Moving back in

This was Us


Your POV

I laugh as Myungsoo and the guys carry in the few boxes that Myungsoo had brought with him.

As they set everything down I bring in a pitcher of tea and some glasses.

“Is anyone thirsty?”

They all nod and take a glass and fill it.

I don’t think it’s because the boxes were heavy instead I think it was because they just finished with practice.

“Why are you guys so tired today?”

‘Why are you so tired I carried more boxes than you?’

I grab my head for a short while from the quick voice ringing through my head.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear Myungsoo ask me, “Are you alright? “

I nod my head smiling, “Yeah, I just remembered when you first moved in. It was just like this. Except you were also carrying in my boxes. So nothing was unpacked. Everyone was sitting on the floor. I swear we were ready to start singing Kumbaya.”

Everyone starts laughing at my small joke.

“So are you ready to set up an area for him to sleep?”

“Myungsoo can take the bedroom I’ll sleep out here.”

“Nope, you can have the bedroom and I’ll take the inflatable bed.”

I nod my head and smile at him, “Alright.”

It was hard to know that Myungsoo is now going to be living in my/our apartment with me.

Yet it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, but that’s cause Infinite stayed until it was a good 11pm at night.

When they leave I’m sitting on the couch nervous much like I was the first time this happened.

I chuckle as I remember making Myungsoo set up the tv after his friends left because I wanted him to do something while I calmed down my heart…

Now I can’t do that since my TV is all hooked up.

I simply stare at it and watch Myungsoo walk past me into the bedroom coming out with a towel and a set of clothing.

“I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

I nod my head acting like I was going to turn the TV on.

Instead I lay on the couch feeling tired and not in the mood to walk to my bedroom.


I open my eyes to find myself in bed and my hand that is hanging from the bed is in someone’s hand.

I smile knowing that it’s Myungsoo.

I feel a shock go through my body as I hear a voice say to me as I look out a window, “Every star is different just like every person. We are all stars in someone’s eyes and you are my shooting star that had granted my wish.”

I laugh as I look out the window and I feel Myungsoo squeeze my hand.

I look down to see his eyes are open, “Myungsoo, are you awake?”

He nods his head not bothering speaking knowing that I saw his head movement.

“Myungsoo did you ever say to me, 'Every star is different just like every person. We are all stars in someone’s eyes and you are my shooting star that had granted my wish.’?”

“Yeah, it was our second date. We were at a small cafe after a movie and you were looking at the sky even though you couldn’t see the stars. You told me that you wished that you could see the stars. Then later you started to talk to me about how you felt like you stuck out. I ended up bringing up stars and said that to you. You smiled instantly and said that I was right. You should have thought of that.”

I smile as I mumble, “That sounds like me.”

He nods his head as he look up at me as I smile, “My memories are there Myungsoo I just need to untangle all the strings.”

“Have you remembered what happened to you?”

I shake my head as I touch one of the scars on my arm. I was told I was found in a locker room lying on the floor with pieces of a broken mirror around me.

“No, I don’t and I’m not sure if I want to. Myungsoo it hurts so much getting my memories back. I rehear, resense everything, and refeel every emotion. It hurts so much. I’m scared of the pain.”

He sits up and takes my head in his hands, “I’ll be here. I’ll try to take away the pain. You won’t feel anything like that ever again.”

I look down at him and smile, “I know."

He smiles as he kisses my forehead and says to me, “I’m never leaving your side again. I’m home.”

I smile as I kiss him on the lips as I turn around I whisper, “I know and I’m happy.”

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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT