
Your Mine Only
•+•_Sunday_•+• [It was 6:00AM] (The alarm Went on) {Seohyun:Good morning Luhan oppa*Poking his face*} {Luhan:Good morning Princess*Kissed her Eye In accident} {Seohyun:Oppa!!! you kissed my eye!!} {Luhan:Did I?} {Seohyun:Neh!!} {Luhan:Oh sorry...I waned to kiss your lips} {Seohyun:Oppa...} {Luhan:Seohyun have you been eating alot?} {Seohyun:mmm No why?} {Luhan:You look a bit bigger Almost nothing} {Seohyun:So your saying I'm fat!?!} {Luhan:mmm I never said that!!!} {Seohyun:Well....I'm kinda dizzy} {Luhan:Are you ok?} {Seohyun:Neh of course} {Luhan:Are you sure?} {Seohyun:Neh!! maybe I eat to much...} {Luhan:Don't think your fat because you're not!!} {Seohyun:Jinjja Oppa?} {Luhan:Neh...oh wait!!!} {Seohyun:What!?} {Luhan:Is there a chance your pregnant?} {Seohyun:mmm no...} {Luhan:mmm} {Seohyun:Oppa!?!?} {Luhan:What!?!} {Seohyun:Maybe!?!} {Luhan:Is it my Child!?} {Seohyun:No Kris's Child!! Of course it's yours!!} {Luhan:I'm going to be a daddy?} {Seohyun:Maybe not...} {Luhan:ooooww...} {Seohyun:I told you once I was out of college!!} {Luhan:What's my fault!?!} {Seohyun:Oppa!!!} {Luhan:What?} {Seohyun:mmm there is a 50% 50% Chance} {Luhan:That is great!! I want a boy} {Seohyun:Oppa!?!? what if I'm not pregnant?} {Luhan:Than Better for you} {Seohyun:But what if I am!?!?} {Luhan:Better for me!!!} {Seohyun:Oppa this is not a game!!} {Luhan:Ok wait!! want to go to have a Check up?} {Seohyun:Yes!!} {Luhan:Want to go now?} {Seohyun:*She Said yes only moving her head*} {Luhan:Ok let's ge ready} {Seohyun:Neh oppa} [They got Dressed and went to the Clinic} {Nurse:Seohyun?,Seohyun?} {Luhan:Good luck!!} {Seohyun:Nurse I'm here} (Seohyun and the Nurse went over to the room) [30 Min.Later] (Seohyun and the Nurse came out) {Seohyun:Oppa...} {Luhan:Neh?} {Nurse:Congradulations your wife is pregnant} {Luhan:What? Jinjja?*In a Happy way*} {Seohyun:Oppa*in a happy way*} {Nurse:Here are the results..."Positive"} {Luhan:Jinjja:D *He hugged Seohyun*} {Seohyun:Oppa did I make you happy?} {Luhan:Neh you did...} {Seohyun:Oppa can we go home Now?} {Luhan:Sure!! Let's go} [They Left the Clinic and went over to there house to say the news] {Sohee:Were where you guys!?! i was looking for Omma and Appa but just dint find you guys} {Luhan:Should we tell her?} {Seohyun:Neh...} {Sohee:About what?} {Luhan:Sohee Daughter...Omma is pregnant} {Sohee:What!?!??} {Seohyun:Surprise!!} {Sohee:I'm so happy for you guys!!*She hugged them*} {Luhan:They said she only hade 3 weeks} {Sohee:Jinjja? Than your still small little one!!} {Seohyun:Wow only 3 weeks? I can't imagine 8 Months} {Sohee:Unni oppa are you guys going to tell sunny and Sungmin and every one else?} {Luhan:Of course she is right?} {Seohyun:Neh!!...} {Sohee:We should get ready} {Seohyun:I'm i fat?} {Luhan&Sohee:Nooo!! your still the same size} {Seohyun:I feel weird now...} {Sohee:Aww that is normal!!} {Luhan:Should we go to there house so you guys get ready?} {Sohee:Neh!!} {Seohyun:Let's get our Dress and then go} {Sohee:Neh!!} [Luhan Droved them to Sunny's House] {Sunny:Oppa what time is it?} {Sungmin:10am why?} {Sunny:Seohyun Luna and Sohee were going to come here} {Sungmin:Oh Jinjja? Let's get ready for when they come} [Knock Knock,Diiinnngg Dooonngg,Diiinnngg Dooonngg] {Sunny:They are here} {Sungmin:I will open} (Sungmin walked to the door and opened it} {Sohee:Hii oppa!! were is sunny Unni!?!} {Sungmin:Over here...*^In a Sleepy way^*} (Seohyun,Luhan and Sohee Walked inside) {Sungmin:Come in*Said after they went in} {Seohyun:SUNNY GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE !!} {Sunny:WAIT I'M GOING!!!} (Sunny Went Down stairs) {Sunny:Ok so what did you need me for?} {Seohyun:Happy bithday!!} {Sohee:Happy birthday!!} {Luhan:Happy birthday!!} {Sungmin:Oh yeah...Happy birthday!!} {Sunny:Thank you guys!! I love all of you!!*^In a Teary way*} {Sohee:Unni don't cry!! we have really good news too!!!} {Seohyun:Really good news..} {Sunny and Sungmin:What is it?} {Luhan:I'm going to be a daddy} {Seohyun:Omma I'm pregnant again!!} [Sunny & Sungmin Were shocked] {Sunny:Jinjja!?!? I'm so happy for you!!!} {Sungmin:Congratulating For 2 of you!!} {Luhan & Seohyun:Thanck you!!} {Sohee:Grandma I'm going to have a little brother or sister} {Sungmin:That means I'm getting older} {Sunny:I'm going to tell Tiffany Unni!!} {Seohyun:NOO wait I will tell them now} [Diiiinnnggg doonng,Diiiinnnggg Doonggg] {Sunny:I will get it} [It was Kris,Kyuhyun,Tiffany,Luna,Yoona,Yuri] {Sunny:Oh what brings you guys here?} {Every on:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!} {Sunny:Thank you guys!!! Come ^In} (They walked inside) {Sohee &Sunny:We have good news!!} {Yoona&Yuri:What is it?} {Luna&Kris:We have one too!!} {Khyhyun & Tiffany:Ok we have 2 News!!} {Sungmin:First is the more important!! Wich is Luhan's And Seohyun's and Sohee's News} {Tiffany:Oh wow what is it?} {Luhan: I'm Going to be Daddy} {Seohyun:I'm pregnant} {Sohee:My mom is pregnant!!} {Every one:What!?!?!?} {Tiffany:Seobaby!!! I'm so happy for Both of you guys!!!} {Yoona&Yuri:Seobaby!!! Seo is not a baby anymore!!} {Yoona:She is a Seomomy} {Seohyun:hehehe Don't exaggerate!!} {Luna:Ok that is much better than mine..I mean ours right?} {Kris:Right} {Kyuhyun:Congratulating!!} {Luhan &Seohyun:Thank you guys!!} {Sunny:Ok now Luna's and Kris's News} {Luna:Ok...Me^ and Kris are dating} {Kris: sure we are...} {Sungmin:What? Jinjja? How cool} {Yoona&Yuri:Oh that is good...} {Sohee:Congratulating Unni!!} {Luna:Thanks} {Sungmin:How cool and Kris come over here} {Kris:Ah Neh} (Sungmin and Kris walked away from were they were at) {Sungmin:Dint you love Seohyun?} {Kris:Neh...But I Just noticed that I can't have her...Not now not never...} {Sungmin:so your using Luna for a Replaysment?•Sorry If I Spelled it wrong•} {Kris:Of Couse not!!! I Started to like Luna...We have things ^In comun} {Sungmin:Ok but you better not Treat Luna bad ok!!} {Kris:Ok!!} (Yoona and Yuri walked to them) {Yoona:Oppa do you really like Luna Unni?} {Kris:Of Course I do!!} {Yuri:Oh we just Thought you love Seohyun} {Kris:Did...She will never be mine...} {Yoona:Its for a good} {Yuri:Ok lets go over there or lease they will say that we are talking bad about everyone} (They walked to were they were at) {Tiffany:Yay!! Luna Hase a Boyfriend and Seohyun is going to have a Baby!!} {Luna & Seohyun:Heehehe} {Yoona:Let's get dressed girls!!} {Yuri:Neh befor it's late!!} {Sohee:But were?} {Sunny:Over ^In the Closet room} {Seohyun:and Were is that at?} {Sunny:Girls Follow me!!} (They Walked over to were The Closet room was at) (All the girls started to get ready and Helping sunny with her make up) To Be continued Note:Wow I did a lot of surprises hehehe I hade no ideas...Like I said ^In tha last Chap.29 Were I asked who...That guy will Be Sunny's Best Cousin...Hope you guys liked this Chapter Thank you guys so much for Suscribing and for Comenting!!! Hwating!!^-^
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute