:)Best day Ever(:

Your Mine Only
{Tiffany Walked to The Living Room and the alarm} {Tiffany:Wake up!!!!!} (Every one got Scared and went running Down Stairs) {Sohee:I'm wake!!*Said In a Sleepy way*} {Yoona:Me too...*She put her head on Yuri's Shoulder} {Yuri:Neh...we are...*She put her head over Yoona's Head} {Tiffany:Did you guys sleep well?} {Sunny:Neh...until a alarmed !!} {Tiffany:Sorry...You guys Have school at what time?} {Sunny:8:00Am....The teacher goes ^In at that time...} {Tiffany:Ok girls Go an take a Shower!!} {All the girls but Seohyun:Neh!!!} {Kris:Seohyun Wake up...} {Seohyun:Monster!!} {Every one:What?} {Seohyun:Nothing...*She blushed..*} {Kris:What did you dream?} {Seohyun:That a big monster was going to Step on me!?!} {Kris:Oh was I there?} {Seohyun:Yup...and that you...Never mind} {Kris:What?} {Seohyun:Nop nothing} {Tiffany:You guys stop flirting!!} {Kris&Seohyun:We are not!!} {Sungmin:We Noticed you guys like each other!!} {Kris&Seohyun:Not True!!!} {Tiffany:I need Straberrys!!} {Yoona&Yuri&Sunny:We will go and buy some!!} (^In that moment Sohee got out of taking a Shower) {Sohee:Who is next?} {Seohyun:Me Sohee} (Seohyun went inside the bathroom and locked the door) {Tiffany:Ok girls Go and buy 1 Pack} {Sunny:Ok Unni!!} (The 3 Girls Walked outside and saw it was hot so they went to change again) {Tiffany:What is it?} {Sunny:It's so dam Hot!!} {Tiffany:and...} {Yoona:We are going to put some Shorts on} {Yuri:Neh...} (The girls Changed ^In less than 5Min.) {Yoona:Ok we are ready!!} {Sunny&Yuri:Neh!!} {Yuri:Let's go to the Store!!} {Yoona:Tiffany Unni were is a store?} {Tiffany:Oh one in a Block Away...It's not that far} {Yuri:Ok Unni...Let's go and buy Straberrys} (All the girls Went outside and It was hot outside) [Inside the house](Onces Seohyun got out) {Sohee:Unni what are you going to Wear?} {Seohyun:I'm not sure...} {Sohee:I saw out side and Yoona Unni said that It was Hot...So I'm going to wear Shorts and a Tanktop..} {Seohyun:Me to...But I don't know...Maybe Just Geans Or what ever Tiffany Unni Let's me Wear} {Sohee:She will Make you Wear Shorts and A Tanktop..} {Seohyun:Neh...I feel a bit uncofterble for wearing that} {Sohee:You shouldent Unni!! I wear them all the time!!} (They Hurd knocks on the door) {Tiffany:Girls Lets go and Change!!} {Seohyun&Sohee:Neh!!} (They walked out of the room and went to The Big Changing room) [At the Store] {Sunny:Oh yummy Straberrys were are you?} {Yoona:OMO} {Yuri:WTF!?} {Sunny:What?} {Yoona:Is that Luhan with?} {Yuri:Maybe Yoona} {Sunny:No way!! ^He still talks to that !!} (Luhan Saw them an walked to them with Sulli) {Luhan:Hi there} {Sunny:What do you want!!} {Luhan:I just waned to say hi and That if you have seen Seohyun...She is missing!!} {Yuri:Well...well,Well...Look what we got here..} {Yoona:A Dushanbe Bag and A Jerk ^In one person!!} {Luhan:You are mistaking everything!!} {Sulli:Boyfriend Why are they talking to you that way?} {Yoona:~*Whispering*} {Sunny:Faker...*Whispering*} {Yuri:Ugly...*Whispering*} {Luhan:HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!} {Sulli:How rude!!} (She walked away) {Yoona:Your not going to go on back of her?} {Luhan:Of course not!! I only love Seohyun} {Sunny:Oh ok and why did you kiss Sulli} {Yoona:Yeah why!?!?} {Luhan:Because I choose Seohyun over Sulli that why and it was a friendly kiss not a real kiss!! and If I only love Seohyun do you think that I'm possible of doing that? well ok I'm ^In love with Seohyun and I love her alot!! more than anything!!} {Yoona:Yuri Unni can you and pay for the Straberrys?} {Yuri:Neh!!} (Yuri went to pay Them) {Yoona:Back to Luhan...Your an idiot!! you not even Allowed to kiss anyone else than you wife and Your mother that is it!!! you were only thinking about yourself!!how can you do this to Seobaby?} {Luhan:I dint mean to hurt her and yeah I was only thinking about my self} {Sunny:Let's just settle this...Luhan Do you love Seohyun?} {Yoona:WTF?} {Luhan:Yes I love her more than anything!!} {Sunny:Ok will you be willing to take care of her?} {Luhan:Of couse with all my life!!} {Sunny:Wait for her after school and than take her to a place were Not EVEN SULLI can find you guys} {Luhan:Thank you!!Thank you!!I will get to see my only love!!} {Yoona:Unni....Why?...} {Sunny:Because if I dint tell him I think ^He was going to get crazy!!} {Yoona:More?} {Luhan:Yah I'm Here!!} {Them:Sorry...} (Yuri came back) {Yuri:Ok let's go back!! Bye luhan} {Luhan:bye!!!Sunny Yoona and Yuri!!} To be continued Note:Sorry if it's Short...i'm really busy trying to pasa my tests My Teachers are making me do... I will up date part 2 later...Hope you like part 1!!Hwating!!
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute