
This was Us

Myungsoo’s POV

I wake up to hear Sunggyu and Sungjong talking.

Sungjong using what he calls his whispering voice says to Sunggyu, “She’s being discharged today.”

“Ahh yea your right. I wonder if her parents are picking her up and taking her to her apartment or will they make her live at home.”

“Her sister said that she’ll be living in the apartment with her sister for the first few months.”

“You seem have gotten pretty chummy with her sister.”

I peek through my door to see Sungjong blush, “She doesn’t treat me like I’m fragile or a girl. She sees me as a strong person and she looks up to me. She’s cute as well.”

Sunggyu starts laughing, “Just don’t let Chin Sun find out even though I think she’d be okay with it she’s a protective sister and will protect her sister over you any day.”

“I know that,” Sungjong says sounding a bit worried now.

I open the door making them look over at me, “How much did you hear?”

“I heard everything,” I mumble, “You’ve been talking with her behind my back.”

Sungjong nods his head, “I’m trying to work everyone into her life hoping she’ll cave in and ask for you to come. She did admit a few days ago that she sometimes pictured you walking into her room without knowing why she has that fantasy.”

I nod my head, “Even if that is true I can’t let her see me like this.”

Sungjong shakes his head and looks at me, “Yeah and letting her worry is a good idea. Look just help her around the apartment explain where everything is and if she doesn’t’ ask anything else just leave.”

I nod my head as I walk back to my room to change my clothes. A little bit later, I leave the room fully dressed in simple jeans and a black V-neck shirt. I pull on my jacket as I make it to the entrance and slip on my shoes with Sunggyu and Sungjong. The guys were waiting outside with two cars. I sigh as I look over at my friends who try to look innocent.

I slip into the same car as Sunggyu and Sungjong as they drive to the hospital I debate if this was such a good idea.

Your POV

When the nurse comes in and tells me that today is my discharge day I don’t feel happy instead I feel upset.

“He really did listen to me,” I mumble to myself.

I’m handed my bag of clothes and walk into the bathroom to change.

I come out in simple white dress and my hair in a messy bun on top of my head.


I walk over to the bed as I pick up my leather jacket and slip it on.

I look around until I spot where the nurse had placed my shoes.

I walk over to them to see they’ve been cleaned with bleach and a lot of disinfectant.

I walk over to my bed and stare at my shoes.

I start to get a headache but I keep staring at them.

I stare at the simple white toes and how they go up to my knees.

I touch them and smile at them as if they hold a fond memory.

My headache gets worse so I lie down with my shoes in my lap.

I close my eyes, focus on the memory, but it doesn’t come to me like I thought it would.

I sit up slowly and put my head in my hands.

I hear the door open and when I look up to see Infinite; I hide my disappointment that I don’t see Myungsoo.

What am I thinking it’s not like he’s that important to me?

He didn’t see me at all my entire stay here.

Before I can think anything else, Myungsoo walks in with a simple leather jacket much like the one that I’m wearing.

He looks to see me and I see a simple shy smile on his lips.

I smile at them slightly as Sungjong and Sunggyu are the first ones to say hi to me.

“Hi guys,” I say a bit nervous about having everyone in the same room as me.

I don’t even remember them, but since Sungjong and Sunggyu brought them in I’ll trust them.

Almost like the tension was broken when I said hi to them and smiled at them. Right away everyone says hi to be… Everyone but Myungsoo instead he’s silent looking everywhere but at me.

I guess I did tell him to not to look at me or speak to me…

He looks kind of cute though like a little kid trying to hide that he ate the last cookie or like the time he ate my favorite ice-cream without my permission…

Where did that thought come from?

I put my hand to my head and try to figure out what that means.

Nothing comes to mind but a slight dizzy spell.

I feel someone place a hand on my arm steadying me.

I look up to see a worried Myungsoo.

I feel slight embarrassment as I move away from him and look out the window.

I hear an annoying voice say, “Ohhh how cute she’s embarrassed.”

“Yeah says the guy who ripped his pants during one of their biggest performances,” I shake my head looking up and ask them, “Where did that come from? Did I remember something?”

They nod their heads, “Yeah you were so mad that day since you made the outfits for us. Everything was perfectly fine until Dongwoo’s pants ripped. He blamed you after he was done being embarrassed. You whacked him right on the head and told him that it wasn’t your fault since he wore his own pants.”

I laugh at that story, “Jjinga?”


I start laughing as I turn around and pick up my bag with my good arm.

My leg in the air cast starts to hurt but I ignore it as I start walking Myungsoo takes the bag and lifts me up and carries me out of the room over his shoulder.

I start shouting at him but he simply keeps carrying me.

He stops and I hear him ask someone, “Can we have a wheelchair for her?”

“Yes of course she was supposed to have on but she’s a bit stubborn.”

I feel Myungsoo nod his head, “She can be at times.”

I hear the woman leave for a little bit then I hear something heavy unfolding.

I’m placed on wheelchair and I start complaining right away, “I don’t need to be in a stupid wheelchair I can walk just fine.”

“True but your leg still hurts you even though you don’t want people to know that.”

I look back at Myungsoo who’s pushing the wheelchair, “How did you know that?”

“I’m used to you hurting yourself. You use to hide it so well but after awhile I learned to watch your face a bit more closely when you hurt yourself.”

I smile up at him but still cross my arms when I look straight again, “I don’t’ want people to look at me.”

“People look at you anyways because you draw attention to yourself without noticing it.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you shine brightly something the people notice. You have an air around you that makes people want to be close to you.”

I blush as I look forward, “that’s not true.”

Myungsoo is silent then he says, “If you say so, but it’s true.”

We get to a car and when I hear the doors unlock I stand up and Myungsoo helps me even though I told him it was unneeded. When I’m in the car the trunk is opened and him and Sunggyu put the wheelchair inside it. Sungjong jumps into the front seat and starts chatting away about nonsense. I simply stare off into space until I hear the car doors open. Myungsoo gets in back with me and right away, I know those two are the evilest guinnesses that I’ll ever meet.

I look over at Myungsoo and feel more nervous than I was before. I try to ignore the feelings but inside I know that they won’t go away. I should just sit down and have him tell me of our relationship, but I can’t’ do that. I don’t’ think that I can at least I don’t want to see pain on his face when I do something I wouldn’t do or ask a stupid question. I don’t’ think I could live with myself now I know that I can barely live with myself as it is at the moment.

I look outside the window and wait for them to get to my apartment and for I can say bye to them.

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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT