New Friends?Prt.2

Your Mine Only
 [[8 Years Later Prt.2]] (Once they got home) {Seohyun:Joohyun do you want to call you're Omma?} {Joohyun:Neh Mrs.Xi} {Seohyun:Just call Me Omma} {Joohyun:Neh Omma} (Seohyun Passed the phone to Joohyun so she Can Call Yoona) [[The Phone Conversation]] {Yoona:Hello?} {Joohyun:Omma It Me Joohyun} {Yoona:YAH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?} {Joohyun:At Aunti's Seohyun's House} {Yoona:What are you doing there?} {Joohyun:I I'm doing a School Project with Jonghyun} {Yoona:Oh,That's Good I'll pick You up at 6:00 ok} {Joohyun:Neh Omma!! Love you Omma,Saraghae!!} {Yoona:Saraghae Joo!! Bye} (They Both Ended the call) {Jonghyun:And What did you're Omma Say?} {Joohyun:That she will pick Me^ up at 6,So let's start working} (They started to work on there Project) {Taemin:Omma Can you Show Me how To Do this,Suzy and I don't know how to} {Seohyun:Sure,But I'll teach you} (They also Started to Work on there project)••••••[[5:30]]••••••• {Suzy:Mrs.Xi Can i know what time is it?} {Seohyun:Sure,It's 5:31,And call Me Omma} {Suzy:Ah,Neh Omma I  forgot ,Mianeh} {Seohyun:It's Ok don't worry} {Jonghyun:Omma,Where is Appa?} {Seohyun:Sleeping In his room,Do you guys Want Any Snacks? Cookies?} {Every One:Neh Please} (Seohyun walked to the Kitchen And Grabed a Pack of cookies and Gave it to them) {Suzy:Thankyou Omuni} {Joohyun:Thankyou Omuni} {Taemin:Thank you Omma!!} {Jonghyun:Thank you Omma} {Seohyun:Your Welcome} (Luhan Came Down stairs and Whent directly to Seohyun and the kids) {Seohyun:Did you Sleep well?} {Luhan:No,You weren't there} {Seohyun:Oppa!! Kids are here!!} {Joohyun:Omuni,Do you know my Omma?} {Suzy:And Mine to?} {Seohyun:Neh,I knowed Sunny Unnie for 15 years or so,And Yoona Unnie For 15 years To} {Suzy:Waah,Omuni You have been friends with them for a long While,Right?} {Seohyun:Neh,I have,They have been my Best friends,And Also Luna Unnie and Soo,Sica,Yul,Tae,Sohee,They were my best friends,But Luna Moved and Sohee Went around the World,Soo Comes Every 5 Times per month,Sica I haven't talked to her ^In a Long while,Yul I see her every 1 time per month,Tae I havent seen her In a very long time} {Joohyun:Waah,Omuni You have alot of friends} {Luhan:Hade..} {Seohyun:Oppa!!} {Taemin:Appa,What time is it?} {Luhan:Oh,It's 6} (^In that Moment) [DDIIINGG DOONGG] {Jonghyun:I'll get it} (He Opened the Door and It was Yoona and Sunny) {Jonghyun:Come in Noonas} {Yoona&Sunny:Seohyun!!} (Seohyun Stand up and Went to hug Them} {Yoona:Joohyun,Let's go home} {Sunny:Suzy,Let's go} {Seohyun:You guys won't stay abit?} {Yoona:We were Waiting for you to tell us ^.^} {Seohyun:Jinjja?Guys want anything?} {Sunny:Anniyo,I'm fine,Thankyou} {Yoona:I'm Fine to,Thankyou} {Taemin:Suzy,Look!!There is a bug on your Shoulder} {Suzy:Let's Examenate it} (They Grabed the bug and Luhan Saw) {Luhan:What are you kids doing with a Ladybug?} {Taemin:Examaniting it} {Suzy:Neh Uncle,We want to know how it's made} {Luhan:Emm,Ok...} {Suzy:Taemin,Let's go find Earth Worms?} {Taemin:Neh!!Let's go ^In my Backyard} (They want out to the Back yard to find Earth worms) {Luhan:I remember doing that with Sulli,I wonder how she is doing} (Jonghyun and Joohyun came With Luhan) {Joohyun:Uncle who is Sulli?} {Luhan:A Old Friend I hade...But I haven't seen her Sences Jonghyun was Born} {Jonghyun:And how did she look like?} {Luhan:That's A Secret} {Joohyun:Prettier than Omuni?} {Luhan:Noooo!!! She was Ugly, But a Nice friend} {Joohyun:Than why dint you marrie her?} {Luhan:Because,I love Seohyun} {Joohyun:But,You met her befor} {Luhan:You're a Smart Girl} {Joohyun:I know..} {Jonghyun:So we are done with the project..} {Joohyun:Finally!!} {Luhan:Was it really Hard?} {Joohyun&Jonghyun:Neh!!!} {Luhan:Oh,Well that's How hard it is} {Jonghyun:I know..} (Taemin and Suzy came In) {Taemin:Omma!! We picked a Flower for you!! It was the only one that wasent dead!!} (Taemin Run to Seohyun and Have The flower and Kissed her Cheek) {Seohyun:Thankyou!!} {Taemin:You're Welcome!!} {Suzy:Omma,We found alot of Cherry's} {Sunny:Leave them Grow bigger} {Seohyun:I think they are Ready,Want to go and Pick some?} {Taemin&Suzy:Neh!!} {Yoona:Kids Be Careful!!} {Seohyun:Unnie,You are coming to!!} {Sunny:we are to old} {Seohyun:Unnie,I'm old to!!} {Yoona:Not as old as us!!} {Seohyun:I'm 31,Yoona You're 32 and Sunny You're 33!!} {Yoona:Well we are still young} {Sunny:Let's Go and cut The Cherry's!!} [[2 Hours Later,Sunny Yoona,Suzy,And Joohyun Left home]] {Seohyun:Boys!!! Brush you're Teeth!!} (The 2 Boys Whent Running Down Stairs to the bath Room and Brushed there Teeth) {Luhan:Our Kids are Growing...} {Seohyun:I know...They will find some one Who is Perfect for them} {Luhan:They will,Unless we Make them get Married to someone they don't want..} {Seohyun:I know...Hope we don't Make that Happend..} {Luhan:Unless it's Nessesary..} {Seohyun:Oppa!!} {Luhan:Ok,Fine,Unless We need it} (Jonghyun and Taemin came out the bathroom) {Taemin:Need what?} {Seohyun:Nothing Honey Go to sleep,You to Love Jonghyun,Go to sleep!!} {Jonghyun&Taemin:Fine,Good night We Love you!!} (They Boys Went running to there Rooms and Fell asleep,And Luhan and Seohyun also Went to sleep...)End of Chapter Note:Hope you guys Liked my Chapter,Next one and it's my last Chapter...=( But Hope you guys Read " It's You Again"..Thank you all for Reading!!! Love you all
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute