard. I want to run to her, but I don’t know if she’ll let me hold her like I want to.

Your POV

I love their songs but once Sunggyu starts singing a sad one I feel like I want to cry.

I want Myungsoo to run down over to me and wrap me up in his embrace, but I know that won’t happen since he’s trying to listen to what I told him after I woke up. He must be afraid of me pushing him away. I probably would.

Still I really like these songs almost like I already knew them.

A nice old woman comes over to me, sits down in a seat by me, and starts talking to me, “Oh Chin Sun we’ve missed you here. I heard about your accident. This reminds me the flowers on your kitchen table are from me. I remember seeing Myungsoo with them all the time. The one time I asked him why he always got those one’s he said they are one of your favorites. He wanted to buy your favorites but they were kind of expensive and his mother had planted your favorites in her garden. To bad Myungsoo’s family couldn’t make it. They were busy today.”

I nod my head and try to listen to her, but all I can do is listen to the sad songs that Sunggyu is singing.

The old woman scowls, “I heard about how you were doing. Everyone here as you can tell the entire time got medical updates on you everyday. I’m sorry to hear about your memory. Still if you’re afraid of the pain don’t hide from it. You should let the memories come and if they become painful embrace them as apart of you. Want to hear something?” I look back at her and nod my head, “My late husband went through the same thing that happened to you, except he was protecting me when we were being mugged. He pushed me away scared he’d hurt me and it worked. Still I’d check up on him daily or have my friends do so. Soon as days went by I slowly weaned my way back into his life, but he still didn’t remember me, until one day I was hurt and he heard about it he worried so much about me it somehow broke through his amnesia and he rushed to save me. I’m not saying that will happen to you, but have an open mind. I’ll give you another piece of advice. Don’t’ be afraid to hurt the ones you love, because no matter what you do you hurt them in some way especially when you push them away. That is the worst thing you can do to them.”

She stops talking and I see the rest of Infinite is on the makeshift stage.

As they start singing, I smile, and follow around with them the song is asking me to smile so I smile up at them.

I think the old woman was right I will embrace the pain and let it melt away it is a part of me and I truthfully think that after today I can push Myungsoo away from me anymore.

Ten minutes after the boys are on stage they slowly get off. I look away away but when I look up at Myungsoo as he takes the mike on a stand as he sits down with his guitar. Mai slips back on the stage.


Myungsoo looks at me and announces the song, “This song a few of you might know from a few concerts where Chin Sun sang with me, but today Mai will be singing in her place. I hope that Chin Sun will remember this song. This is the first song that I wrote with Chin Sun.”

Mai speaks next, “I wish that Chin Sun could be the one on this stage singing with Myungsoo tonight, but instead I will so please be understanding. This song is for Chin Sun.”

I nod my head and listen to them singing and I feel tears stinging my eyes as I feel the meaning of the song and how I can't remember feeling so much for him.

I feel a headache come on so I reach up and take my head in my hands.

I hear the song end and I feel warmth around me as someone hugs me.

I look up to see that it’s Myungsoo wrapping his arms around me and he whispers, “You don’t have to remember me just please don’t push me away anymore. I’ll help stop the pain.”
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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT