
~Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby~

Wookie sang so beautifully, Yesung had no other wish in the world than to listen to it forever.

She played softer and sang louder as she grew comfortable in Yesung's presence, singing her heart out until Yesung was sure he was in love.

The song came to an end and Wookie looked up at Yesung shyly. Yesung smiled a small, sweet smile.

"Where did you ever learn to sing like that?" he asked.

"I uh...I've always been able to sing like this, I didn't need any lessons or anything," Wookie admitted.

Yesung's eyes widened. "Really? Aish, lucky, I had to teach myself," he said shaking his head, his silver cross earring dangling in his ear.

"My mother doesn't have much money so she couldn't pay for singing lessons, I managed to teach myself though, but you have natural talent."

"I'm sure you have natural talent too Sungie," Wookie burst out, she gasped and calmped her hands over . "I - I mean Yesung-oppa,"

Yesung eye smiled. "It's okay Wookie-ah, you can call me Sungie if you want to," the nickname was cute. Just like Wookie.

Wookie, face flushed, looked down suddenly. "Why are you so nice to me?" she murmured.

Yesung looked confused. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asked.

"Because...I'm not good for anything," Wookie said.

"Who told you that Wookie?"

"My mother...mother's are always right aren't they?"

"No," Yesung hugged Wookie without thinking. "You're lovely Wookie, you have a beautiful voice, you're kind and polite, and you're cute too. That's a plus."

Wookie smiled a little.

"Don't let anyone tell you different." Yesung said. "Why would she say that anyway?"

Wookie went on to tell him how her father left her mother, and her mother took up drinking and got really mean.

Her mother began beating her and saying everything was her fault, and evnetually she ran away.

"I still have scars." she said quietly.

Yesung, who had been listening quietly, noded in sympathy. "Do you get nightmares?"

"Sometimes. It's very....unpleasant. Those nights I sleep in Minnie's bed," Wookie answered.

"Here," Yesung said handing him something in a bag.

Wookie hadn't noticed the bag before, and she picked it up with interest. "What is it?" she asked.

Yesung smiled. "I was in town yesterday and saw it, it made me think of you. And I think you could use it when you have a nightmare,"

Wookie pulled out what was inside the bag, it was a plushie giraffe toy.

"Oh Sungie I love it! Thank you so much!" Wookie hugged Yesung tightly. "But why would you get this for me? You only just met me,"

"I may have only just met you, but already I can tell you're an honest, kind, shy person. You deserve nice things Wookie," Yesung said.

Wookie grew suddenly sad. He was lying to Yesung about who he really was...he didnt' deserve Yesung's kindness...

She started crying. Yesung panicked.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" he asked.

"N-No S-S-Sungie, I just c-can't take this k-kindness from y-you," Wookie sobbed.

"Why not?"

"Beacuse I'm a b-bad person, and I've b-been l-lying to you t-this whole t-time!" Wookie said.

"Lying? About what Wookie? Hang on, calm down so we can talk," Yesung patted the younger's back until she stopped crying.

"I'm s-sorry." she said.

"About what?" Yesung asked, more confused than ever.

"My name is Kim Ryeowook. I'm a boy and I lied to you and I'm sorry,"

Ryeowook took off his wig and went to run away but Yesung caught him by the wrist.

"Ryeowookie, I have a confession to make," he said.

Ryeowook looked back to him.

Yesung smiled. "I actually like boys. And I really like you,"

Ryeowook blinked. "Y-You do?"

"Yes." Yesung pulled him in close. "And I'd be very happy if you'd be my boyfriend,"

Ryeowook looked at him for a long time. The he smiled and wrapped his arms around Yesung.

"Yes! Yesung-hyung I'd love to be your boyfriend!" he cried happily.

Yesung smiled and hugged his cute new boyfriend. He'd have to take him somewhere special for their first date, and he knew just the place.



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Chapter 16: hehe, it was cute! I realy liked the idea behind it, the way you did it at least is quite good. But there are a few points I would like to mention which I didn't like that much. For example: I still don't know what exactly happened to HeeChul himself (well yes, you wrote that he slipped in ion but what had happened to his leg??)
I also think it was sometimes rather short, like the time in which the BOYS thought, the others were girls.. They found it out too fast - at least in my opinion.

But all in all I really liked your story!
2PMWooFan13 #2
Chapter 19: It's my first time role playing
Can you help me please?
kwokjiayi #3
Chapter 18: So you are asking me something? Can you private message me? Tks :)
kwokjiayi #4
Chapter 18:'s shock to see my name randomly on a page
YouLostMe #5
Chapter 12: Nice story. Are u anti snsd?
maedeh #6
Chapter 18: hi
it was fun thanks for it
SONErickson #7
dinocheeese #8
Chapter 16: That was interesting! Hahaha love the final reveal of their gender;D
Chapter 16: Ahhh!why is it over!? Make a sequel!