Haru Haru (Day By Day)

The Destined One

''Eh? She didn't even come in to say goodbye to me... Damn you, Ok Taecyeon! Why did you go ask such a stupid question?! If she ignores you again, you have only yourself to be blamed.'' Taecyeon cursed himself as he heard Yoona saying goodbye to Taeyang and Junsu, and the sound of door closing.



He doesn't know why will he ask that question. That weird question. That question that came out of the blue. It just simply is burning in his heart, wanting to get out. Why do Yoona always froze when he mentions something? Could it be he look like GD? And is that why Yoona always refuse to meet his eyes? There is still so many questions left unanswered in his head. But, he was determined. Determined and certain that he will have all the questions answered. Soon.





''Yoona. Yoona!'' Taeyang shouted.


''Eh?!'' Yoona was startled. She was thinking about the question that Taecyeon asked.


''Are you ok? You kept getting the beat wrong and I notice that your mind seems to be off somewhere.''


''Eh? An....Anniyo! It's just...Just that er.... I...I'm a little tired....'' Yoona lied. To Taeyang. For the first time.


''Chinjia? It doesn't seems so....'' Taeyang had his arms folded across his chest, looking at Yoona with doubts.


''I'm really just tired, oppa.....'' Yoona tried to sound convincing.


''Aishh~ Araso araso. That's it for today. Go home and get some rest~ Tommorrow we will practice again. Today, we had too much hinderance already.'' Taeyang pouted, still having doubts, but doesn't want to pursue further.


''Mianhae Oppa....'' Yoona felt guilty. Guilty for lying to Taeyang. And she knows fully well that when it comes to music and dance, Taeyang, Junsu, GD are all the same. They becomes a different person and were strict.


''Aishh~ It's alrights. See you tommorrow~ Make sure you get enough rest today! Don't tire yourself out.'' Taeyang gave her an encouraging smile, and patted her head.



Yoona was relieved. As much as Taeyang and GD were alike when it comes to music and dance, Taeyang is slightly less strict. If Yoona really looks worn-out, Taeyang will soften. Unlike GD. He wants it the best. Hence, sometimes, they always ended up quarrelling cause of this. But, it was always GD who apologises in the end. And Yoona would always accepts. Because she knew. This is GD. The GD she loves and adores.



''Neh! Annyeong Junsu Oppa! Annyeong Taeyang Oppa!'' Yoona smiled, gathered her things and headed towards the door. Just as she was about to leave the house, she hesistated. Should she go and say goodbye to Taecyeon at least? Afterall, they had just reconciled. She wasn't sure... What if Taecyeon asked her another weird question that doubts her love for GD again?


''Eh?Left anything behind?'' Taeyang stood at the door, sending Yoona off, as she stood there.


''Eh? Oh. Nothing! See you tommorrow, Oppa~'' Yoona was startled by Taeyang's voice. She gave Taeyang a light hug and went out of the house.



She had decided to avoid it.



''Aishh~ That girl...'' Taeyang smirked as he closes the door. He knows something is bothering Yoona.





Night came and Yoona were resting in her bed after a nice cooling bath. All her sisters are soundly asleep. She laid on her bed, drying her hair. She couldn't help but thought of the question again. Could Taecyeon really remind her of GD? Why does she always remembers the time spent with GD when she is with Taecyeon? It couldnt' be....



''He is so different from baby... It can't be....'' Yoona tried to convince herself.


''Yah! Yoona ah~ Why are you talking about?'' Yuri said sleepily. Yoona was talking too loudly to herself.


''Eh?! Ann...Anniyo!'' Yoona was startled by Yuri's sudden voice.


''Aishh~ Get some sleep already~ There is still school tommorrow~'' Yuri had her eyebrow creased together and dragged her blanket over her head.


''Neh....'' Yoona smiled. This is Yuri. The friend who understands her the most. Just then, she thought of something.


''Yul!! Yul!! Wake up!'' Yoona climb over to Yuri's bed and shook her awake.


''Yah.Yah! What is it?!!'' Yuri said while yawning.


''Yul! Ask you something. Do Taecyeon-sshi reminds you of Ji-Yong Oppa?


