(Sung Rin POV) Secert Holiday

My Shy Boy

"Shy Boy!"

"You can call me Sung Rin"

"Rinnie!", a member smiles.

"Come on~"


"We have a photo shoot"

"We? As in me too?"

"Of course you are our son", Hyosung giggles.

I follow my so called mothers trying to keep appropriate distance so none learned my secret. Th though almost made me smile, I'm keep a secret from Secret. They dragged me to the set getting several pictures taking of themselves before dragging me into it. They made me show some aegyo which didn't go well since I was not sure how to do aegyo for another female. Forced to try again I copied expression I had seen Yoseob do which they simply loved. I had to dodge one as she tried to hug me after being so touched by my aegyo. The four women did not like that reaction at all quickly scolding me. I walk off the set afterall it wasn't like they could do worst than scold me. My phone chimes demanding my attention, the caller ID reads Kikwangie. I quickly answer with a smile happy to hear one of the members of Beast's voice.

"Yebosaeyo? Hyung?"

"Neh...how are you doing?"

"Checking up on me?"

"Neh", Kikwang laughs.

'Kikwangie! Who are you talking to?'

"Yoseob is as active as ever", I laugh.

"I'm talking to Sung Rin ah", Kikwang tells Yoseob.

'Sung Rin ah...'

I sigh hoping Yoseob would keep his promise.

"Tell Hyung...I'm going to--"

"Shy Boy?"

I nearly drop my phone hearing the eerie familar voice our the woman marked as my ideal type. Slowly I turn looking at her regretting my decision based her outfit. It looked like something from her Ice Cream music video. Hyuna takes my phone ending the phone call for me giving a smile I was only used to seeing in her music videos. Typically I would never be flustered or in a panic based on another female's appearance but this was a female known for being a y icon on top of that she thought I was a man. I believe I have a right to seem a bit flustered or in a panic based on that logic.

"So you are Shy Boy"

I slowly nod.

"Are you single, Shy Boy?"

I slowly nod.

"Not anymore", Hyuna smiles.

I watch unable to stop her as she puts her name in my phone leaving only after planting a kiss on my cheek. For a few minutes I sit trying to process what just happen then, of course, the members of Secret migrate over to me. I am going to die by interragation then my fan base however big will avenage me. They barrage me with questions not giving me a chance to answer I doubt they would even accept the answers. The photoshoot ends with that sour note and so does my first day with Secret. I wish I could say the next few days were better but Hyuna had my phone number and seemed to always know where I was. All the Min and Shy Boy rumors turned into Shy Boy dating Hyuna rumors, which based on our first meeting she thought we were just like the nation. It wasn't exactly a romance I wanted. I was looking more for a male to do this sort of thing not Hyuna, a female. My phone never stopped ringing as most of the members of Beast always wanted to ensure that it was just some silly rumor. Doojoon and Yoseob just called to see if I needed help or to cheer me up. I was happy Beast kept my phone busy since it prevented Hyuna from getting ahold of me and I couldn't do anything about it.

"So you aren't?"

"Ani, Kikwangie Hyung", I repeat.

"O-okay....if you say so"

He seemed to be calling more than the others.

"I guess in a week or so you'll be able to come back"

"Neh, hyung"

".......Are you sure?"

"Hyung, I'm not dating Hyuna"



GHE NOTES           Mianhae! Thousand times over, Mianhae! I'm truly sorry I took this long for a chapter. I will finish this story soon.

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Sorry if the next few chapters are delayed. I'm trying to work on a story that I will try to get published.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 18: sweet story
Chapter 18: Yes!! Haha I was rooting for Kiki to win!! >.<
spartace #3
Chapter 3: great storyline!! I'm expecting alot for the next few chapters kekeke I liked how you had the pictures resdy for the chapters!