*•+•The First Day Of College Prt.3•+•*

Your Mine Only
(The Bell Ringed) {Sohee:Good thing we dint get late} {Sunny:Neh...Soo Sohee with who do you sit with?} {Sohee:By my Self} {Seohyun:Sunny Unni you can sit with Sohee I will sit next to Kris} {Kris:Jinjja...I mean yeah} {Sunny:Neh...}(Sunny sat next to Sohee) {Kris:Seohyun Will they come for you?} {Seohyun:Maybe I'm not sure} {Kris:If they don't just call me} {Seohyun:But i dont have your number} {Kris:Here *^He gave her his Number^*} {Seohyun:Thanks *She Smiled at him} {Kris:No problem *Smiled back*} {Seohyun:Oh the Teacher is here} {Kris:A Neh} (One Hour past} {Sunny:Ok to the next class} {Seohyun:We get to see Yoona Unni and Suho} {Sohee:Who is Yoona?} {Seohyun:Oh are friend she is really friendly} {Sohee:ooo....} {Sunny:Don't worry she won't bite at all} {Sohee:Oh ok...I already meet all the boys right?} {Seohyun:Neh...} (They were Walking wen suddenly) {A boy:Oh I'm really sorry} {Seohyun:Oh don't worry} {The boy:Are you ok*Hold her hand to lift her up} {Seohyun:Neh..No harm*She smiled*} {Sunny:Who are you? well what your name} {The boy:Lay...well that call me Lay} {Sunny:Nice to meet you Lay} {Lay:Nice to meet you? what is your names?} {Sunny:In sunny,She is Seohyun,And She is Sohee} {Lay:Nice to meet you guys,And Sohee nice to see you again} {Seohyun&Sunny:You guys know each other?} {Sohee:…I don't remember} {Sunny:I thourgh you were from Busan} {Sohee:I'm am...} {Lay:You don't remember me? not even a bit?} {Sohee:I'm sorry...But I don't} (Lay & Sohee were really close friends until one day Sohee left him when they were 10 years old) {Lay:Well I have to get to class..Bye hope to see you guys again} {Sunny&Seohyun:Neh!! bye!!} (Lay walked away) {Seohyun:Sohee you are sure that you don't remember him?} {Sohee:Neh...I have no idea of who ^He is} {Sunny:Oh well maybe you guys went to the same school but different class} {Sohee:Maybe} (Yoona saw them) {Yoona:Sunny Unni!! Seohyun~ah!!} {Sunny&Seohyun:Hii!!!} {Yoona:Who is She} {Seohyun:She is are friend Sohee} {Sohee:Hello I'm Sohee Nice to meet you} {Yoona:Nice to meet you Sohee hope we can be good friends my name is Yoona} {Sohee:Neh Yoona} {Yoona:Call me Unni} {Sunny:Ok are last class} {Seohyun:Neh...Good thing} {Yoona:I have class with Sooyoung so bye see you guys later} {All 3 girls:Bye} (Yoona walked away) {Sunny:Oh look Sehun is there} {Sehun:Anneyeon Noonas} {All 3Of them:Oh hello Sehun~ah} {Sehun:Hi Sohee..} {Sohee:Hi..*Said in a shy way*} {Sunny:Ok let's go in class now} (All 4 of them walked inside of the class) {Sunny:Seohyun,Sohee,Sehun:Let's sit there) {All of them:Neh...} {Seohyun:I will sit with sunny or do you want to sit next to sunny Sohee?} {Sohee:No it's ok I will sit next to Sehun oppa} {Seohyun:Oh ok} {Kris&Taeyeon:Hi guys} {All of them:Hi} {Taeyeon:Who is the girl sitting next to Sehun?} {Sehun:Her name is Sohee...She is are friend} {Taeyeon:Oh...Hi!! hope we can be friends} {Sohee:Nice to meet you,And hope we can} {Taeyeon:Oh I will sit with Kris...} {Kris:No again!!} {Taeyeon:Why not?} {Kris:Because your to loud I can't consentrait} {Yuri:Sorry I'm late!!} {Taeyeon:Fine I will sit next to Yuri!!} {Kris:Thank you Yuri} {Yuri:Yourwelcome?} {Yuri:Oh hi there,} {Sohee:Hello...I'm Sohee...Your friends friend} {Yuri:Oh your there friend than your my friend to} {Sohee:Thankyou..} {Yuri*She smiled*} (The teacher came in) {Sehun:Sohee...Can you help me here?} {Sohee:Oh Neh were?} {Sehun:On this problem} {Sohee:Oh Neh..} (Kris was growing papers at Seohyun) {Seohyun:Yah!!Kris oppa!!!} {Kris:What did I do?} {Seohyun:Don't throw papers at me!!} {Kris:What if it wasent me?} {Seohyun:Am watching you e.e} {Kris:Ok ok!!} (10 Min for the class to be over) {Teacher:For tomorrow we will need:*Blablablablabla*} [Riiinggg] (The bell ringed) {Kris:Seohyun...do you want me to take you to your house?} {Seohyun:No thanks it only 4pm I can go by my self.. Or maybe Luhan is going to come for me} {Kris:Oh...Well if you go by your self you know what to do} {Seohyun:ok thanks oppa} (Luhan came) {^He Grabed Seohyun's Hand Because ^He saw them together {Luhan:Let's go honey} {Kris Hold the other hand of Seohyun} To be continued
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Im so soo sorry I'm not good a making Storys so yeah.... I'm sorry if I used a pic that I dint creat


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 48: of course i will read Crazy Love
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!!!!~
Chapter 47: Near the end it should show *:)
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww wht a happy ending love it:$
Chapter 45: really that was fast the two boys are getting married already!!!!
Chapter 43: Woooohhahhh they finally meets suuny's and Yoona's daughter
Chapter 41: wowowowo what a naughtl husband she have=)i find that funny
Chapter 40: Awwwwwwww sooooooooooo dubbbber cute