Conquest 3 Foreword

The World Key Only Knows


“Ughahh,” I rubbed my stomach tiredly.


“Are you alright Key? You’ve been gagging ever since after I made you eat my food again…” Sulli worriedly said.


“Obviously I would when you added spicy ingredients to that cake! You lack common sense,” I replied, irritated.


“No I don’t! I was first in my class back at Hell for Korean culture,” She retorted proudly.


“Really? Then what was the last thing you learned about our present economy?” I placed my hands over my hips. That devil had absolutely no clue about South Korea now.


“Ehm…Actually I expected South Korea to be still connected to North Korea when I came here so-”


“That was more than 400 years ago! Come on, let me get you some knowledge to put in that brain of yours,” I interrupted, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the enterance of my house.


“Where are we going?” Sulli asked while I slipped on my shoes.


“The library, of course.”


She nodded as I opened the door to leave. It was a twenty minute walk, from the school to the study place.


When we got there, Sulli began to sing an odd cheer. “Common sense~ common sense~ going to find some common sense!”


I rolled my eyes when just after a few minutes, already the girl was distracted.


“Look at this truck, its bright red!” She exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the fire truck on the book’s cover.


“Yeah, I know,” My mouth mumbled while browsing through a rack of magazines.


“Where are there more of these books?” She questioned, jumping up and down.


“Go to a student librarian to ask for help,” I muttered after picking up a glossy fashion editorial off of the shelf.


“Okay.” Sulli scrambled towards somewhere after hearing my response.


At last, some peace from that persistently talkative demon. I sat myself down at a wooden chair, and began reading. Each page was full of colorful and pretty flower boys, and I smiled at their reasonable clothes. Oh how enjoyable it was to see people dress nicely.

This generation lacked stylish men.


“Aah!” My ears flinched at Sulli’s faint voice in the background.


I sensed footsteps run towards me, so I lazily hauled my head up from what I was reading.


She came over to me, panting exhaustedly.



My eyes landed on her left hand which was covering the glowing sporadic pin in her hair. 



A/N: Ohohoho, a conquest foreword has appeared. This chapter ending required a bit of thinking, so hopefully you get it. If you peoples remember correctly from the poll, Minho is the one with the library conquest. So minkey :P (A lot of you subbers voted for Onew's conquest but I wanted to save it for last~) Comments would be great! I'll update fairly soon :D

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Chapter 14: OMFG I love TWGOK!! Lol Onew's funny xDDD
Shine_Gurl97 #2
Chapter 14: *chanting* continue! continue! continue!
Chapter 14: I love it! Haha I hope you update soon! ^^ Especially since I just found this story~ :3
Chapter 14: OOOOOHHHHH I want to see the outfits soooooooo bad!!!
Chapter 14: I freaking loved the anime and I freaking love this! Please update soon~
Chapter 13: I just found this story and I loveee it. :)
Can't wait for another update<3
Unknown09 #7
Chapter 13: Gosh onew's gif is ! OTL waeeeee no new chapter but it said it was updated?
Chapter 14: ajdfakjdfjasd DONT DELETE!!!!!!
Chapter 14: I definitely agree that Onew has fine abs (unfunfunf) and I hope they'll be relevant to the story because abs in any story = perfection. (Just a heads up though, the first picture is actually of Lee Joon ^^" At first glance I thought it was Onew too, but then came the disappointment :c)
Unknown09 #10
Chapter 13: Onew have abs! Tofu abs! Hahahahahahahahhaha the he'll onew why you stripping infront of key?