
~Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby~

haha okay there's a little confusion wit the song @hopefulstartii the song is called Chobyeol written and sung by our Heechul xD day by day is just hightlighted because he's emphasisng those words, he's singing them louder than the others, okay? ^^ okay so on with the chapter kkkk sorry its so short

and guys ignore any other highlighted words, its not my doing its just the internet spamming with links to ads -_- dont click on any of them they could be dangerous



It was a good thing Hyukkie wasn't wearing a skirt today, because she was going to teach Donghae a few tricks.

She put on the music and stood in the middle of the dance floor, in front of Dongahe.

"You ready to get beaten by a girl?" she mocked.

"Tch. Don't even try sweetheart," Donghae grinned.

Hyukkie smirked and broke out into dance in time with the music.


^ watch this from 1:29 (unless you wanna watch Hangeng and Shindong dacne too) this is what their dance battle kinda looks like, im just too lazy to try and write it xD please enjoy

Hyukkie turned off the music and grinned, panting hard and sweating, at Donghae.

"Okay," Donghae huffed, "I admit, you're good."

Hyukkie smirked smugly.

"But this ain't over," Donghae the music again and started dancing.

Hyukkie mimicked his movements, adding his own flair to them and grinning at Donghae's frustrated look.

Then Donghae had an idea, he attempted a one-handed handstand, something he'd never doen before.

He got up all right, but then his arm gave out and he came crashing down.

"Donghae!" Hyukkie turned off the music and rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think I'm okay." Donghae muttered, embarrassed he'd fallen over in front of Hyukkie.

"You sure? Need me to help?" Hyukkie asked urgently.

"No i'm fine," Donghae said sitting up, his face beat red.

"You sure? Your wrist looks twisted, let me just..." Hyukkie reached over to grab his wrist.

"No!" Donghae pulled back, startling Hyukkie and causing her to fall on top of him.

Their faces were inches away, and both blushed to the roots of their hair.

Then Donghae noticed something about this 'girl', he felt something downstairs....

Hyukkie realised and leapt off of Donghae, "Sorry!" she cried smiling sheepishly.




The bell rang for class and Hyukkie grabbed her bag in a hurry. "Wellthere'sthebellIshouldgetgoingbecarefulnottogetcaughtbytheteachersbyeHae," she gabbled and ran out of the dance room.

The only part of that sentence Donghae could make out, even after minutes of trying to work it out, was "bye Hae,"

"Hae?" he asked himself.

Hyukkie had given him a nickname?

He looked up from where he still sat on the floor dazed, what had been that thing he felt?

It was probably just his imagination, wanting Hyukkie to be a boy so badly that he just imagined he could feel a --

Ah , now he was hard.

Sighing, Donghae stood up and went to find a bathroom.




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Chapter 16: hehe, it was cute! I realy liked the idea behind it, the way you did it at least is quite good. But there are a few points I would like to mention which I didn't like that much. For example: I still don't know what exactly happened to HeeChul himself (well yes, you wrote that he slipped in ion but what had happened to his leg??)
I also think it was sometimes rather short, like the time in which the BOYS thought, the others were girls.. They found it out too fast - at least in my opinion.

But all in all I really liked your story!
2PMWooFan13 #2
Chapter 19: It's my first time role playing
Can you help me please?
kwokjiayi #3
Chapter 18: So you are asking me something? Can you private message me? Tks :)
kwokjiayi #4
Chapter 18: Oh....it's shock to see my name randomly on a page
YouLostMe #5
Chapter 12: Nice story. Are u anti snsd?
maedeh #6
Chapter 18: hi
it was fun thanks for it
SONErickson #7
dinocheeese #8
Chapter 16: That was interesting! Hahaha love the final reveal of their gender;D
Chapter 16: Ahhh!why is it over!? Make a sequel!