My Shy Boy

"Secret's Hyosung iminda"

"Beast's Yoseob imnida", he chimes cutely.

"Yoseob ssi are you excited?"

"Neh! I can't wait to see Sung-ee perform~"

"Then let's introduce his first performance"

"Neh~", Yoseob smiles, "Sung-ee doing a cover of I Need A Girl with Min from Miss A"

Yoseob covers his mouth after saying Min from Miss A looking around. The camera pans to a dim stage that lights up as the music starts. Shy Boy stands on the stage wearing a white tee shirt and black skinny jeans. Min appears as Shy Boy starts to sing fans watch eagerly as the recent scandal between the two makes the performance much more entertaining. Junhyung appears rapping G-Dragon parts with Shy Boy dancing beside him with a slight smirk. Butterflies within in the crowd explode seeing it snapping pictures, fans only grow silent as the dance approachs the point where Min is to kiss Shy Boy's cheek. Another loud explosion of fans cheering as Min shyly pecks his cheek. Shy Boy ends the song by hugging Min leading the crowd to explode into even louder cheers.

"Wow! They really liked that", Kikwang nods.

"Before we let the TS Ummas take the stage...Min, over here", Yoseob gestures.


"What was it like dancing with Sung-ee?", Yoseob asks right away.

"....Interesting", she blushes.

"You managed to keep your composure though", Kikwang smiles.

"You look like you had fun so let's move on! Here's Secret with their song Posion"

The fans watch their eyes scanning the stage looking for Shy Boy but this performance was just Secret. This time instead of Yoseob MCing it was Jieun and Hyosung. The two women introduce a performance by Shy Boy and his Cube appas; an original song called My Butterfly. Junhyung had written it for Shy Boy to perform the Secret MCs reveal to the fans. The song was suppose to be for the fans but many thought it was for someone else.

"Shy Boy and Joker taking charge", Shy Boy smiles winking at the fans.

Delicate wings
Fluttering in my stomache
a beauty before my eyes
My Butterfly

As Shy Boy sings about beauty Yoseob and Hyunseung appear on stage in drag dancing with Junhyung and Shy Boy while Kikwang, Doojoon and Dongwoon take the role of back up dancers. The song continues on with Junhyung and Shy Boy singing and rapping to Yoseob and Hyunseung playing the role of the supposed Butterfly. Fans cheer as Shy Boy seems to flirt with Yoseob touching his cheek even ending the song with a kiss on Yoseob's forehead. Hyunseung tries to get Junhyung to kiss him to pointing to his cheek waiting but Junhyung runs away. Shy Boy laughs leading both 'ladies' backstage like a gentleman making the fans cheer just before they get out of sight Hyunseung pulls Shy Boy close acting as if he was kissing him. Only a few fans close to the stage caught sight of Doojoon and Kikwang pulling Hyunseung off Shy Boy. Camera pans to Junhyung and Dongwoon who are MCing.

"Dongwoon isn't this his present to his fans?"

"Neh hyung, his special present"

"......Here's Shy Boy with Break Out! by DBSK"

Camera pans to the stage where Shy Boy stands with Kikwang, Hyunseung, Yoseob and Doojoon. The five spring into action dancing in perfect unison with the beat. The five men perform the song to the best of their ability but the fans cheer regardless of any mistakes they might see. With the performance over Doojoon puts his arm around Shy Boy's shoulders the possible bromance driving fans crazy. This time Shy Boy joins Yoseob and Kikwang as the close the showcase.

"Sung-ee! Did you have fun?", Yoseob asks excitedly.

"Neh, Hyung"

"Did enjoy performing?", Yoseob asks excitedly.

"Neh, Hyung!"

"Is all you're going to say?", Yoseob asks teasingly.


"Aigoo", Yoseob sighs.

"As long as you had fun", Kikwang smiles.

"Did you have more fun with the TS Ummas or us?"

He tilts his head thinking.

"Oh, come on say us!"

"Why ask..."

"Aish! You're no fun!"

Shy Boy pouts, "But I had fun performing My Butterfly"

Yoseob brightens trying to act cute, "You liked me in drag?"

"It was fun", Shy Boy blushes.


"Hyung!", Shy Boy whines to Kikwang who smiles at both.

"Aigoo", the two sigh at Kikwang.

"Let's end it there, Hyung", Shy Boy takes over Kikwang's MC duties.

"Neh! This was Sung-ee's Showcase"

"I had fun"

"We all had fun!", Yoseob laughs.



GHE NOTES                Shy Boy has debuted! More interesting stuff on the way! Shy Boy now has an album to worry about!

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Sorry if the next few chapters are delayed. I'm trying to work on a story that I will try to get published.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 18: sweet story
Chapter 18: Yes!! Haha I was rooting for Kiki to win!! >.<
spartace #3
Chapter 3: great storyline!! I'm expecting alot for the next few chapters kekeke I liked how you had the pictures resdy for the chapters!