
The Destined One

After letting him into her past, Yoona's relationship with Taecyeon is even stronger than ever.





''Yoon.....Yoona ah.....''


''Eh? Taecyeon oppa! Why do you sound so tired? Aren't you suppose to be in camp with TOP oppa and the others?''


''I...I'm sick.... I'm alone at home....''


''What?!! Where is TOP Oppa and the others?! Are you alrights?! You sounded so weak!'' Yoona clutched the phone tightly.




''Oppa! Taecyeon Oppa!''



The phone went dead. Yoona was worried sick. She wondered if Taecyeon will be alright or not. Just then, she recalled. Oh ya. Taeyang is going with Yuri to attend wedding dinner and won't be back home till the next day. Junsu had gone back to Daegu with Tiffany to visit his parents. Seohyun and Yonghwa, Taeyeon and Wooyoung had all gone to Busan separately to visit the guys' parents. Jay had decided to bring Jessica back to Seattle to visit his parents and to finalise the wedding date and prepartion. Chansung and Sooyoung had gone out for a gourmet tour for the Summer. As for the dancing king and queen, they had been selected to participate in some exchange programme for dance in Mexico. Seungri, Daesung, Sunny, TOP and supposely Yoona and Taecyeon were going to have a camping trip. But the day before Yoona had caught a bad flu and was unable to go. Sunny wanted to accompany her but she rejected. She knows Sunny want to have some fun for the summer. Hence, she was staying alone. Miraculously, her flu had recovered in just a day. She was planning to join Sunny and the others the next day. So, she was alone at home, lying in her bed while reading her novel when Taecyeon called.



''Omo.... I think I better go take a look at him... No one is at home now. What if he fainted?!'' Yoona mumbled to herself as she saw outside were pouring heavily.



She changed into a casual jeans and wore a hoddie, grabbed an umbrella and headed out. The rain was indeed big. By the time she gets to the guys' house, her whole feet were soaked walking in the puddles of water and her jeans were totally drenched. Her umbrella were helpless under such a stormy weather. With much effort, she trudged her way to the guys' house.



''Taecyeon Oppa! Oppa! Open up!'' Yoona bang the door hard. She is shouting in order to be heard under the thunder sounds.



She waited for awhile. She was worried. Could Taecyeon really had fainted? Just as she was about to take her phone out to call the paramedics, she heard the door opened. It was really Taecyeon and he was really pale.



''Man...Yoona ah... I could hear you all the way from the room....Why are you here....'' Taecyeon opened the door with much strength and smiled at Yoona weakly.


''Oppa! You just hang the phone just like that! How could I not be worried?! I....'' Yoona kept on rattingly.



Just then, Taecyeon fainted. He collapsed forward, leaning onto Yoona. Yoona quickly caught hold of him.



''Oppa! Oppa!'' Yoona tried shaking him to wake him up. But Taecyeon was just simply too weak to even speak. 



Luckily for Yoona, she was quite a strong girl. She was always teased by the girls and they call her 'HIM Yoona'. With much effort, she finally is able to help Taecyeon to his room and laid him down in his bed. She settle him down comfortable in bed.



''Aishh~ You are sick and you still wore just a singlet only.'' Yoona grumbled to herself as she saw Taecyeon with only a white singlet on and a shorts. She covered him up with a blanket to keep him warm.


''Omo! Oppa! You're running such a high fever!'' Yoona was shocked as she touches his forehead. It was burning hot.



The next thing, Yoona went out of the room to the kitchen. She grab a towel and rinse it with cold water. Being known as her second home, Yoona was familiar with the whereabouts of the things. When GD is around, she also often comes around to help them to clean their room. Cleaning their room was also part of their sweet date. She took a bucket and loaded it with icecubes and water. She put the towel inside the bucket and carried it into the room quickly. She then laid it beside the bedside quietly, afraid that loud noises will disturb Taecyeon. She rinsed the towel and place it on his forehead. Taecyeon groaned a little due to the sudden cold-ness to his warm forehead, but was immediately soothe by the cooling effect. His lips were parched. Yoona then went back to the kitchen to take a glass of water. She helped him up to let him drink the water and let him lie down again.



''Go....Gomawoyo.. Yoona....'' Taecyeon finally spoke up weakly.


''Aishh~ Look at you! Still say you are fine. You are running such a high fever!''


''Didn't you have a flu as well? I just wanna call to check on you... Who knows you are the one who gotta check on me.'' Taecyeon chuckled.


''You literally scared the hell out of me when the phone was hung up suddenly. Do you want to eat something? I bet you haven't eat anything yet.'' Yoona pouted.


''Wow... Stop invading my mind please.''


''Aishh~ This is common sense oppa! With your current conditions, I don't think you can even stand up straight, let alone to cook or buy something for yourself.''


''Yah. I'm the strong Ok Taecyeon. Who says I'm weak. I can even kill a bull now.'' Taecyeon tried to get up stubbornly, but was stopped by Yoona.


''Araso Araso STRONG Ok Taecyeon. Get some sleep. I'm going to cook some porridge for you.''


''Gomawoyo Yoona....'' Taecyeon was touched by how sweet and caring she was.


''No problem~'' Yoona winked at him and went off to cook the porridge.



Yoona went to the kitchen to look for the ingredients. Luckily for her, Chansung is a gluttony. So, she is able to find all sorts of ingredients to prepare her porridge. She started cooking, ignoring the fact that she had just recovered from flu and that she is suppose to be resting instead of straining herself out. The porridge was finally ready and Yoona took it into the room. Taecyeon was still soundly asleep. She rinsed the tower on his forehead with the cold water and place it back onto his forehead once again. She thought that maybe she should let him rest a little while more before waking him up. Yoona then found out the phone beside him was flat. She then realises why the call suddenly went dead. She smiled. She looked for the charger and plug it in. Taecyeon, which is unlike GD, is a messy person. Without the other guys around, and he is sick, the room was in a mess. Yoona decided to pack the room for awhile. She dust the table and sweep the floor. She stumbled across the white guitar that was underneath the table. She took it out and touches it. It still look as new as ever. She concluded that it must have been the three guys who had maintained it. Just as she was deep in thoughts, Taecyeon was awake.



''Yoona?'' Taecyeon called out sleepily.


''Eh. Oppa! You are awake!'' Yoona was alerted by Taecyeon's voice.




''Are you feeling better?'' Yoona asked as she removed the towel off his forehead and touches his forehead to test his temperature.


''Yeahs... Gomawoyo....''


''Come on. Porridge is ready. Be careful. It's hot.'' Yoona helped him up and blow the porridge for him.


''Er...It's alrights...I can feed myself...''


''Come on. You are the patient now. Stop acting strong.'' Yoona pouted.


''Aishh~ Araso araso...''  Taecyeon sighed in defeat.


''Yah. Yoona ah. Didn't you know how to cook porridge? Why is it so bland?!!'' Taecyeon grumbled as Yoona fed him.


''Yah! Of course I know how to cook! Well~ Patients ARE suppose to eat bland stuffs. You don't have a choice here. Either you eat it, or get starved.'' Yoona stuck her tongue out at Taecyeon. He is just like GD.


''Aishh~ Threatening...'' Taecyeon groaned as he took another mouthful of the porridge.



As much as Taecyeon grumbled, he finishes the whole bowl of porridge up. Yoona then went off to look for some fever medicine for him. She handed him the medicine and water and stood there waiting as he eat them.



''Gomawoyo... I would really die if you weren't here.'' Taecyeon joked.


''Yah! Don't talk nonsense, Oppa!'' Yoona shouted, bending towards Taecyeon, taking over the glass of water from him.


''I'm serious. Wait.'' Taecyeon raises his hands up to reach Yoona's face. He helped Yoona to clean away a beat of sweat that was on her forehead. Yoona was startled and backed away.


''Opps....Kamsahaminda...'' Yoona backed away, cleaning away the sweat herself.


''Aishh~ Look at you. You really need to learn to take care of yourself first.'' Taecyeon smiled.


''Aishh~ Stop talking nonsense. Come on, get more sleep. You are still having fever.'' Yoona urged him, trying to change the topic. She was touched by his thoughtfulness. Her heart just skipped a beat when he touches her. It hasn't been this way for a long while.


''Araso Araso. Nurse Im'' Taecyeon chuckled as Yoona helped him to lie back down. Soon after, he fell asleep again.



''Hmmm..I guess I should call Sunny Unnie and tell her I won't be able to make it.'' Yoona mumbled to herself as she tried calling Sunny. But she couldn't get through. She then realise. It was raining heavily outside and Sunny they all were in the mountainous area. Reception must be poor there. She sighed. She decided that she just leave this matter to tommorrow. What's more important now is Taecyeon's health. She decided to stay behind since it was still pouring outside and that he was still running a fever. She grabbed a chair and sit beside him. For the first time for the day, she looked at him deeply.



''Hmmm. He looks pretty handsome too when up close....'' Yoona mumbled to herself as she rest her chin on her hands while looking at the sleeping Taecyeon.


'Yah! Im Yoona! What are you thinking?!! Your imagination is running wild! Wake up!' Yoona shook her head to shrug off her thoughts. She can't be falling for this beast guy. He is so far away compared to GD. But then, somehow... The differences make her remind of GD even more....



Her eyelids were getting heavier as she continued to look after Taecyeon, checking his condition now and then. Eventually, she drifted off to her dreamland...







''Yoona ah....''


''Baby? Why do you sound so sick?!''


''Are you feeling better already? Heard that you caught a bad flu.. Sorry for not contacting you yesterday. I was just too tired...''


''You don't sound alright. Kwon Ji Yong. You sounded as if you are the one that is sick.''


''Aishh~ I....''


''Baby? Baby! Kwon Ji-Yong! Stop your joke alrights! HELLO?!!'' Yoona screamed into the phone.



GD's voice was cut off. She was worried sick. Could something had happened to GD?



''Unnie, I'm going out.'' Yoona told Taeyeon as she wore her boots and put her hoodie over her oversized tee-shirt.


''Eh? It's pouring outside! Why do you suddenly want to go out?'' Taeyeon asked, looking up from her novel.


''Er.... Ji-Yong oppa seems to be sick... And the phone was suddenly cut off.. I'm worried..''


''Aishh~ Seriously, Yoona, you need to stop being so concerned about him. You two need some space.''


''Anniyo~ Don't worry unnie! I don't see any harm with us being like that. And what if he really fainted? I need to go take a look. I'll be back soon!'' Yoona grabbed an umbrella and hurriedly went out before Taeyeon could speak another word.


''Yah! Yoona ah! Aishh~ Chinjia!'' Taeyeon pouted and continue to read her novel.



Yoona trudged her way to the guys' house. Her feet were soaked wet. As if things weren't already bad enough for her, the strong wind blow her umbrella away despite her holding onto it as if her whole life depends on it. The rain started to drop mercilessly onto her. She ran as fast as she could. By the time she reached the guys' house, she was drenched from head to toe. She stood outside the door, banging the door loudly, trying to alert GD. She didn't even care that she was soaking wet. She was just afraid that GD really fainted. After much knocking and shouting, the door finally was opened slowly.



''Aishh~ I could hear your loud voice from inside the room.... You really need to...... Omo! What happen to you baby?!!''  GD was pale-looking, and was shocked to see Yoona standing in front of him, soaking wet and eyes welled up with tears.


''PABO! Do you know how worried was I?!!! You hang up the phone just like that!! And you took so long to get the door!!!'' Yoona hugged GD tightly, and hit him repeatedly on his back, crying. She was so worried.


''Aishh. Crybaby~ I'm fine.... The phone just died on me. Stop crying already. It's raining so heavily outside! Why do you still come all the way here.... Look at you! Soaking wet.'' GD rubbed her back, her hair, trying to soothe her down.


''Cause I'm worried... I scared you fainted or something...And my umbrella was being blown away on the way here...''Yoona broke away from their hug, looking into GD's eyes.


''Pabo. You can wait till the rain gets smaller or something rights? Come on, let's get you dry first.'' GD chuckled, bending himself down to her eye level, pinching his girlfriend's nose, smiling at her innocence.



GD grabbed Yoona's hand and headed towards Jay's room. He even forget that he was having a high fever. It was as though the moment he saw Yoona, his sickness was gone. He grabbed a dry towel along the way and sat Yoona on Jay's bed. He opened Jay's drawer and started searching.



''Baby, what are you searching?''


''Oh...Searching for some woman's clothes for you.'' GD smirked.


''Mwuh?!! JAY OPPA BRINGS WOMAN HOME?!!!'' Yoona was mortified.


''Yeahs. By the name of Jessica Jung Soo-Yeon.'' GD laughed.


''Yah! Kwon Ji-Yong! Can you stop teasing me!'' Yoona pouted.


''Araso Araso. Of course it's Sica. If not who else do you think it will be? Firstly, we won't let him do so. And secondly, I bet Sica won't let him off.''


''You're right. And we girls, won't let him off either. No wonder unnie sometimes didn't come home...We thought she was out partying whole night.'' Yoona chuckled.


"Now you know the reason why we guys have to cramp ourselves in a small room while Jay hyung has the whole room to himself already?" GD smirked. "Ok. Found it. I think it will be a little too small for you, given that you are much taller than Sica. But still, at least it keeps you dry. Hurry up and get changed now.I don't want your flu to turn from bad to worse." GD got up, handing Yoona a red-checkered shirt and a pair of shorts.



Yoona took the shorts and shirt and headed to the bathroom to change while GD waited for her. She was glad that GD was by her side. As much as he was the one who is sick now, he still worries about her first. She knew that she will never find anyone else that loves her more than him. She removes her soaked hoodie, oversized shirt and jeans and put on Jessica's checkered shirt and shorts. The shirt was still rather fitting but the shorts turn out to be even shorter with her legs much longer than Jessica's. She stepped out of the bathroom and smiled. GD was stunned by her beauty. No matter what she wear, she will still look amazing. And this amazing girl belongs to him. Only him. 



''Aishh~ Seriously, you really NEED to learn how to take care of yourself...'' GD pretend to sigh as Yoona sat on the bed while he use the dry towel to dry her hair.


''I have a wonderful boyfriend to take care of me, why should I learn?'' Yoona stuck out her tongue as her hair was being dry by GD.


''What if one day I......''


''There is no what if. And no one day. I'm going to forever stick to you. You can't get rid of me.'' Yoona became serious and held her hand up to stop GD's hand from moving. She stood up and look into his eyes.



GD stopped drying her hair and looked into her eyes. He inched himself closer to her and kisses her. Yoona returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. They stood there for awhile, kissing. Until they collasped onto the bed.



''Opps...Mian...Mianhae... I forgot that I'm having high fever...I don't want to pass my virus to you...'' GD chuckled as he was on top of Yoona. He tried to stand up, but his head was spinning.


''Omo... Mianhae! I forgot that you are sick!!'' Yoona tried to get up, pushing GD slighting away from her. She quickly helped him up and move to his room. 



Yoona put him down onto the bed and place him properly.



''Aishhh~ Why are you only wearing a white singlet?!! Shouldn't you be wearing something thick?! You are sick!'' Yoona nagged as she covered GD with his blanket.


''I'm alright...Strong as ever. I can even dance now. I can show you.'' GD tried to get up stubbornly, but was stopped by Yoona.


''Araso araso. DRAGON. Even at this point of time, you still want to keep your pride.'' Yoona chuckled as she touches his forehead. ''Omo...You are having such a high fever! Where are the others by the way?''


''Practically ALL of them went out with their girlfriends or friends. They all leave me alone here despite I was sick. Stupid guys. They choose girls over their friends.'' GD pouted.


''Haha! Aren't I here already? Oh...Yeahs... Our girls are all out as well. But wait. Where is Wooyoung oppa? Taeyeon unnie is still at home''


''Oh.... Him. He is the worse out of all. He said that he will go buy some porridge or something for me to eat before going off to find Taeyeon. He had been gone for more than half an hour already. Bet that he had forgotten about my porridge and went to find Taeyeon straight.'' GD spoke as his voice gets softer and softer.


''Omo.. Baby, you better rest first. You look so sick... You shouldn't have take care of me just now! You should have just rest more...'' Yoona gets more worried as she feels his warm forehead under her skin.


''Pabo... Who else can I take care of besides you? You don't even know how to take care of yourself... Look at you. Coming all the way here despite the heavy downpour..'' GD smiled weakly, pinching Yoona's nose ligtly.


''Araso araso. Stop talking so much now and get some rest! I will go cook some porridge for you.'' Yoona stood up and leaves for the kitchen.



GD smiled as he watched Yoona left his room, off to the kitchen. This is his girlfriend. His innocent girlfriend. He closes his eyes at ease and fell asleep. Yoona headed to the kitchen to grab a towel and some ice. She returned back to GD's room and put the towel on his head. GD groaned at the sudden cool-ness on his warm forehead but soon soothe by the cooling effect. She smiled. What a cute boyfriend she has. She went back to the kitchen, finding the ingredients she needs to cook the porridge. She started cuttng and cooking, checking GD's situtation and changing the towel which turns warm very quickly, every now and then. Finally, the porridge was done up. She put it in a bowl and took it to GD's room. She places it beside on the side table and sit down. She removed the towel on his forehead and touches his forehead. She smiled in relief. His fever was subsiding.



''Baby, come on. Wake up and have some porridge before you sleep again. You haven't eat for the whole day already.'' Yoona whispered and shook GD gently to wake him up.


''Hmm.... Give me a kiss and I'll wake...'' GD smiled, still closing his eyes and pointed to his cheek.



Yoona smiled at her cheeky boyfriend. Despite him being sick, he stil never fails to put a smile on her face. She pretend to sigh and lean forward to plant a kiss on his cheek. GD smiled and open his eyes. He sat up with the help from Yoona.



''Come, be careful. It's still hot.'' Yoona brought the porridge near to GD, blowing the porridge to make it cooler.


''Hmmm. I think I should get sick like this more often...'' GD smirked as Yoona fed him.


''Yah! Can you be serious sometimes? Pabo! Who wants to get sick besides you?'' Yoona pouted.


''Well, they will want to if they have such a caring and idiot girlfriend like me.'' GD laughed.


''Yah! How can you call me idiot!'' Yoona hit GD's chest.


''Owwwwwwwww. How can you hit a patient!'' GD pretend to be in pain and clutch to his chest.



Yoona immediately put the porridge back onto the table and lean forward to check on him. Yoona's face were just inches away from his face. With a swift move, GD turned his head and gave Yoona a kiss on her lips. Yoona was startled. She then realise that she had fall into GD's trap once again. She smiled and kisses him back. After awhile, GD broke away from the kiss.



''Wow...Mianhae~ I couldn't control myself...''


''Yah! If I were to get sick again, it'll be all your fault! Stop playing now and faster eat your porridge!'' Yoona blushes as she took the porridge again, tying to feed him.


''Araso araso. I'll be the one taking care of you then. It's not the first time anyway.'' GD opened his mouth widely like a baby as Yoona fed him. ''Yah. Yoona ah. Didn't you know how to cook porridge? Why is it so bland?!!'' GD pouted.


''Yah! Of course I know how to cook! Well~ Patients ARE suppose to eat bland stuffs. You don't have a choice here. Either you eat it, or get starved.'' Yoona stuck her tongue out at GD.


''Why do I have such a threatening girlfriend, seriously...'' GD groaned as he was being fed. Yoona laughed. He behaves like a child at times.



As much as he grumbles, GD finished the whole porridge up. He talked awhile with Yoona before falling asleep again after taking medication.



''Yoona ah... What if really one day... I'm not around you anymo....''


''Aishh~ Here you go again. You really want an answer? It's easy. I wont survive.'' Yoona pouted, putting her finger on GD's lips to stop him from going on.


''Anniyo~ You need to learn....''


''Anniyo~ I'm not going to learn. Because. You are not going to leave me.'' Yoona cut him off again. ''Come on, get some sick already. You are still sick for your information.'' Yoona changed the topic quickly.



GD sighed in defeat. Yoona can be stubborn at times. Yoona begins to clean up the dishes and his room after he had fallen asleep. Finally, after awhile, she collapses in fatigue on the chair beside his bed. She rests her arms on the bed and her chin was rested comfortably on her folded arms as she looked up at the sleeping GD.



''Gosh... He is like an angel... Is he really my boyfriend?'' Yoona looked up in mesmerization as she looked at her boyfriend who is soundly asleep. ''Saranghae~'' Yoona smiled as her eyes slowly closed, drifting to her dreamland.



''Hyung! Mianhae! I'm......'' Wooyoung shouted as he and Taeyeon make their way to GD's room.



GD put his finger on his lips to cut Wooyoung off. Both Wooyoung and Taeyeon immediately become silent as they saw the sleeping Yoona. After awhile, he was awake . He sat up, looking at the sleeping Yoona. She was placing her hands above his. He smiled as he tucked her frinch gently behind her ear, which fell on her face. This is Im Yoona. His angel. Yoona is right. She is going to stick to him for the rest of her life. And he loves this fact. He sweared to himself. No matter what, he will never leave her. He will be her gurdian angel always.  



''Saranghae...'' GD whispered lightly as he kisses her hand gently.



Taecyeon woke after awhile. He stirred abit and opened his eyes. Just as he was about to sit up, he notice Yoona's hands were above his.He looked down and found Yoona soundly asleep. He stopped moving, afraid that a slight movement will wake her up. He laid there, enjoying every bit of the moment. He smiled. Yoona looked like a goddness to him. He was really in love with her. Invocably in love with her. And he wasn't going to escape this fact anymore. He must confess to her soon.



''Saranghae...'' Taecyeon let out an almost inaudible whisper as he looked at Yoona who fidgets a little in her sleep.

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Chapter 17: huhuhu need more gyoon story, gyoon couple jjang (งT^T)ง
marryd #2
Chapter 17: first time i'm crying when read this story,,love all of the characters esp. gd, yoona including taecyeon.. daebak.... i will gonna read it again,again,again and again,
oh gosh this looks so wonderful
i love your fics *_*
VIP-Sone #4
Chapter 17: Ahhhh. I love GYoon totally but I guess life has to move on no matter what :/ Glad that Yoong found Taec but hadn't forgot about Ji (': Kwon Jiyong will forever be living in our hearts <3
i remember this was the first ever fanfic i read. im grateful. now theres at least thousands more fanfics~~
Chapter 16: Aaahhhhh wait i take it back, this is my most favorite fic of taecyoon from you! It was kinda sad how GD met Yoong again to 'take back his words'. It's my third time reading this fic and it can still make me cry! I thought i was over this emotional state that's why i decided to read this...in school but oh well i still cried and had to do it silently cause other students are here XP but anyway, my few friends read your fic also and they love it :) well most of them cause the others are not taecyoon fans so yeah... Wish you could write more Taecyoon nowdays but you're busy with Jiyong oppa and Yoona unnie and all Soshibang pairing so i understand. You're forgiven, hahaha <3
I love the story!! Is the best~~!!:)
Big-SNSD-Bang #8
Wonderful story!!! I like this cuz... may be Gd is dead...and Yoong love him so long. If not I won't allow him to take Yoong away! Haha
Yah! nice story... Finished it all today... Awesome story...