''Eh? Why are you asking such question in the middle of the night?!!'' Yuri sat up, hugging her pillow, trying to keep her eyes from closing.


''Just answer me!''


''Anniyo~ They are SO different. Can I sleep now?'' Yuri answered Yoona without even thinking. All that was in her mind was sleep.


''Chinjia?!'' Yoona asked happily.


''Yes Mam....'' Yuri fell back into her bed and slept. 


''Ahhhhhhhh. Thanks Yul!!!'' Yoona said happily and climb back into her bed.


''What Yul say is right. They are so different. I must be thinking too much! Aishh~ Chinjia~'' Yoona comforted herself, trying to accept whatever she had just heard.


''Taecyeon don't remind me of you. That's it. No one will love me as much as you do. Nights Ji-Yong baby~'' Yoona look at her photo taken with GD and smiled brightly. With one last look, she fell asleep, falling into her world with GD.


''Wow.... So...This is her...Real smile...She looks so.... so blissful....'' Taecyeon awed in mesmerization in his bed as he touches the photo of Yoona, taken with GD....




On the other hand, Taecyeon had a hard time falling asleep. He was too, struggling with his thoughts. He kept on tossing in the bed.



''Aishh~ What's wrong with you Taec? Ever since dinner, you are like in a daze. I have to shout at you so many times in order to call you.'' Junsu said irritatingly, without looking up from his MacBook.


''Aishh~ Nothing....''


''Junsu, I bet with you 5000 won that this has something to do with Yoona.'' Taeyang smirked, while doing his nightly workout.


''I think the bet is off. Because, that's what I thought so too.'' Junsu laughed.


''Yah! You two!''


''Come on~ Just admit it already. Stop acting cool~''


''Aishh.... You two... Alrights... Ask you two a question...''


''Eh?'' Taeyang and Junsu look up, speaking at the same time.


''Er... Do I look like.... look like GD?'' Taecyeon spoke up, swallowing his saliva hard.



There was a moment of silence between the two guys as they look at each other. Suddenly, they burst out laughing. They look at Taecyeon and laugh non-stop.



''Yah! Yah! Aishh~ Chinjia!'' Taecyeon was getting frustrated. He is getting no help from the both of them.


''Araso.. Araso. Man, Taec! Why do you ask such question?!! This...This is so....BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!'' Junsu couldn't contain his laughter. He just simply took a photobook out from his drawer and hand it to Taecyeon.


''Eh?'' Taecyeon raises his eyebrow.


''Go ahead and look at it. And you will know~'' Taeyang pursed his lips, trying to control his laughter.


''Gosh! You are totally NOWHERE similar!!! What makes you thought of that?!!'' Junsu kept on laughing, holding onto his stomach.


''Is this some kind of Joke of the day?'' Taeyang chuckled.


''Yah! Aishh~ Chinjia!!'' Taecyeon threw a pillow each towards Junsu and Taeyang to stop them from laughing.



He opened up the photobook. He was stunned. He sighed in defeat. Taeyang and Junsu were right to laugh at him. He, compared to GD, was a total difference between the Sky and Ground. First of all, GD was a much smaller build compared to him. His skin tone was also paler than him. He dyed his hair blonde, showing off a chic and suave feeling. And most importantly, just by looking at the pictures, he can feel that GD gave off a leader feeling, a superior feeling. This is what he doesn't have. And, he is more of a 'cool' type. He doesn't like to smile alot compared to him. He is definitely not the one that reminds Yoona of GD.



As he flipped through the pages, he stumbled across a photo. A photo that caught his attention. It was the photo of Yoona and GD. In that picture, Yoona smiled so brightly. And, the usual 'cool' GD was gone. He too, was smiling happily. Both of them looked very blissfully. GD was putting one of his arms around Yoona's waist and the other hand in his pocket. Yoona was resting her head on his shoulder, with both her arms around his waist. From here, he can finally see Yoona's real smile. The smile that literally reach her eyes and still lingers there. That blissful smile. So charming. So mesmerizing.. He finally realises the relationship between she and GD. He was envious of them.




''Wow.... So...This is her...Real smile...She looks so.... so blissful....'' Taecyeon awed in mesmerization in his bed as he touches the photo of Yoona, taken with GD....


''Yah! Yah! Ok Taecyeon!'' Junsu threw a pillow towards him, to wake him up.


''Yah!'' Taecyeon was startled, after being hit by the pillow, knocking him out of his idulgence.


''So, saw the DIFFERENCE?''


''Eh? Yeahs... It's really.... really... BIG...''


''Yeahs, you are like a beast. And he is like a 'Cooler'.'' Taeyang smirked.


''Yah! Hyung!''


''Alrights alrights. You have your good points too. You are.... You are handsome and mascular! Beast Ok!'' Taeyang chuckled. Junsu laughed along with him.


''Yah! Aishh~ Chinjia! Why do I have such friends.'' Taecyeon threw a pillow towards the both of them again.


''Araso araso. But seriously Taecyeon, though Ji Yong may seems cool on the outside, he is a really romantic guy~'' Junsu stop laughing and turn serious, thinking about GD.


''Yeahs... I noticed how you look at the picture between Yoona and Ji Yong. You are right to be envious. At that point of time, all of us were just like you. Envious. I guess you have a slight idea of what is their relationship already?'' Taeyang added on.


''Yeahs.... Slight...''


''So, I think you need to work even harder if you want Yoona to accept you. She ain't like other girls that you have met. No pain, No gain, Ok Taecyeon.'' Junsu smirked.


''Yah! Yah! Since...Since when did I say I'm going to court her!!'' Taecyeon become flustered after being exposed of his love by Junsu.


''Aishh~ Chinjia. Look at you. Love writted all over your face~ Stop denying already~'' Junsu chuckled.


''Anniyo~!! Yah! I have no idea what you are talking about. I...I'm going to bed!'' Taecyeon tossed the photobook back to Junsu and fell back into his bed.


''Geeze. This guy...'' Junsu caught hold of the photobook and smirked.




As days pass by, Yoona and Taecyeon's relationship got better. Yoona is now able to look him in the eye. Despite the frequent awkward-ness still exists, the chemistry between them is amazing. It was as if, Yoona could read his mind. And he could also read Yoona's mind like a book. Taecyeon didn't mention GD in front of her anymore. He grew to like Yoona more and more. Changing from a pure like to love. To adore. But he knows Yoona isn't ready. GD is still in her heart. In her mind and soul. And he wasn't ready to take on this task yet. To open up her heart. He just hopes that this relationship between them remains. Yoona thought she treated her just like any other big brothers of hers. But this incident, changes her mindset completely.


She begins to waver....

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Chapter 17: huhuhu need more gyoon story, gyoon couple jjang (งT^T)ง
marryd #2
Chapter 17: first time i'm crying when read this story,,love all of the characters esp. gd, yoona including taecyeon.. daebak.... i will gonna read it again,again,again and again,
oh gosh this looks so wonderful
i love your fics *_*
VIP-Sone #4
Chapter 17: Ahhhh. I love GYoon totally but I guess life has to move on no matter what :/ Glad that Yoong found Taec but hadn't forgot about Ji (': Kwon Jiyong will forever be living in our hearts <3
i remember this was the first ever fanfic i read. im grateful. now theres at least thousands more fanfics~~
Chapter 16: Aaahhhhh wait i take it back, this is my most favorite fic of taecyoon from you! It was kinda sad how GD met Yoong again to 'take back his words'. It's my third time reading this fic and it can still make me cry! I thought i was over this emotional state that's why i decided to read this...in school but oh well i still cried and had to do it silently cause other students are here XP but anyway, my few friends read your fic also and they love it :) well most of them cause the others are not taecyoon fans so yeah... Wish you could write more Taecyoon nowdays but you're busy with Jiyong oppa and Yoona unnie and all Soshibang pairing so i understand. You're forgiven, hahaha <3
I love the story!! Is the best~~!!:)
Big-SNSD-Bang #8
Wonderful story!!! I like this cuz... may be Gd is dead...and Yoong love him so long. If not I won't allow him to take Yoong away! Haha
Yah! nice story... Finished it all today... Awesome story...