Birthday Suprises

This was Us

Your POV

This is getting harder for me.

It’s been 2 months since I woke up and only a month since Myungsoo had moved back in with me.

Nothing has happened between us since the move.

Myungsoo comes in late at night since he also has classes and practice.

While I work so many hours a week and I'm afraid too stop by the campus.

I work on all my classes online and stop by the teacher’s offices when I can usually I have Mai with me or even Sunggyu.

Today I have Sunggyu with me as we stop by my campus.

At the moment I probably I don’t look the same. Since I’m wearing my hair up along with glasses and a sweater even though the sweater isn’t that cold.


Sunggyu looks at me and asks, “You know I’ve been wondering why ask me to go with you? Why not Myungsoo?”

“I’m afraid that would make me more recognizable. I’m afraid that Myungsoo will find out how afraid I am.”

“What do you mean?”

“The girls here they scare me for some reason. Everytime I hear a group of them or I hear a door slam I jump out of my skin wanting to jump out of my skin.”

“That makes sense they did find you in the girls bathroom.”

I touch my arms that I still keep bandaged even though my skin didn't scar like the doctors thought it would. Only a few of the cuts left a scar on my arms and rest of my body.

I look at Sunggyu as I ask, “am I childish?”

“I know you hate when we ask this but are you sure you don’t remember the accident?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”


Sunggyu seems too remember something, “oh that reminds me it’s your birthday today isn’t it?”

I nod my head, “Yup, I’m 20 years old as of today.”

“Ahh that’s going to be fun.”

“You're kidding right?”

“It’s supposed to be a time where I’m supposed to celebrate when really I want to curl up in a ball and die.”

“Ya, don’t talk like that. Oh you should probably get dressed soon it seems that we’re going to have a party for you.”

“Ahh alright.”

We run back to my apartment where Sunggyu leaves me at my door and I slip up into my room.

I look around until i find a pretty enough dress. I look around and decide that I’ll pull a cute pair of white ballet flats. I don’t feel like anything else today birthday or not I still keep having a feeling that I’m supposed to be wearing very little make-up and such going for a more natural look. I pull on a pair of grey leggings knowing that I should probably.


I look at myself in the mirror and smile at how this all looks.

I smile as I look at the time too see it’s barely pass 2pm.

What am I supposed to do now?

I look at my phone and see that I have a text from Mai telling me to meet up in our old high school hideout.

I smile smile as the image of the older building with little to no roof, grey cement walls, and flowers all over.

I race out of my apartment and slowly I make my way to the hideout.

I’m a bit nervous since it’s been so long, but once I enter I notice that there’s a small path of party lights leading be down one of the hallways too a large open room that’s the only room in perfect shape.

It has electricity last time I was here and I guess it still does.

There was a nice set of instruments and other systems in the room just 2 years ago.

I wonder if it still looks that way.

I smile as I enter the room there’s small white wicker benches and table to match.

Myungsoo’s POV

When I had texted everyone about Star’s birthday party ideas 2 weeks ago I didn’t think I’d end up in a place like we are; but Mai claims that Star had loved this area since it was a mixture of old, new, and ever growing life.

I have to admit when i laid my eyes on the building I was taken back by the hidden beauty.

When we moved around the flowers, instruments, and set up the tables and lights it was breath taking.

Before my… girlfriend, shows up I’m already taking pictures and her friend Mai is on her camera.


She comes up too me smiling while shoving it in my face, “So tell me Kim Myungsoo are you getting nervous yet?”

I give her a dirty look wondering if I should even answer but I do anyways, “Yeah, I am.”

“Is there anything to say too Chin Sun?”

“Yeah,... Ummm… I want to say that even though these last few months have been hard for us I know that I still love you as you are. you are my Star and that’s what you’ll always be. Remember that,” I do a cheesy move where I kiss my 2 fingers and push it against the camera.

I notice a cute little tree in the building away from all the instruments.

I smile as I look around it with my camera in my hand.

Still Mai has the camera in my face, “So tell me what did you get the lovely birthday girl?”

“It’s a surprise,” I tell her not wanting to admit that it’s a bit dorky.

I walked with the guys and they have everything ready like the big white teddy bear holding onto Star’s present.

When she walks into the room with the light hitting the side perfectly I snap a photo or 2 and check my camera’s screen to see pure perfection.


I smile as I see her walk up to me, “Myungsoo.”

Her smile is breathtaking when she looks me in the eye, it makes me feel like we are dating again.

Slowly the party goes on and we pull her on a small stage we made.

We set her down by a table and start singing to her clapping our hands as we joke around picking on her.

Soon I’m told to go on the stage too.

I sit on a white bench we had set up. I bring the white bear up with me and set him right by me setting the smile black present on it’s lap.

I move the mic around and tap on it.

I smile as I look over at my bright Star who seems to be shining, “Hey, guys. I guess it’s my turn to give Chin Sun my present since I haven't yet. My present comes in 3's. Firstly I want to sing Chin Sun an acoustic version of the song that helped bring up together.”


The entire time I’m singing I’m looking at Chin Sun who seems to be watching me as I’m playing.

Slowly her face smiles at my hard work too try to make the song of our’s be an acoustic version.

When I finish Chin Sun’s face is a bright smile that makes me feel warm inside.

Like I guessed she would she walks up to me and I hold out my hand to her.

“Do you want your other presents?”

She nods her head and I pat the spot next to me and she smiles at me.

”The teddy bear is the big part of your birthday.”

She nods and I pick up the black and white box with a bright mint colored bow.

She looks at the present in her hands and smiles picking up the card that I placed on top.

Your POV

Myungsoo is so cute and I know that he had worked hard on making the song into an acoustic version for only one person.

Hes so sweet and when he tells me the white teddy bear that’s the same size as me is another present i feel my heart beat faster.

There was one more part of my birthday present, but I ignore the box as I gently set it down.

On top of the box is a mint colored bow with a mint and bright pink envelope on top.

I open it too see a small piece of paper in the middle of the card so slowly I unfold it too see a small letter.

“My Star,

    Chin Sun, I know that this has been hard for all of us. I know that at times both of us are hurting. I know that you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I’m not just mentioning your beauty, but your heart and mi9nd as well. you are smart and kind. you care about others before yourself and at times that worries me, but I know you will always be careful. I know so much about you like you can spend days eating junk food then stop for almost a year because you are scared you’ll get fat. Like that would ever happen to you. I know you love singing and that you enjoy art. What all of this means is wince I know so much about you i want to be a part of your life. I want to remember our moments together as much as I can.”

I pull out a small box for a mini instax camera.


“This camera will help us remember our days together. You always said you wanted one because they were cute and fun to play with. So I want to ask will you go out with me again so our days can be fun and filled with moments too always remember.

With all My Love,

Kim Myungsoo”

I feel tears fall from my eyes as I place my hand over my mouth.

“Ahh did I do something wrong?”

I shake my head and smile at him, “I’d love to go out with you again.”

“I love you, Star.”

I feel my body stiffen and a bit faint, but I fight of the feeling knowing it’ll come back a little later but stronger.
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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT