(B2ST's POV) Moving in

My Shy Boy

Sung Rin follows the six listening to the band talk amongst each other but stops once they get to the door leading to the crowding Beast fans. They had come personally to show Sung Rin his new home unfortunately their fans had followed them. The band smiles trying to coax the boy to meet the fans given he would have to sooner or later. The two younger members come up an idea, Dongwoon puts his jacket on Sung Rin pulling the hood over the younger boy's head. Sung Rin hangs his head moving back away from Dongwoon bumping into Doojoon. The group slowly with lots of Hyunseung's strange help heads outside. The loud cheers from the fans startle Sung Rin leading him to freeze up but with Yoseob's encouragement the seven make it to the car.

"Wow! Sung-ee is so popular!"

"Kikwang...they're chanting B2ST"


"Ah! Sung Rin ssi! He smiled!", Junhyung smiles.

Sung Rin hangs his head shaking it.

"It's okay to laugh in front of us, we all make fun of Kikwang"

"Gwenchanna Sung Rin ssi", Kikwang smiles.

Sung Rin shakes his head.

"Wow...Sung-ee is soo polite", Yoseob says blinking.

"Good, once he gets used to the spotlight then he can help me with the interviews", Doojoon smiles at Sung Rin.

The car slowly pulls up to the building that each member saw everyday barely paying attention to the fans circling it. As each one got out the fans parted letting them past, Doojoon stayed behind helping Sung Rin get inside the building. They surprise Sung Rin by showing her the extra dressing room that they fixed up to be his room. After going on Idol Maid the six had their original dressing room in working order so this one was an extra. Doojoon pats Sung Rin's head with a smile as the six leave him alone in his new bedroom. Kikwang and Yoseob bug him an hour later to find him curled into a ball on his bed.

"Kikwangie, Sung-ee looks a lot like a girl when he sleeps.....if this was a drama he'd really be a girl you know"

"Yoseobie are you teasing me again?"

"Ani...thinking out loud"

"Oh...I guess you're right though"

"He'd be a girl and Hyunseungie or Junhyungie would get him"

Kikwang nods, "Or Doojoon hyung"


"Yoseobie! Kikw--"

Yoseob rushes from the room, "Shh! Sung-ee is sleeping"

"Already? He's only been here for about an hour"

"Over an hour Junhyung"

"Bwoh? I thought...hmmm"

"Yoseobie is right", Kikwang smiles brushing Sung Rin's hair from his face, "You do look like a girl...a cute girl"


GHE NOTES      Sorry it took so long I got caught up in writing The Girl in the Trash Bag

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Sorry if the next few chapters are delayed. I'm trying to work on a story that I will try to get published.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 18: sweet story
Chapter 18: Yes!! Haha I was rooting for Kiki to win!! >.<
spartace #3
Chapter 3: great storyline!! I'm expecting alot for the next few chapters kekeke I liked how you had the pictures resdy for the chapters!