The beginning

Your Mine Only
Seohyun you must do this for us please say yes,Said Seohyun's dad Dad how am I gonna get marride with a guy I don't even know?Said Seohyun, Help you dad in this only!Said Seohyun's Dad Dad im Not to sure if I get married at a young age,Said Seohyun Seohyun your old enough to get married  your 20 already,Said Seohyun's dad Fine dad,I will get marride,Said Seohyun Thankyou Seohyun,Said Seohyun's Dad --------------------------------------- *Wen they got there* Seohyun,He is Luhan,Luhan This is your new wife Seohyun,Said Seohyun's Dad. Seohyun:Nice to meet you. Luhan:Nice to meet you to Seohyun's Dad: Please Take care of our Seohyun Luhan:Yeah we will,Don't worry we will treat her nice as a family she is. Seohyun:Thank you Luhan. Luhan: ^He Smiled at her^ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ {*After they left the marriage place*} Luhan'Mom: You are welcomed in This House ok Seohyun. Seohyun: yes,Thankyou  Luhan's Grandma: Luhan go and take Seohyun to look around the house  Luhan: yes Grandma. #^*#^*{Luhan and Seohyun left to show Seohyun around the House}*^#*^#  Luhan:Seohyun this is Mine Room were you will stay as well if you feel alright sharing a room with me. Seohyun: It's Alright Luhan *Seohyun's mind: As long as I don't share a bed* *Luhan's Mind: she is so Beautiful, hope we do get along well* Seohyun:Wow out side is so Beautiful Luhan: as you... Seohyun: what did you say? in sorry I dint pay attention Luhan:oh nothing, you don't have to say sorry. Seohyun: oh ok. ^Luhan Seohyun come Down it's time to eat Dinner^  *+•*+Luhan:Were coming!+*•+* {^Seohyun and Luhan walked down the hall way^ *The maid was Cleaning the living room wen Seohyun Fell on the floor, But she din't feel much pain*} She looked over and saw Luhan under her, She felt so bad For falling on Luhan Seohyun: Are you ok? Luhan: Yes,In fine thankyou •+*^Seohyun helped Luhan get up^*+• Luhan:I think we should go down Stairs befor were to late  Seohyun: Oh yeah... Once they were done Eating dinner It was late already  Luhan: Seohyun you can stay in my bed I will sleep in the Living Room.  Seohyun:Sure,Do you really want to sleep in the Living Room?  Luhan: If it makes you confterble Than yes it dose *Seohyun Smiled at him* ^After they were done Taking a Shower^ Luhan Grabed his Pillow and every thing else ^He went to sleep at the living room. *Seohyun saw him in a couch* she said how cute! wen she was poking his cheeks* _______________________________ Luhan's Dream  Seohyun why did You Married me? Said Luhan Luhan,Why would i not! Said Seohyun Oh,But that donsent explain anything! Said Luhan... End of Dream _______________________________ Luhan Weak up!! Said Seohyun I'm Awake Now.Said Luhan *Both Got Ready to take The Grandma to the doctor for a Check up* _______________________________ Grandma: Are you guys ready? Seohyun:Yes Were are going Grandma Luhan: Grandma are you ready? Grandma: Of course I have Been ready for a long time now^_^ Luhan: Seohyun are you ready? Seohyun:yes I am I'm going Down now. Luhan:Ok Seohyun:Are we All ready? Luhan and Grandma: Yes Let's go _______________\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *Luhan Is Driving* *Wen they got there* Doctor:Oh Hello I'm Doctor Chen. Luhan: Nice to Meet you Chen in Luhan  Her Grandson, And this Is my Wife Seohyun. Seohyun:Nice to meet you Dr.Chen Dr.Chen: Nice to meet you Seohyun. Grandma: ok Dr.Chen I think you Should Go and Check me up. Dr.Chen: Yes that's the Reason why you came. ^_^ *Grandma and Dr.Chen Left* Luhan: Seohyun do want anything? Seohyun:No,im fine thank you Luhan: Are you Sure? Seohyun:Yes,Thank you  ^She Smiled at Luhan :)^ *Sudently Luhan hade a phone call* ^He lelf out the building leaving Seohyun alone^ Seohyun! Some one Yeld Seohyun:Yoona Unni! Yoona:Hi,I'm Glade to see you! Seohyun:Me to Unni, Unni Why are you Here? Yoona:Oh I came To see my Husband. Seohyun: Oh really?  *Seohyun's Mind:: I Wonder who it Is* Yoona:Seohyun I have to leave now ok,Take Care! Seohyun: You to Unni! *Luhan Came back* Luhan:I'm Sorry Seohyun I hade to Answer the phone Call. Seohyun: Oh it's okay don't Worry About it ^_^ Luhan: Did I Miss anything? Seohyun:No Not Really. *Grandma Got Out* Grandma:Thanyou Doctor  Dr.Chen: Your welcome :) Luhan:How is Grandma? Dr.Chen: Really Helthy I'm Suprisde  she has got better now Luhan:Ok Doctor Thank you good bye Dr.Chen: Have a Safe Trip.  *#^#*[End of Chapter 1]*#^#*
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute