(Doojoon's POV)

My Shy Boy


Doojoon sighs as he was elected to retrieve Shy Boy from his dressing room. The others waited for him by the door chatting about the performances. He knocked on the door only hearing a creak as the door open on it's own. He shakes his head walking in to see Shy Boy asleep in a chair, he gathers up his strength expecting him to be heavy. Doojoon in his surprise nearly drops Shy Boy quickly his athlele reflexes kick in as he adjusts Sung Rin in his arms. Doojoon freezes looking into Sung Rin's sleeping face confused.

"Shy Boy isn't...a boy?", he whispers.

He heard the others approaching quickly he adjusts Sung Rin so the others won't be able to find out. Doojoon knew he should go straight to the President with this information but that would send her away. The new knowledge he had about her helped him understand her behavior as well as his own. She was a hidden gem amongst shiny rocks. He didn't want to send his daughter away to fall into the hands of another group. Doojoon looked up at the others who smile covering their mouths seeing Sung Rin asleep. Doojoon decided to  watch over her as much as he could. He carried her out to the car putting her between him and the window knowing he would have to protect her from his own bandmates. The car ride was uneventful as it starts raining. Although it got interesting trying to get her inside as Doojoon refused to let s help him.

"Hyung, you should let Kikwang Hyung help"


"Neh~", Yoseob coos, "You're so strong Kikwangie~"

"I got he-- him"

"Are you okay hyung?", Dongwoon tilts his head.

"Neh, I got him"

Doojoon sighs as he finally gets her inside her room and under the covers. He sat on the edge of her bed trying to relax a bit. Doojoon paused as he swore she was trembling so he pulled the covers over her hoping that would help. Her eyes fly open as the sound of thunder fills the room! He tries to see if she's okay but before he could she clings to him trembling still. Doojoon wanted to laugh as he thought about it. She was scared of thunder? That almost made sense to him given this was the first stor since she moved in they hadn't found out...till now. The other members can be heard approaching making Doojoon. Doojoon slowly leaves stopping the five from trying to enter the room. He explains that Shy Boy wasn't up to seeing people however a faint whimper in Sung Rin's room draws the five to barge in.


"Gwenchanna", Doojoon goes over to the bed.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Don't laugh", Doojoon glares at them, "He's afraid of thunder"

"Thunder?", Dongwoon slowly repeats.

Sung Rin buries her face in Doojoon's arm proving his point.

"It's cute!", Yoseob smiles.

"Better than being afraid of bugs", Hyunseung looks at Dongwoon.

"T-that's all of you", Sung Rin manages.

"Bwoh?", Yoseob smiles at her.

"I saw Idol Maid"


Awkward silence.

"The storm looks like it's almost over", Kikwang announces.

"Jinja?", Sung Rin looks up at Doojoon.

He smiles, "Neh, almost"

The six stay in her room distracting her from the booming thunder as much as they could. Slowly one by one they venture to their beds leaving Doojoon up with her. He smiles playing games with her till she yawns leading him to put her to bed. She smiled up at him surprising him with the bright smile.


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Sorry if the next few chapters are delayed. I'm trying to work on a story that I will try to get published.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 18: sweet story
Chapter 18: Yes!! Haha I was rooting for Kiki to win!! >.<
spartace #3
Chapter 3: great storyline!! I'm expecting alot for the next few chapters kekeke I liked how you had the pictures resdy for the chapters!