Yoseob POV

My Shy Boy

I sat next to Doojoon wondering just what to do, it was becoming obvious to me that Kikwangie liked Sung Rin. Doojoon thought I was being silly although the more I think about it...it seems like Doojoon likes her too. I may be curious to see if he does but I'm smart enough to know that is dangerous terriority. The members could overhear and label our leader gay then it would be a matter of time before they push him to drop out. I couldn't do that to him. Kikwangie on the other hand doesn't know that Sung Rin is a woman. I want so badly to tell him and help him. He looks so exhausted without her around. Doojoon however trusted me with her secret so I can't betray Sung Rin by spread her secret around.

"Yoseobie...where did you put that...hat?", Kikwang asks.

"Going out?"


I bite my lip, "Kikwangie--"

"Yoseobie, you should go get that for him", Doojoon stresses.


"Come on Kikwangie", Doojoon leads Kikwang away.

I sigh feeling like bursting into tears. How can I help Kikwangie and keep Sung Rin's secret? My phone rings the music greeting me made me jump up. I had programmed one of Sung rin's songs to play when she called me. She didn't seem upset like usual which meant Hyuna must be leaving her alone for awhile. She said Secret was letting her finish her resting period at her friend Sooyoung's house. I wondered why she mentioned it until I heard a faint noise in the background. A pool? In this weather she was at a pool?

"It's an indoor pool"


"Sooyoung said if you or Doojoon wanted to come visit you could"

I smile seeing the reason behind the call, she wanted someone to come visit her. I promise her that I will hurry to head over right away then thought about inviting Kikwang. It would be the perfect chance for him to see she was a she without me telling him. Although I guess it would be breaking the promise still. No good deed goes unpunished for sure. I grab my swimming trunks with a spare change of clothes trying to hide where I was going as no one needed to know or they all would come. Doojoon seemed to get that it had something to do with Sung Rin since I was being secretive but looked hurt I didn't tell him. For some reason I didn't want him being able to see Sung Rin in a bathing suit. It is a confusing feeling. I know I don't want to date Sung Rin but I still want to protect her. I guess this is what older brothers feel towards their younger sisters. I make it there no probelm thinking about Doojoon, Kikwang and Sung Rin.

"Yoseobie!", Sung Rin hugs me.

"A wig?"

"Yeah, Sooyoung says it makes me look more like a girl"

"Sung-ee...I need to talk to you about that"

"Wait! I forgot to tell you about my music video!"


"I'm making it after my rest peroid"

"What about it?"

"I'll be wearing girl clothes and a wig like this"


"After which Shy Boy will disappear....and Sooyoung will help me get work as a photographer"

"Sung-ee cast Kikwangie in your music video"

"Not Doojoon Oppa?"

".....Ani, Kikwangie"

I wasn't sure why I was pushing them together but for some reason I was. Kikwang with Sung Rin didn't bother or irk me as Doojoon with Sung Rin. She explained that she had to cast two guys although she'd have to kiss one. Again I found myself like an eager fan trying to ship Kikwangie with Sung Rin unlike a fan I had the power to make this happen. Sung Rin led me inside listening to me talking nonstop about what had happened to Kikwang after she left. I could tell it affected her listening to how it hurt him hearing Hyuna was dating her, how he struggled with not being able to see her and I never thought to explain that I had only noticed this myself. Kikwang never said he missed her although it was clear in his eyes when he spoke to her on the phone. I often thought maybe that night when uttered that sentence maybe Kikwang took it to heart. '...if this was a drama he'd really be a girl...and Hyunseungie or Junhyungie would get him' I froze remembering his response; Or Doojoon hyung. That feeling creeped over me, I don't understand why but it wasn't pleasant thinking of them together.

"I'll cast him", Sung Rin smiles.

"Don't cast Doojoon hyung"


"C-cast...Junhyung hyung"

"Wae, Yoseobie?"

"It'll look better on camera"


I smile slightly watching her think about it. Whatever the reason I wanted her to be with Kikwang I'll stick by it. I know Doojoon won't like it but I think he'll get over it.

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Sorry if the next few chapters are delayed. I'm trying to work on a story that I will try to get published.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 18: sweet story
Chapter 18: Yes!! Haha I was rooting for Kiki to win!! >.<
spartace #3
Chapter 3: great storyline!! I'm expecting alot for the next few chapters kekeke I liked how you had the pictures resdy for the chapters!