Write it All Down

This was Us

Your POV

I look at the small group of people in front of me and feel guilt course through me because I can't remember anyone of them.

“Noona,” one of the boys say to me and he smiles brightly well the other one simply looks at me with a blank look with sad eyes.


“Who are you all?”

“Noona,” the sad eyed boy says to me and walks up to me hugging me tightly.

The girl just stands back giving me a hard look, “You just love causing problems for us don’t you.”

I look at her shocked, “What do you mean?”

“Ugh there you go! I bet you're faking it like that time when you were ‘sick’ for a week and couldn’t leave Myungsoo’s side.”

I look at her confused, “What do you mean? I’d never lie like that to my family.”

“Nana,” I look at the elderly man as he calls out to her making her stiffen, “be nice to your sister this isn’t fake since you saw her when she was laying with all those machine’s attached to her for the last month or so.”

The girl, Nana, snorts and looks at me with eyes that make me want to crawl in a corner and cry, “Yeah that’s just what she wants you to think.”


Nana looks over at me and glares, “What’s up with you why don’t you say something you stupid,” before she can finish her words Mai had slapped her across the face.

I look at Mai shocked, “You ungrateful girl. After everything you sister did for you over the years and this is how you treat her when she needs the most support.”

“Mai,” I call out to my friend, “don’t,” tears fall down my eyes as I keep repeating it.

The other smiling boy drops his fake happiness and walks over to me, “Noona. I’m Jung Min and that’s Seunghyun.”

I look at the sad teenage boy that’s hugging me, “I’m sorry for Nana, noona. You’ve been busy with schooling, work, and having a relationship for once for the last year. You called us every day even when you were so tired that sometimes you’d fall asleep while talking to us.”

I look away from them ashamed of myself, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have overworked myself so much. I just feel like I should say that and its cause I didn’t’ want you guys out of my life even when I…” I take my head in my hands and groan, “Why does my head hurt so much?”

The machines that are hooked up to me start to go haywire and a… nurse rushes in and tells them that if they are causing trouble than she’s like it if they left.

“No!” I scream and make everyone look at me and I calm myself down, “I’m alright really. It’s just my head hurt cause I was trying to rush my memory. I’m sorry they aren’t causing any trouble.”

The nurse nods at me and sighs, “Chin Sun-shi don’t rush yourself okay.”

I nod and watch her leave feeling as if I know her.

I look at Mai and ask, “Do I know her from somewhere?”

“Yes, she was one of our friends back in high school. She moved back from Japan a few months ago and made up for last time with us.”

I nod my head and look at my brothers who are still hugging me, “Can you let me go please?”

They reluctantly let me go and I sit up straight and smile at the elderly couple, “You are my parents correct?”

“Yes, we are,” the woman, answers me.

I smile and look at the man, he nods his head, and I whisper, “Omma… Appa…”

I feel two more sets of arms hug me and I see that my parents had come over and hugged me with the boys. I smile and I try to hug them all back and I feel them hug me tighter. I start to cry as I wished I knew who they were.

“This is such a horrible accident,” my mother says to me, “we plan to sue your work place.”

I look at her shocked and shake my head, “What? Why?”

“Cause this happened to my baby because of a few girls you work with. I can’t stand for this injustice.”

I simply shake my head and look at the boys and they let me go and I lay down on my bed and pull the covers up on me.

“I think I’m tired can you leave so I can sleep?”

“Of course,” they answer but the girl Nana stays behind and her eyes look soft all of a sudden.

“Unni you should get better soon,” I see her face looks so sad as she turned around and left my room. Before she’s completely gone I hear her whisper, “Write it all down.”

I pull out a laptop that was in the bag. I open it and stare to see the password. I start typing random passwords but nothing seems to work. I almost give up until I decided to type in Myungsoo into the empty space and I’m logged on.

I look at the documents and find a song titled ‘Crying.’ I open it to find it was a song. Different parts were given to infinite and a few parts were mine to sing.

I sigh and stare at it in shock.

I look in the photos to see that I had everything very organized.

There’s a lot of photos in the folders and luckily for me I put descriptions for every folder down and with a few of the pictures.

I exit out of photos and open videos to see all kinds of videos with titles and descriptions.

I click on the oldest one and watch. It’s a video of Myungsoo singing in the same outfit that he was in the scrapbook where it said he had finally asked me out. I exit out of it scared of what I’ll see. I start crying in pain and look away from my computer.

I look around me and see that’s there’s so much that I can see that doesn’t look familiar but seeing something like this is hurting me.

I exit out of everything, open a word document, and start a journal.

I write the date in the corner and start my journal entry, “Today is so confusing. I woke up from a coma and I don’t remember my life. I hardly remember who I am. So I thought I’d start a journal to write down what I figure out daily. What I know it my name is Kwon Chin Sun, AKA Star, and I’m 19 years old in a few months I’ll be turning 20.

I have a small family what I know so far that my mother and father are still married from what I could tell. I have two brother’s who I think are twins their names are Seunghyun and Jung Min. I have a sister who is a tween her name is Nana and she seems to hate me for some reason. I think it has to do with she thinks I forgot about her over the last year, which is around the time I started to make my life busy.

Next, I know I have a best friend named Mai and we used to work together when I was a worker at a local coffee shop. I also have a friend who is my nurse. I have yet to learn her name but when I do, I promise to write it down.

Next I guess is about Kim Myung Soo… he claims that he’s my boyfriend and we’ve been dating for a year and there seems to be evidence of it but I can’t face that at the moment. All I want is to curl up in a ball and cry because I feel like the worse person in the world for not remembering him and even worse because I could not stand the sight of him. I don’t know why but when he looked so sad when I asked him who he was I felt my heart break and I couldn’t stand being next to him, knowing that he was hurting because of me. I know that it’s selfish of me, but the pain to see his tears tore me to pieces inside.

I met his friends after I told him to stay away from me. Seeing them and having them reintroduce themselves to me made my heart break.

The leader of them is Sunggyu who has just slants for eyes it looks like they are either always closed or he’s squinting 24/7.

The grease monster Woohyun he seemed a little off almost like Sungyeol.

Sungyeol I don’t know what to say about him except I think there’s something seriously wrong in his head.

Hoya who was wearing a lot of purple and seemed to move like a dancer.

Dongwoo who reminded me of a dinosaur, but also of a monkey he also seems to have a big mouth.

Lastly there’s Sungjong who keeps calling me noona and looks more a bit like he’s supposed to be a girl, but he’s a really sweet kid.

When they went to leave Sungjong stayed behind and gave me a few things saying that I can slowly look through them to try to remember stuff about my past. He told me to take my time. He asked if he could visit me when he could and he looked so cute I almost wanted to pinch his cheeks. I agreed because he seemed to adorable and he promised to help me slowly with remembering things. I want all the help I can get and hopefully when I remember Myungsoo I can surprise him with how sorry I am.”

I save the document and set the computer down by the disk that Myungsoo had left.

I slip the disk and box in the same pocket with a letter L on the side.

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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT