
~Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby~

Kevsica rinsed out her spare stockings in the sink, sighing as she scrubbed the make-up off her face, re-applying it for another shift.

She had three appointments this afternoon, and all would be painful. All three men she had scheduled were drunk truck drivers that tipped well - mainly because they were so drunk - if she done her job without complaint.

Their smell was almost as bad as the pain they delivered during service. 

But work was work, and Kevsica was behind in her rent. 

One more week and her boss would kick her out for not earning enough money. 

Kevsica thought briefly about her encounter with Teukie. She did'nt know Teukie very personally, but she knew her through Heesica.

Heesica and Kevsica had been a twin act, the Sica Sisters. 

They had brought in a lot of money at the Kitty Club, the strip/ dance club where they earned their living.

One day a mobster offered them a job that payed better than their job at the Kitty Club.

Both being young and naive took his offer, and ended up prositutes.

Three years into business Heesica was picked up by the principle of SM Instiute for Girls, and Kevsica stayed in the mob family.

Apparantly the principle was a creepy ahjussi that wanted to get into Heesica's pants, Kevsica hadn't heard anything about him succeeding yet, but it was only a matter of time.

Fixing her wig Kevsica moved about her dingy apartment to go to work in the back alley or the cab of someone's truck.

The front door swung shut and locked before she could leave. With wide eyes she turned and saw him.

"Hyung?" Kevsica gasped.

It was the first time Kevsica and seen Heesica wearing male clothing in nearly five years.

Heechul was in jeans and a white button-up shirt, leaning agaisnt the wall.

"Kevin-ah, you are not going to work tonight." he said.

"W-Why?" Kevsica asked worriedly.

"Because i'm taking you with me," Heechul grabbed her wrist and pulled her forcefully down the stairs.

Kevsica wasn't very strong and Heechul pulled her into a van where his friends were waiting, they then took her to SM.

"You deserve a better life than this Kevin," Heechul mumbled dragging Kevsica to their dorm.

"Keep him here, I have a date and I don't want to be late, when I come I'll talk to him," Heechul ordered.

The others nodded and watched Heechul leave.



another short one...but i'll come up with something good next chapter promise!

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Chapter 16: hehe, it was cute! I realy liked the idea behind it, the way you did it at least is quite good. But there are a few points I would like to mention which I didn't like that much. For example: I still don't know what exactly happened to HeeChul himself (well yes, you wrote that he slipped in ion but what had happened to his leg??)
I also think it was sometimes rather short, like the time in which the BOYS thought, the others were girls.. They found it out too fast - at least in my opinion.

But all in all I really liked your story!
2PMWooFan13 #2
Chapter 19: It's my first time role playing
Can you help me please?
kwokjiayi #3
Chapter 18: So you are asking me something? Can you private message me? Tks :)
kwokjiayi #4
Chapter 18:'s shock to see my name randomly on a page
YouLostMe #5
Chapter 12: Nice story. Are u anti snsd?
maedeh #6
Chapter 18: hi
it was fun thanks for it
SONErickson #7
dinocheeese #8
Chapter 16: That was interesting! Hahaha love the final reveal of their gender;D
Chapter 16: Ahhh!why is it over!? Make a sequel!