At First Sight

How Is That Possible?

"Hey, let's go out sometime?" Ilhoon's voice echoed the quiet neighbourhood.

 They can only hear birds chirping and flying around... the movement of the wind breezing through Hyo's hair.. Ilhoon was amazed by Hyo's natural beauty, Hyo didn't even have to try hard. Even the wind is doing all the work for Hyo.. and the best thing is, Ilhoon's heart is beating faster and faster. 

"Bwoh?" Hyo stumbled. 

"It's okay if you don't wanna go out with me, I understand-" Ilhoon looking down nervously 

"Ani" Hyo said. Ilhoon begins to frown.. 

"No, I'd love to! Why should a girl reject you Ilhoon-sunbaenim?" Ilhoon looked up, his lips curved into a smile. "Jinjja?" 

"Yeah! Why should a girl reject you? I'd love to go out with you! You're not that bad looking you know Ilhoon-sunbaenim?" Hyo gave him a smile.

Before Ilhoon could say anything, Hyo said,"Well... Ilhoon-sunbaenim, see you tomorrow at the cafe okay? I can't wait!"


It was early in the morning at The Daeum Cafe.

The smell of fresh coffee filled the cafe. All the cupcakes and fresh baked breads are lining up to serve. Old people sitting around in the cafe, drinking their americano and having some chit chat. The Daeum Cafe is beautiful. The walls are painted with creme white and soft pink colours, decorated with pictures and frames from all over the world. The floor is covered with beautiful brown woods with addition of vintage carves on it, make it "old fashioned" looking. The tables and chairs are brown in colour and the lights dimmed softly and it makes the cafe very warm and fuzzy. The cafe is very retro but moderned. Even teenagers love going there. Not to mention it was Ilhoon's first day at work.

Ilhoon wore a white shirt, with his favorite black jeans, black converse and an apron. His hair is all gel-ed up and showed his perfect flawless features. No wonder the manager wants to him to work there, because he's so handsome and yet charming. 

Well-mannered and the face that could capture of all girls hearts, teen girls are starting to hang out at the cafe. Even the ahjummas starting to hang out at the cafe too! Every weekend the cafe is filled up with teenagers. 


 Ilhoon worked all morning. He was extremely exhausted.

Ilhoon took a break and thought of going to his favorite restaurant beside the cafe. The manager still wants him to work so he decided to take a few orders and went off after that. 

*the door bell rings"


"Annyeonghaeseyo! Welcome to the Daeum Cafe-" Ilhoon suddenly turned stiff, looking at the person who's entering the cafe.>http://







A girl entered the cafe.. this time.. she is no other girl. She is the girl.

He felt the world stopped moving.  When he looked at the girl, he felt everything in the cafe was in slow motion. Her smile, her smile literally made him stopped breathing...

Her head turned to Ilhoon, "Annyeonghaeseyo! Oh! I've seen you before! You are my senior right.. From Hwashin High? Your name is Ilhoon... Jung Ilhoon right?" 

"D-d-deh. Yo-you know me?" Ilhoon stuttered. 

"Of course I do! I always see you at the school library alone, I always study there" she smiled.

"Oh what's your name?" Ilhoon asked, "My name is Hyo, Lee San Hyo"

While Hyo was checking out the menu behind him,  Ilhoon stared at Hyo.. Hyo was tapping her ring finger on her chin.. confused. The menu was filled up with so many choices and she's starting to give up. She begins to frowned. *She's so beautiful- wha-what am I doing*

Ilhoon coughed. "Emm we have strawberry latte. People seldom drink that. But I think it's delicious and yet.. it suits you! Strawberry latte."

"It suits me?" Hyo laughed.

Ilhoon smiled, "Yeap it suits you. Strawberry is red. Same goes to your red cheeks" Ilhoon mentally slapped himself *what am I saying*

Hyo chuckled, her eyes sparkled. "Strawberry latte? I've never heard a latte that has a strawberry flavour before. I hope it's good!  I'll have it regular please?"

Hyo cheerly smiled. Her smile could light up the whole cafe, making Ilhoon stared at her more. Hyo looked at Ilhoon and confused, *why he is not moving* "Ilhoon-sunbaenim... hello.." Hyo waved. 

"Oh oh.. right away!"

It was the first time Ilhoon fell in love, at first sight.







Changsub threw his bag on his bed. Sat down on his study table.

Took his phone, check through all his contacts.. all he could think is... Hyo.

"Aiiiish.." Changsub threw his phone away. "I need to get some fresh air.."

It was nearly 8pm. Walking down through the alley alone. Feeling the cold breeze blowing through his hair.. "Haish.. Why her.."


Changsub turned around, it was Suho. *aish this boy again.*

"Oh Suho-shii anyeong. Why are you here?" Changsub curiously asked. Looking at this boy, he can't deny how good looking he is even though he wore a cardigan, a white shirt and blue jeans. No wonder Hyo fancy him. Look at his skin, look at his face, Changsub is far away from Suho's dashing good looks and smart brain. 

"I was thinking of eating topokki at the restaurant beside the Daeum Cafe. Do you want to join?" Suho politely asked. 

"Err yeah, sure" Changsub felt bad if he denied his offer. Well damn, he was really hungry though.




The restaurant was quite empty. Both of them sat down near to a window so they could see the scenery of the streets. People are passing by and the lights were on. The streets were busy and cars are speeding and rushing home. They could hear horns and people blabbering outside of the cafe. Childrens are running around with balloons, laughing and playing around.

"Let's have spicy and cheese topokki?" Suho asked while browsing the menu.

"Yeah sounds good." Changsub said, while he looked outside.

"Ahjumma! One spicy and one cheese topokki!" 

*few awkward minutes later*

The food arrives. Both of them munched down the topokki. 

"So.. How's Hyo?" Suho curiously asked while munching his favorite cheese topokki.

Changsub scoffed "She's fine. Why?"

"Nah. Just asking. How long-"

"Dude, if you like her, just tell me. Stop asking me questions and it's getting on my nerves." Changsub almost spit his topokki and Suho stopped eating and blinking innocently at Changsub.

"Yah I didn't say anyt-" Suho begins to talk with his mouth full "WELL STOPPED ASKING ME. HERE TAKE THE MONEY FOR THE TOPOKKI. I'M OUT."

Changsub threw his money on the table and went outside.

Suho was shocked "Aish what's his problem..  I was asking politely and he went off. Aish jinjja. YAH"




I know.. not that great :(

But I'll try my best to write a better story! I'll update soon as I can.


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Toetoey #1
Chapter 19: Changsub ah
Nice story ^^
LynaHeera #3
Chapter 17: New chapter~ Yay.. Its cute keep on the progress.. ^^
LynaHeera #4
Chapter 16: Glad I started back reading this fanfic.. I forgot how cute it is!! Do continue pls.. Love it much!!
LynaHeera #5
Chapter 14: Ilhoon soo cute!! i like dis couple too!!
Chapter 13: wae don't update anymore?T___T please I love your story!!!
Chapter 12: Update soon please T____T
Chapter 12: Uwa, the story is good ^^ I love how Ilhoon<3 was so sweet to her when he took her home :3
Asdfghjjkl Suho is so clueless xD
Love the story so far! As a Changsub fan, I feel like you got his character down! :3 Can't wait for more~