The Wedding / Final

Your Mine Only
Note:This Is My Last Chapter,Sorry if It's Short..I have And Other FF,It's Called- It's You Again- Hope you like this Chapter ^.^ Hwating!! Saranghae!!! ________________________________ [Wedding Day]

(Taemin and Jonghyun Were Changing For Jonghyun's and Joohyun's Wedding)

Taemin:Hyung,Who is going to play with me now?

Jonghyun:With Soojung

Taemin: Good Luck Hyung

Jonghyun:Thanks,You to Tae

(As They walked down stairs to see How Jonghyun Was Dressed,It's normal for Him To Wear a Tuxedo)

Seohyun:You look Nice And Handsome!!

Luhan:Here Son,Grave the Roses

Taemin:The Day i started to fall inlove with you,You just Ignore Me,I don't Know what to do,Has this Ever Happend to Omma and Appa? Well I don't Have to Convinse Her To get Married to me,Well I guess Her Parents are but not me,I am Ok with what ever Choise you make,If you don't want to get Married than Ok,And If you Do Ok.

Soojung:Taemin oppa,Are you ok?

Taemin:Neh,I'm fine...

(He got up from Were Soojung Was and Left her)

Soojung:Taemin Wait

(Taemin Only Keeped Walking To the Other Side of her Table)

Suzy:Taemin? I see you again!!

(She Hugged him But In a Friendly Way)

Taemin:How are you?

Suzy:I'm Fine Thankyou,And You?

Taemin:The Same...

Suzy:So you're Getting Married To Soojung?

Taemin:How did you Know?

Suzy:My Omma Told me...

Taemin:And How Does You're Omma know?

Suzy:You're Omma Talks To my Omma,They Were Bestfriends Befor

Taemin:Ooh,And I guess I'm getting Married,But not to Sure..

Suzy:Why is that?

Taemin:She Dosent want to marry Me...


Taemin:I don't Know,Maybe Because she Has a Boyfriend..

Suzy:And She is Engaged to You?Wow,That is Weird

(At that moment Soojung Walked over to Taemin)

Soojung:Can we Talk?

Suzy:Sorry,We are Talking Right now,Don't Worry I'm almost Finished..


(She Started to walk Away But Taemin Hold her hand)


Soojung:Can i talk to you now?

Taemin:Sure you can Chingu

(Soojung was Shocked he Called her Chingu Insted of Wife or Soojung)

Soojung:Sorry About What Happend,If i told you,You Would Get mad...

Taemin:Why Would i get mad at my Chingu?

Soojung:Well...I guess You can Call Me Chingu,But I Still want to marry you...

Taemin:How Come?

Soojung:You don't want me to?

Taemin:I'm ok With Anything you want...

(Soojung Was Shocked After Hearing that He will do anything she wants)


Taemin:Of course...

Soojung:So you won't get mad if I marry you?

Taemin:Mad?? Shouldent it be Happy?

Soojung:I guess so,And Are you Su~

(She was Interruped by Taemin's Kiss)

Jonghyun:Woah...Now with a Kiss in the Forhead..*Teasing them*

Joohyun:Hehehe,We Saw Everything!!

(Taemin and Soojung Only Wear Hugging While Blushing)

Jonghyun:I'm going to tell Omma*Teasing Him*

Taemin:Go Ahead

Soojung:We dont Care

(In that Momen A Woman and a Man Walked to them)

Jonghyun:Anneyohaseyo*He Bowed*

Sohee:No need,Have you Forgot me?


Sehun:We are You're Uncle and Aunt,Luhan's Cousins


(Jonghyun and Taemin Hugged Sohee Really hard)

Sohee:Calm Down Boys,And is that Seo? But ^In a Younger Ver.?

Joohyun:Anniyo Aunti,I'm Joohyun,Jonghyun's Wife

Sohee:I did Know,But you look so much Like Seo...

Joohyun:Thankyou,But she was Waay Much more prettier

Sehun:Taemin,Who is that With you?

Taemin:She is my soon to be Wife,Soojung

Soojung:Hello,I'm Soojung,Nice to meet you

Sohee&Sehun:Nice to meet you to

Sehun:Call Me^ Uncle

Sohee:And Me^ Aunt*She Smiled*

(Seohyun and Luhan Came close to them)

Sohee:Seo Unnie!!

Seohyun:Sohee Dongsang

Sehun:Luhan,How are you?

Luhan:Good and you?

Sehun:Good to, Have you Meet Our Daughter?

Jonghyun&Taemin:What Daughter?

Sohee:^We Adopted a Daughter,She Is Here

Sehun:Oh Hara!!

(Hara came to them)

Hara:Neh Omma and Appa

Sohee:Honey Introduce you're Slef to you Aunt and Uncle,Cousins

Hara:An Mianeyo..Hello I'm Oh Hara,Nice to Meet you Aunti and Uncle,Cousins Alswell

Taemin&Jonghyun:Hello Cousin,We are Taemin and Jonghyun,I think We are Older then you

Hara:I'm 18

Taemin:Than Call us Oppa's

Jonghyun:This is my Wife,Joohyun

Joohyun:Hello,Nice to meet you Cousin

Hara:Nice to meet you to Cousin

Taemin:And this is my Fiancee Soojung

Soojung:Hello,I'm Soojung,Your New Cousin to be,Nice to meet you

Hara:Nice to meet you to

Sohee:Oh Seo Let's let them Meet Each Other.

Seohyun:Ah Neh,Let's Go Luhan and Sehun

(They Started to walk away To talk to Yoona and Donghae)

Hara:Oh...Emm...What now?

Taemin:So,New Cousin,How old Were you?

Hara:I'm 18

Jonghyun:Call Me^ Oppa

Joohyun:And Call me Unnie

Hara:Oppa and Unnie

Taemin:Call Me Oppa To

Soojung:And Me Unnie

Hara:2Oppas and 2 Unnies,Got it

Taemin:And In what School Do you go to?

Hara:I did HomeSchool


Hara:Because My Mother Wanned Me to Travel Around The World With her

Jonghyun:Oooh,I get it now

Hara:Well...Now what?

(Suzy and A Girl Came By them)

Suzy:Hi Taemin,Hi Jonghyun

Taemin&Jonghyun:Hi Suzy

Hara:Hello I'm Hara,Taemin&Jonghyun Cousin

Joohyun:Hello I'm Jonghyun's Wife

Suzy:No Need to tell me Who you guys are,I already Know,By the way This is My Friend, Nicole

Nicole:Hello I'm Nicole,Suzy's Friend,Nice to meet all you,

Suzy:She Already Knows Who you guys are

Taemin and Jonghyun:Jinjja?


Hara:Well,Let's go To dance?

Soojung:Oh,You guys Go Ahead and Go,I'll Stay here

Taemin:I'll Stay Here with Her


(All of them left to dance and Left Taemin and Soojung Talking)

Taemin:How Long Have we been Dating?

Soojung:One thing is Dating and the other engaged

Taemin:oh...Sure that

Soojung:For about...1 Month..

Taemin:Oh...And we are getting Married in?

Soojung:In 2 Weeks...

Taemin:At least Joohyun is happy*He said it in a low way so she wouldn't Hear*



Soojung:Oh Ok...


Soojung:Taemin oppa...


Soojung:So,You aren't mad that I'm getting married with you?

Taemin:Why should I,Like I said befor,I am not mad,I'm Actually Happy that we are Getting Married


Taemin:You know,That You're Are Really Pretty


Taemin:No*Teasing her*

Soojung:Aissh Oppa!!

(She Only Smacked his Arm)

Taemin:That Hurt you know

Soojung:That is what you get for saying that I'm Ugly!!

Taemin:You aren't Ugly,You More than pretty

Soojung:Pretty ugly

Taemin:Anniyo!! You're Beautiful!!

Soojung:Stop Joking...

Taemin:It's No Joke


Taemin:Really,I'm Serious

Soojung:Ok than I bevelive you

Taemin:I have Something to tell you

Soojung:Neh,What is it?

(Taemin got closer to Soojung and Wispered in her Ear Something)

Soojung:What did you say?

Taemin:Come with me to The Dance Floor

(Taemin Hold her hand and Walked over to the Dance Floor)

Soojung:Now tell me


Soojung:Me to Oppa...

(He Got Closer to Soojung and Just Kissed her Cheek)

Suzy:It's Only that?No a Honey?

Jonghyun:Just leave them,And Who are you dancing with?

Suzy:I'm Dancing with My Friend Junho

Junho:Hi nice to meet you,You are the one who got married right?

Jonghyun:Neh,I am,And this is my wife Joohyun

Joohyun:Nice to Meet you Junho

(They Keeped Dancing Until it was Over)

Seohyun:Neh Donghae,We will Take Care of Joohyun

Yoona:Ok, I trust You Seo

Luhan:We will take real Care Of Her,And More Jonghyun Who does love her

Donghae:That is good to know

Seohyun:Really Good...

Yoona:Donghae We should get going Now

Donghae:Bye,Take Care of my Baby

Yoona:Our baby

Seohyun & Luhan:We will

(Yoona and Donghae Walked over to Joohyun to say Bye And Left)

Luhan:Sometimes I just Wish that We Could Go back in Time

Seohyun:I don't,I'm happy this way

Luhan:I do see you're Happy Honey...It's Been a Long Time, Now We are Old

Seohyun:Not that Old,But Old...

Luhan:We can Still have an Other One

Seohyun:Luhan *In a Mad Way*

Luhan:I'm Kidding...

(Than Seohyun Just Giggled)

Luhan:Don't You see,Joohyun Looks Alot like you

Seohyun:Looks Or She Use to Look like me?

Luhan:Use To Look like you

Seohyun:But She is Diferent..She Inst like I use to be

Luhan:You Were more Crazy..

Seohyun:And She is Calm and Beautiful...I remember The Old times...

Luhan:Me to,Like The First Day we Got married without Knowing Each Other...

Seohyun:One of my Best Days Ever

Luhan:Metting Me?

Seohyun:Yes,Metting You.

(Than Luhan just Hugged her)

Luhan:Rememer how something The Kids Would Hide from us?

Seohyun:Neh,I remember that,And I will never forget

(Than Jonghyun and Joohyun Started to Play Around Like little Kids While Taemin and Soojung Where only Playing Around with There Hands)

The End...

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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute