What had Happened 2 Months Ago

This was Us

Your POV

I thought I was over this, but I guess I’m not seeing 1 of them here makes me fear for my life… Still the kiss that Myungsoo had given me to snap me from my thoughts

I look at the building in front of us and all I feel is fear.

That girl’s father is the police chief and what if he won’t punish her for what she’s done to me.

What if all he does is push the report under the table?

Still I have too at least try something or else I’ll never get over what had happened.

I want to go back to school I want to go back to my old work even though I’ll miss everyone at the coffee shop.

Myungsoo takes my hand in his own and squeezes it giving me the strength that I know I need.

As we walk inside we stop at the desk and ask to file out a report for what happened almost 3 months ago.

We’re handed the papers and told to go sit down. As I fill out the incident I fill out about how I had no memory of the attack until yesterday night. I write about the girls that had attacked me and everything.

We’re sitting down with the forms waiting for the officer that is in charge of my case. I hold my breathe as he walks up with the paper the original copy of the paper we filed.

He seems upset with us, “What is this?”

I hold my breath as I look up at Soohyun’s father and answer, “The truth. The truth of what had sent me to the hospital and caused me to lose my memories for over 3 months.”

He sighs as we waves us over, “Come too my desk.”

I nod my head and follow him over to his desk that’s in the far corner of the officers’ area. When we reach it he motions for us to sit and gives us a look, “How much will it take for you not to press charges against my daughter?”

I give him a look as I slam my hands down on the table, “Nothing, you’re daughter beat me near death. You know how lucky I am too survive. Your youngest is the 1 that saved my life or else I’d be dead and you and your oldest would have a life on your hands. Though I’m sure you are okay with that.”

I go too stand, but I’m stopped, “I'm sorry… It’s just I’ve grown accustomed to covering up for Ra Eum. Her sister has never said a word about you being near death when she found you… She helps cover for her sister all the time as well.”

I sigh as I reach forward and take this man’s hand in my own, “That’s something only a father can do love his daughter no matter what. Still you’re daughter is on the verge of being a killer and do you really want the blood on her’s and your own hands. Ra Eum needs to have a serious talk to the 1 person she has been waiting for her entire life…. her father. A man that was never home she needs him and he needs her. It’s not that I’m saying I won’t press charges cause I am… but you will start teaching your daughter right from wrong even though she’s already a bit into her 20’s.”

I can tell that this man is tired from overworking himself, but also the position he’s in.

I end my speech with this, “You’re daughter’s problem is she wants acknowledgement from her father, but she knows she won’t get it if she behaves only if she gets in trouble witht he law.”

“THen why is Nala so well behaved?”

I shrug, “Maybe she has a better judgement, but she’s on the verge of breaking and if you don’t stop them it’ll get worse. Your daughter needs you now more than ever. I have yet too go bak too school since my accident fearing something and now I know what. So please talk to her before she tries to kill me... again.”

I try not too show the fear in my eyes but I know that I fail at such a thing.

Ra Eum’s father takes in a deep breathe as he asks me, “So what had happened to you?”

Your POV

What happened 2 Months Ago


It was a usual day at school. It was nothing special as I stood in the school garden until I was approached yet again by a vulgar and annoying group of scoundrels that only look like females.

“Come on now Chin Sun tell us. Just how good is he in bed?”

One of the girls that follow Ra Eum around reached for me but I swept it away from me, “Will you stop asking such vulgar things?”

I watched as a cruel smirk appeared on Ra Eum’s face, “What don’t you know the pleasures that your lovely boyfriend can bring you? I do.”


That was not the first time she asked such things or said such things too me, but I never listened to her knowing that Myungsoo might have a past, but if he did I’d accept it within seconds.

Still it pissed me off too hear such things for the millionth time since she took notice of Myungsoo and my relationship.

I had walked over too Ra Eum and slapped her hard across the face as I shouted, “Never say such things that you’d never know. For you have and will never know the pleasures of happiness can you? Poor you you’re mother who came from a wealthy family gave it up too be with a poor police officer whose never home. Can you not even smile truly for your sister.”

I shouldn’t have said such a thing too her knowing that I’d strike up the anger. Still for Ra Eum too act as such and for Yoona only too sigh is complete show of the opposite personalities of the sisters.

It wasn’t until I had been pushed down the small amount of stairs that I had climbed I had realized the mistake that I had made. I knew that I could take on about half of them, but not all of them not without injuring myself and everyone else.

I’m not sure why I’d care for such barbarians, but I guess that’s the difference between all of us is the ones with compassion and the ones that don’t.

I had ran for what seemed for hours when really it was only mere minutes if that.

I had driven myself into a corner without realizing it and not wanting to hurt anyone the first strike was a girl that I’d never think could remember her name or really her face too me all the girls looked the same… All except Ra Eum and Yoona.

Yoona’s eyes the entire time I was being punched, stepped on, kicked, and so much more just stood there wided eyed while she gazed at the scene in horror. Then the horror faded turning into pure sadness like she has her own idea of guilt tied too what happened. Yoona must have felt guilt for what her sister was doing.


Ra Eum on the other hand seemed too love all the violence.

She didn’t lift a finger until the end tell them to stop.

I thought it was over until she had a girl break the mirror with my body.

I had fallen among the glass and still remember the feeling of the glass embedding itself into my body.

I thought again maybe that was it that they were done beating on me.

It was until I felt my hair being pulled making my head rise so I was facing Ra Eum with her twisted devil of a grin. She was carefully handling a shard of glass and she held it too me as she shouted for a group of girls too make me stand.

It was until then that someone questioned her… It was Yoona, “Why? Hasn’t she been through enough? She’s near death any more of this and she’ll die.”

Ra Eum’s face twisted into a demon’s face is all I can say to explain it it was a scary sight.

Ra Eum then said, “Oh really? I don’t think she’s gotten enough.”

My legs were sliced a bit and I didn't scream out in pain like I had during the entire ordeal for… I couldn’t really feel it.

It was nothing from what I used to get as a kid. For I was a very weak child until about middle of middle school. I was always sick and always seemed to draw people who wanted too beat on me. It was until the day I was saved by a kind boy that I told myself that I would never let something like that happen to me again. I had risen in ranks in the taekwondo dojo that was the best in my district and competed whenever I could. It was the end of high school that I stopped and decided to live a quiet life away from violence. I was tired of hurting people even though I’d never try.

I was happy even when I was beaten to a pulp cause I’d have people too go too when that’d happen. I never had friends until I met Mai… Until I met Myungsoo who had me introduced too Infinite. So when she held the shard of glass too my neck gently pushing in for the moment.

I heard her say, “She’s inferior compared to us. What does she have that would draw Myungsoo’s eye?”

I didn't’ realize that I spoke until the shard was place more into my throat and Ra Eum was being pulled back by her sister.

I didn’t realize that Ra Eum had hit her sister sending her into the glass that was on the outer edge. For a reason that I don't’ know that seemed too had snapped the Ra Eum out of her violent trance as she rushed over too Yoona. Still Yoona only quickly crawled from her sister and cowered in fear. I think Yoona has always been afraid of her sister seeing what she was capable of, but having that force go towards her even on accident sent the fear too the surface.

I don’t really much of what happened after that except a fist hitting me in the face then something harder hitting my head right before I hit the ground causing the force to be greater.

End of Tale

I stop my story as I look at the detective, “I heard that the ambulance I was in got in an accident on it’s way too the hospital that had caused me to fall out of it. Yet I’m not sure how that was possible.”

I watch the detective’s voice as I shrug, “Oh well people say I blocked out that memory scared that I’d blame Myungsoo for everything since thats why they were after me, but that’s not true it would have happened if I was with him or not.”


“Cause I draw that kind of attention to myself all the time. That’s why I learned how to fight Girls like your daughter are always drawn to me. It seems a little much too blame my boyfriend who’s just amazing too draw all kinds of eyes to him.”

I know I’m embarrassing my boyfriend a bit, but I find it kind of funny and rather adorable how he gets embarrassed when i say things like this.

The officer looks at me as he nods his head as he looks at me, “I’m sorry that my daughter caused so much trouble for you. I hope she had done no permanent damage.”

I sigh as I give him an annoyed look looking at his name plate on his desk, “Detective Yong Donghyun if you were a better father this wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t of had too take time off my job. I wouldn’t have almost destroyed my relationships with my family, friends, and the love of my life. So explain to me what you plan on doing too punish your daughter for your actions.”

I know I drew the attention of everyone in the room, but I don’t care for once I think to myself let them think whatever they want I don’t care.

All Mr. Yong can seem too muster is, “What?”

“I said what do you plan on doing about your daughter Yong Ra Eum? She is the reason I was in the hospital for so long. She’s the reason I lost my memories for so long. She’s lucky I was able to gain them back or else she’d pay for what she’d done to me.” I grip my hand in a fist as I hit the table knowing I cracked it a bit, “No permanent damage. You’re kidding me right what happened that day will be ingrained int my mind for hte rest of my life. it’ll give me nightmares until I can no longer sleep. For your daughter and her gang beat me, tortured me,and even…” I hold a breathe as I try to say the thing that I didn’t want Myungsoo too know, “They even... “

I Fall too my knees as I start crying.

“Your daugher she needs to pay for her actions and so do her friends. They almost took a human life that day if not for your daughter Yong Yoona getting hurt for trying to save me.”

I feel someone wrap their arms around me as he my hair. I smile as I happily lean my head on the man that I love, Kim Myungsoo. A man that is my whole world.

It makes me cry even more as he says, “It was your daughter that had her friends beat and torture Chin Sun, but she also had joined in in that… also she… she… had done such a horrible thing too her while she almost had no strength. Your daughter sad… sodomized her while she was near death. She had a group fo boys do that. If they had rapped her with anything but items that didn't’ harm her internally I’d have been in here for accounts of first degree murder. Chin Sun was… is still as pure as the sun’s light. It’s bright and warm something that no one can take away from her even after all of this happening.”

I don’t remember much of what happened after these words. From what Myungsoo told me there’s was more of a commotion when it was realized that the detective was covering up his daughter's actions.

Still waking up in your lover...boyfriend… no something I know he’ll ask me soon and I’ll call him now without him knowing fiance.

I feel Myungsoo lean down to kiss the scar on my neck that Ra Eum had inflicted me.

“I’m sorry…” he whispers.

I can’t help but to let my eyes open scaring him with how they just pop open.

I poke his head as I slide out of his arms still wobbly, “Don’t ever be sorry when I was the 1 that cased the fight. I’m your girlfriend… for all I know this could be our last day together. Though I know that you’d never leave me we’re only 20 so what can we do.”

“Marry me….”

So I'm ending it here for now... hehe... dind't think I'd throw that in did ya... I thought I'd add some hope and happiness from what I written part of what she remembered from that day... It's 1 of the worst I've written

Sorry i've been away I've been busy with work.. My hours have been cut down a bit so I'm starting to get a bit more relax time. Let's see how all this goes with me also adding some studying in. Wish me luck... Everyone


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Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 17: Soo cute!! :-)
Noo!Please continue!! *puppy eyes*
lkim0313 #3
Chapter 16: aww what happened with the font? is it hust me or...
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 1: T_T Myunggie :'(
Chapter 11: Myungsoo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee wake up NOW!!
Now that you get the chance to move back... please wake up!!

OMG I need more!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: Soooo cute!! They'll start all over!! I loved this chapter!! Hope you update soon!! :D
Chapter 10: waaaah so happy that yu updated! I love this chapter ^^
Chapter 3: Damn... Nana seems like a ____ at first lol.
What happened to her?
I can't remember if you said what happened already or not... lol sorry.
Chapter 2: Awwww TT.TT
She should have just kept Myungsoo with her...
Thank you for updating!!!!
Chapter 1: TT.TT