. ི♥ྀ.4 Months Later. ི♥ྀ.

Your Mine Only
[4 Months Befor was the same...School and School]. ✿Monday✿ [At school] {Yuri:Wow!! Seohyun your belly is bigger} {Seohyun:i look fat!?!} {Yoona:No you don't you look tha same just with a bigger belly} {Seohyun:Seohan you keep growing until you have 9 months} {Sohee:Hehehe that's cute Omma} {Luna:Hehehe Seohan will be a boy because I say so} {Sunny:I want it to be a girl} {Seohyun:It's going to come out how ever it wants to,If Seohan wants to come out like a girl ok and Seohan want to come out like a Boy ok too} {Yuri:True} {Yoona:yep...Grow well Seohan} {Sohee:Teacher is coming} {Teacher:Good morning class} {Every one:Good morning} [2 Hours Later] {Kris:Seohyun,Hi there} {Seohyun:Oh hi Kris} {Kris:Oh and Hi there Seohan I almost dint see you} {Seohyun:Jinjja?} {Kris:Neh} {Seohyun:That made me^ happier} {Kris:Is that so} {Seohyun:Neh!!} {Kris:You know right?} {Seohyun:About what?} {Kris:You know...That after the party Luna and I Stoped talking to eachother..} {Seohyun:Yeah I remember} {Kris:It was because...*They interrupted him*} {Sunny and Sungmin:Hii} {Sunny:Sorry we came late it was because Sungmin Wanned a Candy Bar} {Seohyun&Kris:It's ok } {Sunny:Were is Sohee?} {Seohyun:Oh she went to the restroom maybe} (Sohee came In with the teache ^In back of them) [1 Hour later] {Seohyun:Finally!! I was going to sleep there} {Sunny:Hey guys Sungmin and I are going to buy food,Do you Guys want some? {Kris,Sohee,Seohyun:Neh!! Thankyou} {Sunny:Ok so than let's go Sungmin} (Sunny and Sungmin walk to the food court) {Sohee:So...We don't talk like befor..} {Seohyun:I know...Kyuhyun Moved to an other College,Sooyoung Dint come today,Yoona and Yuri are always With each other..} {Sohee:It's so right...Oh luna Unni is coming} {Kris:See ya!! *^He stand up and walked away*} {Seohyun:There goes and Other one} {Luna:Hi girls} {Seohyun and Sohee:Hi Luna Unni} (Junsu came by that time) {Junsu:Hi seo,Hi Lun,Hi So} {3 Girls:Hi jun oppa!!} {Junsu:Were is sunny?} {Seohyun:Buying food} {Junsu:Oh I want some..} {Sohee:Dont worry you can have Kris's} {Junsu:And ^He is not coming back for his food?} {Seohyun:I don't think so} {Luna:Oh...} {Sohee:It's not your fault Unni,Soo don't feel sad} {Junsu:Yeah it's not your fault!! and Seo your belly is bigger} {Seohyun:Thank you,And it has a name,It's called Seohan remember} {Junsu:Ah yeah...} (Sunny and Sungmin came with food) {Sunny:Were did Kris go? I have his food} {Sungmin:Just give it to Junsu} {Sunny:Junsu do you want some?} {Junsu:Sure} (They ate alot,After a while they went to walk) [Riiiinggg,*All this week they come out early] {Seohyun:Finally!!!} {Sunny:Is Luhan Coming for you guys?} {Sohee&Seohyun:Neh} {Sunny:Ok see you guys tomorrow,Take care!!,Junsu Sungmin let's go} {Junsu:Bye Seo,And So,And Seohan} [Sunny and the 2 guys walked away] (Luhan Came is his car) {Luhan:Lets go home!!} {Seohyun:Sohee let's go} [They drove all the way home] {Sohee:I will be Up stair if you guys need me} (Sohee walked up stairs) {Luhan:Seohan,How was you day at school} {Seohyun:It was fine,*She giggled*} {Luhan:And you Missy!! where is my kiss?} {Seohyun:Do you want it?} {Luhan:Neh!!} {Seohyun:Ok close your eyes} {Luhan:Ok *^He closed his eyes*} {Seohyun:Now...Im going up stairs} (Seohyun went up stairs and Luhan went behind her} {Luhan:Your pregnant and you can run?} {Seohyun:Of course I can!! my belly is not as big,Once I have 6 months than yeah I won't get to Run} {Luhan:Hehehe...Leaning to her ^In the wall} {Seohyun:What Are you doing} {Luhan:What you own me} {Seohyun:What do I own you?} {Luhan:My kiss} {Seohyun:Ooohhh} (Luhan kissed Seohyun...^In a deep way^) {Luhan:So what do we do now?} {Seohyun:I dont know...} (Luhan walked to the TV and Turned it on} {Seohyun:Keroro!!} {Luhan:See I told you it's always on now} {Seohyun:Sssshh!!} {Luhan: … Let me sit next to you} {Seohyun:Neh,* She moved aside to let luhan sit with her *} {Luhan:I want to sleep all day} {Seohyun:Than you won't want to sleep over night} {Luhan:True...Just a little while!!} {Seohyun:Fine!!!} (Luhan Laied on Seohyun's Lap) {Luhan:I will sleep with Seohan a bit, Right Seohan?} {Seohyun:OMO He/she just moved} {Luhan:Jinjja? Move for daddy} {Seohyun:Yah!! He/She is moving!!} {Luhan:That means I'm her/Him daddy!!} {Seohyun:Hehehe,Who else Child is it?} {Luhan:Emmm....} {Seohyun:That's cute} {Luhan:What?} {Seohyun:Our baby} {Luhan:Our baby*^He went over to kiss Seohyun*} {Seohyun:Oppa!!} {Luhan:Neh} {Seohyun:Can I take a nap?} {Luhan:Sure,come here} (Seohyun went over) {Luhan:Let's sleep for a while,* Hugging Her*} {Seohyun:Neh...} [1 Hour later] {Sohee:Hey Omma did Re already} (Seohyun and Luhan were Hugging) {Sohee:Awwww,Yoona come here!!} [Yoona was at there house doing homework] {Yoona:awwwww!!!So cute} (Luhan and Seohyun turned over an woke up) {Yoona:Sohee close the door hurry!!} (Seohyun:What time is it} {Luhan:I don't know...} {Seohyun:Lets wake up!!} {Luhan:I'm hungry..} {Seohyun:I am too} {Luhan:Do you want me to make you food?} {Seohyun:mmm maybe Do you know how?} {Luhan:Neh I do} {Seohyun:Oh let's go down stairs} (Lluhan and Seohyun Went down stairs) {Seohyun:Oppa I'm to Tierd...Can you carry me^?} {Luhan:Sure} (Luhan Carried Seohyun Bridal Style down stairs) {Seohyun:Thank you oppa} {Luhan:No problem} {Sohee:Oh Unni Hii} {Yoona:Hi Seo,Hi Lu} {Seohyun and Luhan:Hi yoon} {Sohee:So what are you guys going to do?} {Luhan:I'm going to make diner for Seohyun, Want some?} {Yoona&Sohee:Sure} {Seohyun:Stay still I'm going to help oppa} {Yoona:Oh ok...Seohyun did you already did the Arts Homework?} {Seohyun:Neh,I even turned it in} {Sohee:What was it about?} {Seohyun:Here let me help you guys} {Yoona:Aaahhhh I get it now} {Sohee:Me^ too Thankyou Unni} {Seohyun:No problem} {Luhan:Honey are you going to help me?} {Seohyun:Ah Neh..} (Seohyun walked over to the Kitchen and Helped Luhan make the food) {Luhan:Diner is surved} {Yoona&Sohee:Thank you} [The door bell ringed] {Luhan:I'll get it} (Luhan walked to the door and saw) {Sulli:Oppa,I came to say sorry...} {Luhan:I don't beleve you...} {Sulli:Oppa,I dint want to leave you!! That Is why once I saw you again I waned you back!! No one can have you but me!!} {Luhan:That's to bad,I'm Married,Im going to be a daddy,What else do I need? Nothing} {Sulli:But oppa!! I made a mistake!!} {Luhan:A mistake can never be fixed with tape...} {Sulli:Oppa!!! I need you....} {Luhan:But I Dont,I moved for a reson don't you think? I moved with my parents So I dint have to see you anymore} {Sulli:Oppa....I get how you feel,I was like that because I have no friends but you Vic,Kristal,} {Luhan:Count me^ out} {Sulli:With out you I don't know what I'm going to d0!!} {Luhan:That's to bad...I'm sorry Sulli,Can you please leave me alone?} {Sulli:If thats what you want..} (Sulli walked away crying) (Luhan Cloused the door) {Seohyun:Who was it,What tock you so long?} {Luhan:Oh it was no one} {Seohyun:Well come and sit befor your food gets cold} {Luhan:Ah Neh} End of Chapter Note:Sorry if this Chapter is Short...I hade no ideas,But I will update late night Once I get out of school...Thankyou to all my Suscribers,Please do Coment and Suscribe if you haven't,Love you all ^-^
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute